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Epistemic Artefacts A Dialogical Reflection on Design Research in Architecture Edited by Matthias Ballestrem and Lidia Gasperoni Architectural artefacts are negotiated as epistemic objects, an autonomous and innovative form of knowledge capable of inaugurating and institutionalising architectural research. The backbone of this publication is a dialogue between the architect Matthias Ballestrem and the philosopher and architectural theorist Lidia Gasperoni. In a vibrant discussion, they consider the epistemic value of the architectural artefact, the role of research practices in making this knowledge explicit and accessible, and the criteria for qualifying as design-based research. Alex Arteaga, Fabrizia Berlingieri, Peter Bertram, Helga Blocksdorf, Anđelka Bnin-Bninski, Marta Fernández Guardado, Joerg Fingerhut, Anke Haarmann, Rolf Hughes, Rachel Hurst, Daniel Norell, Tomas Ooms, Claus Peder Pedersen, Tim Simon-Meyer, and Philip Ursprung have added short comments and images to enrich the arguments with criticism, extensions, associations, and references. An afterword by Marcelo Stamm provides a theoretical reflection on a possible taxonomy of epistemic artefacts.
Definitions of space are as diverse as the disciplines in which it plays a fundamental role; from science and philosophy to art and architecture, each field’s perception of space is often simplified or reduced. This consequently denies access to ‘new spaces’, whose definitions and perspectives, strategies and impacts on human perception are rarely considered in any cohesive manner. This is where the Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB) programme ‘No Space Without Traits’ came in: particularly through artistic approaches, it aimed to open doors into spatial worlds that until now have remained closed. The symposium ‘PERCEPTION in Architecture. HERE and NOW’ was part of this program...
Infra-lightweight concrete combines the structural and thermal insulation functions of the building envelope in one monolithic material, thus providing new design options. The handbook is a practical guide to building with this new type of material. The architects and structural engineers of the interdisciplinary team of authors combine their findings from many years of research, including from a project in which the team investigated the architectural and structural potential of infra-lightweight concrete in multi-story residential buildings. In addition to essential information on designing with the material, including construction details, and an overview of the building physics properties, practical advice on building details is provided in the form of sizing tables and numerous details from various projects.
After the six conferences for artistic and architectural research CA²RE+ has contributed substantially to the fact that design-driven research today is a widely established and scientifically accepted research method on most European countries and the number of involved universities is an indicator for a rapidly growing community in the field of practice-based research. This big effort has meant an interchange of knowledge and at the same time the construction of an international net with very valuable connections. We have created a collective learning environment where we have developed a multidisciplinary approach to a design-driven methodology on scientific research along six steps: obse...
This book offers a comprehensive overview of forces shaping urban renewal and the sustainable and inclusive transformation of contemporary cities. It discusses temporariness and uncertainty of citizenship, participation, and inclusion, as well as the energy and digital transformation, merging different perspectives, such as the social, philosophical, economic, and architectural ones. Based on revised and extended contributions to the International Congress “TEMPORARY: Citizenship, Architecture and City", held virtually on November 20-21, 2022, from the University of Bologna, this book offers extensive information and a thought-provoking reading to researchers in architecture, anthropology, social and environmental policy, as well as to professionals and policy makers involved in planning the city of the future.
»Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge« is an academic journal in, on, and from the discipline of architecture, addressing the constitution of architectural knowledge. It explores methods genuine to the discipline and architectural modes of interdisciplinary methodological adaptions. Processes, and results of knowledge creation and practice are esteemed coequally, with particular attention to the architectural design in practice and research. »Making Sense: Thinking through Making Architecture«, Issue 06/2023, investigates how the production of architectural knowledge involves the interaction of the body, the material reality, and the environmental world. Making sense here is defined as the production of architectural knowledge through the physical act of making. The contributors to this issue show how making architecture may be understood as a way of thinking.
»Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge« is an academic journal in, on, and from the discipline of architecture, addressing the creation, constitution, and transmission of architectural knowledge. It explores methods genuine to the discipline and architectural modes of interdisciplinary methodological adaptions. Processes, procedures, and results of knowledge creation and practice are esteemed coequally, with particular attention to the architectural design and epistemologies of aesthetic practice and research. Issue 3, »Species of Theses an Other Pieces«, is concerned with the form of the doctoral thesis in practice-oriented research. In reference to George Perec's »Species of Spaces and Other Pieces«, this issue takes the love for playing with forms, genres, and arrangements as its program.
This book publishes the peer-reviewed proceeding of the third Design Modeling Symposium Berlin . The conference constitutes a platform for dialogue on experimental practice and research within the field of computationally informed architectural design. More than 60 leading experts the computational processes within the field of computationally informed architectural design to develop a broader and less exotic building practice that bears more subtle but powerful traces of the complex tool set and approaches we have developed and studied over recent years. The outcome are new strategies for a reasonable and innovative implementation of digital potential in truly innovative and radical design guided by both responsibility towards processes and the consequences they initiate.
Die ästhetische Tradition im Gefolge der Moderne hat die Architektur als randständiges Phänomen behandelt. Eine am Paradigma autonomer Kunst oder an einer kontemplativ verstandenen Theorie ästhetischer Erfahrung orientierte Ästhetik wusste mit der immer auch auf Zwecke bezogenen Architektur nicht immer viel anzufangen. Kants Diktum des interesselosen Wohlgefallens legt davon ebenso Zeugnis ab wie Hegels Verortung der Architektur an der Grenze der Kunst. Die Beiträge des Bandes einschlägiger Expert*innen thematisieren die Frage, was es für die Grundbegriffe der Ästhetik heißen würde, sie ausgehend von der Architektur und damit einer immer auch funktionalen Kunst neu zu denken: Bedürfen Begriffe wie Kunst, Sinnlichkeit, Urteil und Erfahrung einer Reformulierung, um den ästhetischen Eigenarten der Architektur angemessen Rechnung zu tragen?
Che libro è questo? Non è precisamente un libro di testo, non è un manuale, non è alla fine neanche un libro di teoria. Probabilmente è molto di più. Questo è un libro che, adoperando strumentalmente uno sguardo pedagogico (i Laboratori di Teoria del Progetto nei quali insegniamo al Politecnico di Torino, ma anche molte altre esperienze didattiche al di fuori della nostra scuola) e collocandosi dentro un contesto di indagine scientifica (il dottorato di ricerca), cerca di mettere insieme la pratica dell'insegnamento e la teoria del progetto, magari a partire dall'esperienza del fare, vero e proprio baricentro di tutto il volume. Teoria, metodo ed esercizio entrano insieme, con una buona dose di ovvietà e di evidenza, nella riflessione sull'insegnamento, quella che qui chiamiamo, con un poco di compiacimento, la pedagogia della progettazione architettonica. Ne costituiscono i tre cardini essenziali. In fondo, per trasmettere una disciplina (che, come l'architettura, ha in sé sostanza di sapere e anche sostanza di pratica), dobbiamo costruirne o ri-costruirne una teoria, definirne un metodo, addestrare e addestrarci al suo esercizio.