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Remitting, Restoring and Building Contemporary Albania
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 283

Remitting, Restoring and Building Contemporary Albania

The edited collection is a fresh contribution to the anthropological, sociological, and geographical explorations of time-space in Southeast Europe and Albania in particular. By delving into various levels of people’s daily lives, such as literature, relation to the environment, the urbanization process, art, photography, trauma and remembering, processes of modernity, the volume vividly portrays various realms that are lived and perceived. It largely builds on the premise that structural resemblances of the past continuously reappear in particular social and cultural moments and seek to restore and build the individual and collective lives in contemporary Albania.

Nationalist Historiography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 412

Nationalist Historiography

Nationalist Historiography examines how nationalist agendas influence historical narratives and national identity. This essential read explores the impact of nationalism on historiography across various contexts. Chapters Highlights: - 1: Nationalist Historiography - Basics of how nationalist views shape historical writing. - 2: Chinese Historiography - Influence of Chinese nationalism on historical scholarship. - 3: Nationalism - Broad implications of nationalism on historical interpretation. - 4: Aryan Race - Misuse of the Aryan race concept in nationalist historiography. - 5: National Myth - Construction of national myths through historical writing. - 6: Phoenicianism - Role of Phoenician...

Les Pélasges
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 446

Les Pélasges

Cette thèse concerne la période préhellénique et archaïque de la Grèce et vise à étudier la tradition chez les auteurs antiques sur les origines de la civilisation grecque à travers la référence aux Pélasges. Elle apporte un nouvel éclairage sur nos acquis historiques, culturels et met en exergue les prémices de la civilisation grecque apparue après le VIIIe s. av. JC. Hécatée de Milet, Homère, Hésiode, Hérodote, Thucydide ou les auteurs tragiques ont largement mentionné les Pélasges comme ayant peuplé les régions qui allaient devenir la Grèce et mis en évidence leur autochtonie. Prédécesseurs des Grecs, ils leur ont légué les éléments essentiels de leur civil...

Mother Teresa
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 369

Mother Teresa

A personality of Mother Teresa's calibre and global reach does not come about by chance. To provide a well-rounded portrait of this influential figure, this book approaches her in the context of her familial background and ethnic, cultural and spiritual milieus. Her life and work are explored in the light of newly-discovered information about her family, the Albanian nation's spiritual tradition before and after the advent of Christianity, and the impact of the Vatican and other influential powers on her people since the early Middle Ages. Focusing on her traumas, ordeals and achievements as a private individual and a public missionary, and her complex spirituality, this book contends that Mother Teresa's life and her nation's history, especially her countrymen's relationship with Roman Catholicism, are interconnected. Unravelling this interconnectedness is essential to understanding how this modern spiritual and humanitarian icon has come to epitomise her ancient nation's cultural and spiritual DNA.

Nationalistische Geschichtsschreibung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 490

Nationalistische Geschichtsschreibung

Die nationalistische Geschichtsschreibung untersucht, wie nationalistische Agenden historische Erzählungen und die nationale Identität beeinflussen. Diese unverzichtbare Lektüre erforscht die Auswirkungen des Nationalismus auf die Geschichtsschreibung in verschiedenen Kontexten. Höhepunkte der Kapitel: - 1: Nationalistische Geschichtsschreibung – Grundlagen, wie nationalistische Ansichten die Geschichtsschreibung prägen. - 2: Chinesische Geschichtsschreibung – Einfluss des chinesischen Nationalismus auf die Geschichtswissenschaft. - 3: Nationalismus – Weitreichende Auswirkungen des Nationalismus auf die Geschichtsinterpretation. - 4: Arische Rasse – Missbrauch des Konzepts der a...

