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Are you often depressed, sad, or discouraged with your situation or life in general? Do you worry or feel overburdened or frustrated? Do you sometimes feel a lack of self-confidence, or do you have low self-esteem?Welcome to the club!You belong to the rest of the world. Almost everyone in our society has been confronted with the effects of a lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem in some form or another. This is not a coincidence. The form of hopelessness that has become apparent in each individual's life ranges from slight self-doubt and worries to severe discouragement and devastation. But they all suffer! Author Raymond Dautel felt compelled to address this subject after becoming impr...
Hope and Help in Member Care. Culture shock. Marital strife. Depression. Addictions. Disillusionment. Organization and team tensions. Family trauma. Medical issues. This is not what you signed up for when you pursued missions. Field workers cross-linguistic, cultural, and ministry boundaries, but they still experience the same mental health challenges as everyone else—and often more. When the missionary unit includes a spouse and children, the complexities multiply as each person undergoes stressors. Needing psychological or psychiatric help too often leads to burnout or worse. It’s time to let go of the stigma and embrace mental health. Missionaries, Mental Health, and Accountability op...
Examining ADHD and its social and medical treatments around the world. Attention deficithyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been a common psychiatric diagnosis in both children and adults since the 1980s and 1990s in the United States. But the diagnosis was much less common—even unknown—in other parts of the world. By the end of the twentieth century, this was no longer the case, and ADHD diagnosis and treatment became an increasingly widespread global phenomenon. As the diagnosis was adopted around the world, the definition and treatment of ADHD often changed in the context of different psychiatric professions, medical systems, and cultures. Global Perspectives on ADHD is the first book t...
Writing is a challenging task for many children. To address this issue, many educational researchers advocate for schools to implement a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) model where struggling writers can be detected as early as kindergarten and provided with intervention programming to improve their skills and hopefully not need long-term placement in special education. Traditionally, schools have employed the wait-to-fail model where children were offered the opportunity to learn to read, write, and do math in the first few years of elementary school; if they still struggled at the end of third grade (age eight), then they would be assessed for special education. The problem with thi...
C-Tests bestehen aus mehreren kurzen Texten, in denen fehlende Wortteile zu rekonstruieren sind. C-Tests haben hervorragende psychometrische Eigenschaften und werden in einer Vielzahl von Kontexten zur validen und ökonomischen Messung allgemeiner Sprachkompetenz eingesetzt. Dieser Sammelband illustriert den aktuellen Stand der C-Test-Forschung - mit einem Schwerpunkt auf folgenden Aspekten: Validität von C-Tests; Rasch-Modelle für C-Test-Daten; Zuordnung von C-Test-Ergebnissen zum Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen. C-Tests consist of several short texts in which the missing parts of words have to be reconstructed. C-Tests have excellent psychometric properties and are used in many contexts as valid and economical tests of general language proficiency. This collection of papers illustrates the state of the art of C-Test research, with a special focus on the following issues: validity of C-Tests; Rasch measurement models for C-Test data; relating C-Test results to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Die Beitrage dieses Buches geben Einblick in den aktuellen Stand bereichsspezifischer Praventionsforschung und bieten eine Vielzahl an Hinweisen sowie eine Orientierung zur weiterfuhrenden selbstandigen Auseinandersetzung mit zentralen Fragestellungen (sonder-)padagogischer Pravention. Ein zentrales Ziel ist es, mit wissenschaftlich begrundeten und effizienten Konzepten Kindern und Jugendlichen durch praventive sonderpadagogische Interventionen so zu fordern, dass sich abzeichnende Entwicklungsauffalligkeiten angemessen aufgefangen werden konnen. Das Buch wendet sich so nicht nur an Studierende der Sozial- und insbesondere Sonderpadagogik, sondern auch an Lehrkrafte aus (sonder-)schulischen Einrichtungen, die in ihrem praventiv ausgerichteten Arbeitsfeld Unterstutzung suchen.
This book presents comprehensive, thorough and updated analyses of key cognitive individual difference factors (e.g., age, intelligence, language aptitude, working memory, metacognition, learning strategies, and anxiety) as they relate to the acquisition, processing, assessment, and pedagogy of second or foreign languages. Critical reviews and in-depth research syntheses of these pivotal cognitive learner factors are put into historical and broader contexts, drawing upon the multiple authors' extensive research experience, penetrating insights and unique perspectives spanning applied linguistics, teacher training, educational psychology, and cognitive science. The carefully crafted chapters provide essential course readings and valuable references for seasoned researchers and aspiring postgraduate students in the broad fields of instructed second language acquisition, foreign language training, teacher education, language pedagogy, educational psychology, and cognitive development.
This unique book provides teachers and other service providers the knowledge and skills for Positive Behavior Supports in school settings, thereby improving the academic and social skills of their students. It is written in an informational format that teachers and other service providers can immediately put to use. The text is generic across K-12 grade levels and focuses on Positive Behavior Supports in school settings. Each chapter begins with Key Point Questions, followed by two Window to the World Case Studies, information on the Key Point Questions, Discussion Questions, and Suggestions for Classroom and School Activities. Additionally, an overview of Positive Behavior Supports is provi...
Das Buch stellt in den verschiedenen sonderpadagogischen Forderbereichen systematisch die gangigen Fordermassnahmen vor und bewertet diese vor dem Hintergrund der vorliegenden empirischen Evaluationen. Die Autoren sind ausgewiesene Expertinnen und Experten, die zu Ihren Spezialgebieten umfassende Recherchen zu vorhandenen Konzepten anstellten. Sie verfolgten das Ziel, die Wirksamkeit der Ansatze zu beurteilen und darauf aufbauende Empfehlungen fur Praktiker auszusprechen. Forderbereiche und Konzepte sind: Autismus, Tiergestutzte Therapie, Unterstutzte Kommunikation, spezifische Sprachentwicklungsstorung, Aufmerksamkeits- und Hyperaktivitatsstorung, Selbstkonzept, Aggressivitat und Gewalt, Hochbegabung, Mathematik und Erstrechnen, Legasthenie / Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten, Selbstreguliertes Lernen und Metakognition, Portfolio, Offener Unterricht und Projektunterricht.
Das Buch bietet einen fundierten Einblick in die international viel diskutierte und neuerdings auch in Deutschland lebhaft verfolgte Resilienzforschung. „Resilienz“ bedeutet „seelische Widerstandsfähigkeit“ in belasteten und risikobehafteten Lebenssituationen. Aufwachsen in Armut ist ein zentrales Entwicklungsrisiko für Kinder. Wichtigste Erkenntnis ist, dass „Resilienz“ durch pädagogisches und sozialpädagogisches Handeln gefördert werden kann. Bisher fehlte jedoch eine theoretisch fundierte Begründung und eine substanzielle fachliche Erörterung, wie sich das Resilienzkonzept für Kinder und Familien in Armutslagen übertragen und anwenden lässt. Diese Lücke schließt das Buch.