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This book presents a thorough investigation of Griesinger, Kahlbaum, and Kraepelinâ (TM)s foundational works in psychiatry. It offers an admirable opportunity to understand their achievements and thoughts, and its historical character makes it accessible to a wide range of readers interested in mental health. The analysis of continuities and discontinuities in their described mental disorders illuminates the current classification and diagnosis debate in psychiatry. This analysis comprises etiologic explanations and methodological grounds for each authorâ (TM)s classification. Implying an interrelation among the disorders, the unitary psychosis allows or demands a comprehensive mental disorder view, which includes the person. In this respect, other psychopathologists are also investigated in this book, and process philosophy is introduced, suggesting a fertile framework for psychopathology. According to German Berrios in his Preface, the book offers a new perspective on the nature and meaning of the concept of unitary psychosis.
This book presents a thorough investigation of Griesinger, Kahlbaum, and Kraepelin’s foundational works in psychiatry. It offers an admirable opportunity to understand their achievements and thoughts, and its historical character makes it accessible to a wide range of readers interested in mental health. The analysis of continuities and discontinuities in their described mental disorders illuminates the current classification and diagnosis debate in psychiatry. This analysis comprises etiologic explanations and methodological grounds for each author’s classification. Implying an interrelation among the disorders, the unitary psychosis allows or demands a comprehensive mental disorder view, which includes the person. In this respect, other psychopathologists are also investigated in this book, and process philosophy is introduced, suggesting a fertile framework for psychopathology. According to German Berrios in his Preface, the book offers a new perspective on the nature and meaning of the concept of unitary psychosis.
This book presents the ‘state of the art’ of biomarkers research in neuropsychiatric conditions, from dementia to eating disorders, as well as providing methodological, practical and ethical issues related to the development of biomarkers. Biomarkers have revolutionized clinical research and practice in most fields of medicine, but psychiatry has lagged behind. However, in the last decade, there has been a growing expectation that biomarkers will advance and, ultimately, reframe psychiatry research and practice. Biomarkers might inform about diagnosis, therapeutics, prognosis, contributing to a ‘personalized medicine’. Understanding their meaning, possibilities and limitations will help clinicians, researchers and students in the related areas navigate and excel in the challenging and ever changing field of neuropsychiatric disorders.
Ao se envolver com elementos ligados ao reino das trevas, tais como bruxaria, satanismo, ocultismo, idolatria e todo tipo de espiritismo, prostituição, vícios e outras práticas mundanas, o ser humano dá ao Inimigo o direito legal de invadir a sua vida e de subjugá-la. Espíritos demoníacos são seres irremediavelmente malignos que ao possuírem as pessoas as manipulam e as induzem a cometerem verdadeiras atrocidades, como homicídio, suicídio, sacrifícios humanos, sodomia, prostituição, bestialidade (sexo com animais), sexo demoníaco, entre outras práticas abomináveis. Neste livro, o autor demonstra como os servos de Deus devem exercer, na prática, sua autoridade em Cristo Jes...
Neste livro, partindo do conceito de superação, os autores apresentam 25 histórias que permitem uma visão mais otimista da esquizofrenia, pois, com todas as dificuldades impostas pela doença, os pacientes, além do controle dos sintomas, retomaram suas atividades produtivas e atingiram uma vida afetiva plena.
Neste livro, chancelado pela Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria, os doutores Gilberto Sousa Alves, Tíbor Rilho Perroco e Felipe Kenji Sudo reúnem destacados profissionais brasileiros que se dedicam à clínica e à pesquisa na área da psicogeriatria para trazer ao leitor informações atualizadas e baseadas em evidências, com a preocupação de integrar os conhecimentos teóricos com a prática clínica. Também disponível no formato e-book, aborda tópicos como neurobiologia, aspectos culturais e epidemiologia, avaliação diagnóstica, síndromes ansiosas, do humor e demenciais, além de tópicos como psicofarmacologia, psicoterapia, eletroconvulsoterapia e cuidados paliativos de pacientes geriátricos, entre outros.
Original essays on the metaphysics of time, identity, and the self, written by distinguished scholars and important rising philosophers.The concepts of time and identity seem at once unproblematic and frustratingly difficult. Time is an intricate part of our experience—it would seem that the passage of time is a prerequisite for having any experience at all—and yet recalcitrant questions about time remain. Is time real? Does time flow? Do past and future moments exist? Philosophers face similarly stubborn questions about identity, particularly about the persistence of identical entities through change. Indeed, questions about the metaphysics of persistence take on many of the complexitie...
A obra enfrenta as questões mais relevantes do Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência ao reconhecer que se trata de uma construção social e as pessoas com deficiência mental ou intelectual devem gozar de plena capacidade para exercício de seus direitos em igualdade de condições. Tema complexo e polêmico, a insuficiência da teoria das incapacidades para a tomada de decisões afeta, em certos casos, direitos existenciais. Contudo, as alterações legislativas seguintes mantiveram o enquadramento universalista e abstrato da teoria das incapacidades. Os conceitos vagos da legislação acarretaram dificuldades extensas em relação ao exercício dos direitos existenciais, dependendo da grav...