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This book presents a multi-layered analysis of the situation in Central Europe after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The new geopolitics emerging from the Versailles order, and at the same time ongoing fights for borders, considerable war damage, social and economic problems and replacement of administrative staff as well as leaders, all contributed to the fact that unlike Western Europe, Central Europe faced challenges and dilemmas on an unprecedented scale. The editors of this book have invited authors from over a dozen academic institutions to answer the question of to what extent the solutions applied in the Habsburg Monarchy were still practiced in the newly created nation ...
Impressively situated on the Danube, Bratislava boasts stunningly-restored Baroque, Rococo and art-nouveau buildings. Beyond the capital visitors will find a country packed with architectural gems, the renowned wooden churches of the Presov region, imposing fortresses, romantic castles and medieval ruins - all within easy reach thanks to an excellent transport system.
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
Published in 1995, "Film & Television" is an important contribution to Film and Media.
Kniha BERNOLÁKOVCI: PREMOŽITELIA ČASU – vytvorená v spolupráci s Domom Matice slovenskej Košice, Kulturologicko-filozofickým odborom Matice slovenskej a Archívom Matice slovenskej – je zároveň zborníkom textov z vedeckého podujatia BERNOLÁKOVCI, ktoré sa konalo na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, ale aj populárno-náučný materiál, ktorý približuje životy a diela predstaviteľov prvej vlny národného obrodenia. Kniha obsahuje bohatú obrazovú prílohu, medailóny, ukážky tvorby, faksimile, rukopisy, korešpondenciu, portréty a autentické citáty týchto osobností. Okrem úvodných príhovorov je kniha rozdelená do štyroch častí: 1. základný pedagogický úvod s grafickou prílohou a ukážkami prác určený najmä žiakom základných a stredných škôl; 2. recenzovaná vedecká časť (vedecké príspevky pre vedcov a univerzity), 3. populárno-náučná časť (kolektívne spracované medailóny), 4. kultúrno-osvetová časť (reportáže z podujatí Matice slovenskej o bernolákovcoch). Kniha je zároveň poctou prvej generácii národného obrodenia, ktorú si Matica slovenská pripomenula vyhlásením ROKU ODKAZU BERNOLÁKOVCOV.
The anthology Life and work of Štefan Boleslav Roman brings welcome speeches and popularizing, professional and scientific contributions that were heard at the international scientific seminar of Slovak Matica, which took place on October 26, 2022 in Martin. In the introductory preface, the compiler of the almanac, Zuzana Pavelcová, states the inspirations of the registry staff, which led to the preparation of the scientific seminar and compilation of the almanac. The honorable place of the first published speech in the collection belongs to the Reverend Dušan Tóth, the former general secretary of the Slovak World Congress and a personal friend of Štefan Roman. In the commemorative addr...