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Historically, technological change has had significant effect on the locus of administrative activity, cost of carrying out administrative tasks, the skill sets needed by officials to effectively function, rules and regulations, and the types of interactions citizens have with their public authorities. Next generation Public Sector Innovation will be “Government 3.0” powered by innovations related to Open and big data, administrative and business process management, Internet-of-Things and blockchains for public sector innovation to drive improvements in service delivery, decision and policy making and resource management. This book provides fresh insights into this transformation while a...
Psicologia, exercício físico e saúde – Vol.: 02 Autores: Paula Teixeira Fernandes Este livro - idealizado pelo Grupo de Estudos em Psicologia do Esporte e Neurociências (GEPEN) - foi elaborado por alunos, profissionais e pesquisadores renomados, refletindo a interdisciplinaridade e a riqueza dos temas que integram a Psicologia, o Exercício Físico e a Saúde. Este Volume 2 foca na relação entre atividade física, exercício físico e saúde mental, mostrando como o movimento pode ser ferramenta poderosa para o bem-estar integral. Com abordagem teórica e prática, o livro explora temas que vão desde a promoção de habilidades de vida até intervenções psicossociais em condiçõe...
La prima edizione di questo libro, edita in Germania nel 1991 e tradotta a pubblicata in Italia nel 1992 da Arnoldo Mondadori, ebbe grande successo, perché offriva per la prima volta un'informazione densa ed esauriente del fenomeno design, visto nelle tre prospettive: come nasce, come si manifesta dei diversi Paesi del mondo, quali teorie esso ha generato. Opportuna è stata la sua decisione di riproporlo ampliato e aggiornato, perché da allora il mondo del design è cambiato radicalmente, e perché "Oggi, la vita della maggioranza delle persone non sarebbe più concepibile senza il design". Naturale, dunque, la decisione di ISIA Design Firenze di promuoverne, su proposta di Paolo Deganell...
This book is intended for undergraduates and young researchers who wish to understand the role that different branches of physics and mathematics play in the execution of actual experiments. The unique feature of the book is that all the subjects addressed are strictly interconnected within the context of the execution of a single experiment with very high accuracy, namely the redetermination of the Avogadro constant NA, one of the fundamental physical constants. The authors illustrate how the basic laws of physics are applied to describe the behavior of the quantities involved in the measurement of NA and explain the mathematical reasoning and computational tools that have been exploited. I...
Ultrasound guidance of liver surgery is a very sophisticated approach that permits the performance of otherwise unfeasible operations, discloses the true extent of tumors, increases the indications for hepatectomy, and renders surgery safer. Despite this, it has remained relatively neglected in the literature over the past two decades, during which time much progress has been achieved. This is the first atlas on the subject, and it is comprehensive in scope. The state of the art in the use of ultrasound for resection guidance is carefully documented, and new techniques for exploration of the biliary tract and facilitation of transplant surgery are presented. Further important topics include ...