민족주의 역사학
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 362

민족주의 역사학

민족주의 역사학은 민족주의 의제가 역사적 서술과 국가 정체성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 조사합니다. 이 필수 읽기는 다양한 맥락에서 역사학에 대한 민족주의의 영향을 탐구합니다. 각 장의 하이라이트: - 1: 민족주의 역사학 - 민족주의적 관점이 역사 저술을 형성하는 방식에 대한 기초입니다. - 2: 중국 역사학 - 중국 민족주의가 역사학에 미치는 영향. - 3: 민족주의 - 민족주의가 역사적 해석에 미치는 광범위한 의미. - 4: 아리안 인종 - 민족주의 역사서에서 아리안 인종 개념을 오용합니다. - 5: 민족신화 - 역사쓰기를 통한 ...

One Hundred Years of Communist Experiments
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 410

One Hundred Years of Communist Experiments

Why has communism’s humanist quest for freedom and social justice without exception resulted in the reign of terror and lies? The authors of this collective volume address this urgent question covering the one hundred years since Lenin’s coup brought the first communist regime to power in St. Petersburg, Russia in November 1917. The first part of the volume is dedicated to the varieties of communist fantasies of salvation, and the remaining three consider how communist experiments over many different times and regions attempted to manage economics, politics, as well as society and culture. Although each communist project was adapted to the situation of the country where it operated, the studies in this volume find that because of its ideological nature, communism had a consistent penchant for totalitarianism in all of its manifestations. This book is also concerned with the future. As the world witnesses a new wave of ideological authoritarianism and collectivistic projects, the authors of the nineteen essays suggest lessons from their analyses of communism’s past to help better resist totalitarian projects in the future.

Milliyetçi Tarih Yazımı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 407

Milliyetçi Tarih Yazımı

Milliyetçi Tarih Yazımı, milliyetçi gündemlerin tarihi anlatıları ve ulusal kimliği nasıl etkilediğini inceliyor. Bu önemli okuma, çeşitli bağlamlarda milliyetçiliğin tarih yazımı üzerindeki etkisini araştırıyor. Bölümlerde Öne Çıkanlar: - 1: Milliyetçi Tarih Yazımı - Milliyetçi görüşlerin tarih yazımını nasıl şekillendirdiğinin temelleri. - 2: Çin Tarih Yazımı - Çin milliyetçiliğinin tarih bilimi üzerindeki etkisi. - 3: Milliyetçilik - Milliyetçiliğin tarihsel yorum üzerindeki geniş etkileri. - 4: Aryan Irkı - Milliyetçi tarih yazımında Aryan ırkı kavramının kötüye kullanılması. - 5: Ulusal Mit - Tarih yazımı yoluyla ulusal m...

Egypte, inspirations poétiques
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 262

Egypte, inspirations poétiques

"J'écris des poèmes simples, universels, Sans prétention, pour exprimer Et partager mes émotions, mes idées Avec un monde en changement perpétuel. [...] Je souhaite que ma poésie fasse vibrer La corde musicale de l'amour souverain, Tout en donnant aux lecteurs de quoi méditer." Poèmes sensibles, touchants et significatifs, "Égypte, inspirations poétiques" n'est pas un recueil de poésie anodin où le poète n'est que rêveur. Ici, il est avant tout un esprit vif qui allie avec subtilité sensibilité et créativité. Une invitation dans un univers intimiste, aux plus près des racines de l'auteur : l'Égypte.

Dacopatia si alte rataciri romanesti
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 514

Dacopatia si alte rataciri romanesti

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2023-10-03
  • -
  • Publisher: Humanitas SA

„«În vremurile noastre de presupus acces la totalitatea informaţiei, orice mitologie este o rătăcire», scrie Dan Alexe. Iată o veste proastă pentru cei deprinşi să-şi ducă viaţa îngenunchind în faţa pădurii naţionale de eroi şi statui: voievozi, poeţi sau călugări scuturaţi de frisonul profeţiei. Dacopatia şi alte rătăciri româneşti propune un tip de deconstrucţie care ar putea să-l expună pe autor oprobriului public. Şi totuşi, riscul merită asumat. De ce? Fiindcă există în gândirea noastră o sumedenie de fixaţii, obsesii, fobii şi convingeri care se cer disecate, explicate şi înţelese. Narcisismul delirant, protocronismul în plăci, proastele...