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This book defines and discusses the term “hidden geographies” in two ways: systematically and by presenting a variety of examples of the research fields and topics concerning hidden geographies, with the aim of stimulating further basic and applied research in this area. While the term is quite rarely used in the scientific literature (more often as a figure of speech than to illustrate or problematize its deeper meaning), we argue that hidden geographies are everywhere and many of them have significant impacts on (other) natural and social phenomena and processes, subsequently triggering changes, for example in landscape, economy, culture, health or quality of life. The introductory sec...
Knjiga, ki je bila izdana ob predsedovanju Slovenije Evropski uniji, vsebuje strnjene in nazorno (s preglednicami, statističnimi podatki, dodelanimi tematskimi zemljevidi ter številnimi barvnimi grafikoni in fotografijami) prikazane relevantne podatke o naši državi, od temeljnih kulturno-zgodovinskih podatkov do bistvenih informacijo naravnem okolju in družbenem razvoju. Na koncu sta dodana imensko kazalo preglednega zemljevida Slovenije na strani 31 in petjezični slovarček glavnih zemljepisnih izrazov.
Terraced landscapes with agricultural terraces are cultural landscapes with a special value. They provide food and also have priceless scientific, cultural, historical. ecological, aesthetic, and even psychological, philosophical, and religious value. They form a unique agricultural and ecological system that can be found throughout the world. In some developed civilizations they were created in an organized manner over millennia, and in others they arose completely spontaneously as people adapted to natural conditions and improved their opportunities to make a living. They therefore reflect a harmony between man and nature, and in many cases also between people themselves. This volume prese...
Zbornik je nastal ob 30. mednarodnem geografskem kongresu, ki je od 15. do 20. avgusta 2004 potekal v Glasgowu na Škotskem. Avtorji so v 26 prispevkih podali razmeroma celovit geografski pregled Slovenije. Po splošnem uvodnem opisu in umestitvi Slovenije v Evropo so prikazane njene naravnogeografske značilnosti, podnebje, vegetacija, prebivalstvo. poselitev in naselja, raba tal, industrija in turizem. Predstavljene so tudi možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja. S tem so mednarodni geografski srenji predstavljene geografske discipline, s katerimi se slovenski geografi najbolj intenzivno ukvarjamo. Knjigo bogatijo številni kakovostni tematski zemljevidi, povedne fotografije in preglednice. Na zadnji platnici je še pregledni zemljevid Republike Slovenije.
The CHERPLAN project (CHERPLAN stands for “Enhancement of Cultural Heritage through Environmental Planning and Management") aims to provide a strong basis for ensuring compatibility and synergy between cultural heritage conservation and socioeconomic growth by fostering the adoption of a modern environmental planning approach throughout southeast Europe (SEE). The aim of environmental planning is to integrate traditional urban/spatial planning with the concerns of environmentalism to ensure sustainable development; when innovatively applied to cultural heritage sites, environmental planning’s comprehensive perspective can be regarded as composed of three spheres: the built and historical...
V knjigi, ki prinaša celovito predstavitev naših visokogorskih jezer, oceno njihovega ekološkega stanja in razlago dogajanj v njih skozi zgodovino, so zbrani rezultati več kot desetletnih raziskav 18 avtorjev. V delu je podan geografski opis in nastanek visokogorskih jezer, hidrološke povezave med njimi ter fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti jezerske vode. Opisano je življenje v njih in spremembe, ki so jih jezera doživela v zadnjih stoletjih, opozorjeno pa je tudi na problem onesnaževanja visokogorja.
The Triglav Glacier lies on the southeast edge of the Alps, in the Julian Alps below Mount Triglav, Slovenia’s highest peak. Its upper edge lies at 2,500 m. The glacier has been regularly measured, observed, and studied since 1946 by the Anton Melik Geographical Institute at ZRC SAZU. When measurements began it covered 14.4 ha, but today it covers less than half a hectare. The glacier no longer has all glacial features. Thus one may only speak of a glacier because of its past, when it clearly had the basic features of an alpine glacier. Analysis of the geomorphic forms of the Triglav Mountains allows reconstruction of past glaciation. Moraine deposits above the upper edge of Mount Triglav...
This book identifies and discusses research directions, challenges and achievements in contemporary geography. It also documents the most current theoretical and methodological considerations undertaken by scientists representing various sub-disciplines of geography with particular reference to human geography. It was assumed that the thematic structure of the currently active International Geographical Union (IGU) problem commissions corresponds to the most relevant and current research directions in geography. Reflecting this assumption, the book consists of 14 chapters contributed by geographers representing 14 problem commissions of the IGU, which allows us to examine geography from diff...
Knjiga prikazuje problematiko dnevnih potovanj šolarjev in delavcev v Sloveniji, zlasti z vidika izbire prometnega sredstva. Prvi del knjige analizira način prevoza na posameznih relacijah in po posameznih skupinah dnevnih vozačev (osnovnošolci, srednješolci, študenti in delovno aktivni). Ugotavljali smo, na katerih območjih in na katerih relacijah v Sloveniji je uporaba javnega potniškega prometa najšibkejša in skušali podati razloge za to. V drugem delu publikacije so obravnavani primeri dobre prakse na nekaterih območjih, kjer je prišlo do precejšnjega izboljšanja ponudbe javnega potniškega prometa (Dol pri Ljubljani, Ankaran, Idrija, Nova Gorica). Sintezna spoznanja so podana kot priporočila za pripravo možnih ukrepov spodbujanja bolj trajnostnih oblik prevoza na delo in šolo.
This interdisciplinary volume explores the role of culture in single-industry communities facing the loss of their major industry. In a series of innovative case studies extending from New Zealand and Slovenia to the contemporary Nordic and Baltic States, the contributors address a wide range of topical issues. These include the role of the community’s past as a marker of its newly reconstructed identity and the importance of local traditions, landscapes, and place-related memories in post-industrial communities formerly dependent on one single employer or industry. The empirical case studies emphasise the role of cultural memory and local identity as communal strategies of survival and perseverance in such places and provide fresh perspectives into this turn to culture. The four parts of the book address such topics as the symbolic governance of change, tradition as capital, narratives as collective memories, and post-Soviet transition in comparative perspective. The team of international contributors hails from Australia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, and Slovenia and represents the fields of sociology, cultural policy, cultural history, landscape studies, and geography.