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One of the best-selling comics characters in the world is here! Monica and her friends discover that having fun can be expensive! When Monica, Maggy, Smudge, and J-Five decide to see a movie together, they figure out ways to make money to pay for the tickets. Monica becomes a dog-walker, Maggie will try cat-sitting, and J-Five and Smudge decide to sell their old comics. Will they succeed? And will they be able to buy popcorn? “The international phenomenon comes to America, with all the charm, fun and cuteness fully intact. Monica’s here, gang!” –Gail Simone, BATGIRL writer
Sunny still sleeps with a stuffed animal? Professor Anna is the last to know she is fired? Maggie has a crush...on a (much) older man? The new gossip blog "Troll Castle" is shaking Lemon Tree High to its core. Secrets and lies are revealed and no one is safe! Who is sneaking around and leaking all this information? Does resident gossip queen Denise know anything? Can Monica and friends stop this vicious game before everyone's reputation gets destroyed? It's time to go Troll hunting!
Monica’s classmate Nick is a downright contrarian. He does the exact opposite of what the rest of the crowd does. But, is something the wrong thing, the right thing? Could Nick help Monica get over her recent heart break with J-Five? Or is his contrary antics just the opposite of what she needs? Find out in part one of this hit series for tweens!
One of the best-selling comics characters in the world is here! They were all friends as kids, but they're teenagers now and still close friends. Monica, the leader of their gang, and J-Five were always fighting as kids (Monica would bash him with her plush bunny rabbit!), but that relationship is beginning to change. Can it be that they're in love? Mauricio de Sousa's famed comics character, MONICA, is poised to conquer North America, with her adventures as a teenager!
Little ones will soon settle down for bedtime just like Little Sea Otter as she snuggles with Mama in a cozy bed of sea kelp and calls good night to all her ocean friends—sea lions, sea snails, seagulls, seals, and sea urchins. They all reply. The gently rocking seas and Mama's loving arms soon send Little Sea Otter to dreamland.
This vast three-volume Encyclopedia offers more than 4000 entries on all aspects of the dynamic and exciting contemporary cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean. Its coverage is unparalleled with more than 40 regions discussed and a time-span of 1920 to the present day. "Culture" is broadly defined to include food, sport, religion, television, transport, alongside architecture, dance, film, literature, music and sculpture. The international team of contributors include many who are based in Latin America and the Caribbean making this the most essential, authoritative and authentic Encyclopedia for anyone studying Latin American and Caribbean studies. Key features include: * over 4000 entries ranging from extensive overview entries which provide context for general issues to shorter, factual or biographical pieces * articles followed by bibliographic references which offer a starting point for further research * extensive cross-referencing and thematic and regional contents lists direct users to relevant articles and help map a route through the entries * a comprehensive index provides further guidance.
How do the lives of indigenous peoples relate to the romanticized role of "Indians" in Brazilian history, politics, and cultural production? Native and National in Brazil charts this enigmatic relationship from the sixteenth century to the present, focusing on the consolidation of the dominant national imaginary in the postindependence period and highlighting Native peoples' ongoing work to decolonize it. Engaging issues ranging from sovereignty, citizenship, and national security to the revolutionary potential of art, sustainable development, and the gendering of ethnic differences, Tracy Devine Guzman argues that the tensions between popular renderings of "Indianness" and lived indigenous ...
Estamos de fato diante de uma obra inédita, jamais vista similar, no Brasil e na língua portuguesa, cujo autor Wagner Azevedo, que já escreveu outras 8 obras já publicadas, dicionariza, com maestria, vocábulos utilizados no dia a dia do falante do português do Brasil (e alguns de Portugal). Por exemplo, você conhece os vocábulos Den’da? C’ocê? Boramar? Por acaso você saberia a que redução ou a que acréscimo se referem e onde estão os seus registros, na língua portuguesa? Se não o sabe, descobri-lo-á nesta obra. Para a sua pesquisa o autor se valeu da Literatura Brasileira e Portuguesa, da Música Popular Brasileira, das histórias em quadrinhos e dos gibis. Assim, o Dici...
EXPLORE AS INTRIGANTES NUANCES das flexões de grau e de gênero gramatical (ou não) da língua portuguesa e suas alterações de significados. Este dicionário é uma ferramenta para todos os amantes ou estudantes do nosso idioma, inclusive para aulas destinadas a estrangeiros que, afinal, foi de onde o autor teve sua inspiração para a criação desta obra. Em 2014, em um ambiente multicultural — uma aula de português para estrangeiros na UERJ — o autor Wagner Azevedo ouviu uma aluna francesa perguntar à professora se “mata” era feminino de “mato”. Essa foi a centelha para a criação deste Dicionário de Vocábulos Femininos, Aumentativos, Diminutivos, ou Não, com Outros Significados.