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The increased interest manifested in relation to all matters affecting the East, and the great attention now given to the study of comparative religion, seem to indicate that the time has come when an attempt should be made to place before the English-speaking people of the world a systematic exposition of the doctrines of the Muslim Faith. The present work is intended to supply this want, by giving, in a tabulated form, a concise account of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion. Although compiled by a clergyman who has had the privilege of being engaged in missionary work at Peshawar for a period of twent...
This handbook is the winner of the William B. Gudykunst Award for Outstanding Book in 2023, given by the International Academy of Intercultural Research. This handbook includes state-of-the-art research on love in classical, modern and postmodern perspectives. It expands on previous literature and explores topics around love from new cultural, intercultural and transcultural approaches and across disciplines. It provides insights into various love concepts, like romantic love, agape, and eros in their cultural embeddedness, and their changes and developments in specific cultural contexts. It also includes discussions on postmodern aspects with regard to love and love relationships, such as d...
In everydays speaking, the Minangkabau people will angry if someone call them as people 'who don't know the Four'. In their mind just only 'the four leg or animal' do not know the four. This book present that main philosophy of Minangkabaunese, so called "The Four". As one of the ethnic in Indonesia, most of the people who live in West Sumatra are Minangkabau ethnic. Every Minangkabaunese has two lifestyle or lifeland, the first is 'nagari' as a motherland and the second is 'rantau' referring to other land apart from their motherland. The consequence of that adat (philosophy) the Minangs always doing the 'the Two' in their life. They always take care atention to 'son and nephew, 'daughter an...
Recent years have witnessed a remarkable growth in scholarship on Islam within Southeast Asia. Underlying this scholarship is a desire to resolve pressing social and political problems facing Muslim communities, an awareness of the significance of pluralism and cultural hybridity within Southeast Asian societies, and the rapidly growing interaction between Southeast Asian Muslims and the outside world. The chapters in this book represent some of the exciting new directions young scholars in Southeast Asia universities are taking Islamic Studies. Themes covered include Islam and liberalism, the diverse streams of contemporary Islamic thought, “neo-Sufi” movements, Islam and human rights, the growing influence of Islamic law, Islam and democratic politics, Islamic education, and the relationship between Islam and ethnic identity.
Begitu agungnya akhlak Rasulullah hingga Allah memujinya sebagai memiliki khuluq azhim. Keagungan Rasulullah tampak dalam segala hal, termasuk dalam kehidupan rumah tangga. Buku ini menceritakan kisah-kisah indah tentang hubungan Rasulullah dengan istri-istrinya, anak-anaknya, dan cucu-cucunya. Laiknya kehidupan rumah tangga, kisah-kisah ini penuh nuansa?ada romantisme, keceriaan, kecemburuan, kesedihan, dan lain-lain?yang sangat manusiawi. Tetapi, semua itu diselimuti oleh atmosfer cinta Rasulullah. Inilah kisah-kisah terbaik seputar kehidupan rumah tangga Rasulullah yang patut dibaca oleh setiap keluarga Muslim yang ingin membangun surga di rumah masing-masing. [Mizan, Mizania, Religion, Agama, Indonesia]
Despite a growing interest in the last hundred years in both orientalism and comparative religions, and the fact that there are over fifty million Shi’a Muslims, until now there has been no thorough and objective study of that part of Islam called Shi’ism for Western scholars. The present work provides a clear account of the origin, history, and doctrines of an important sector of the Muslim religious community. It is written by a distinguished leader of that community, who, in addition to possessing a thorough knowledge of its traditional history and literature, presents its rational-philosophic, traditional-legal, and gnostic-mystical elements with warmth and sympathy. The result is a well-integrated general picture which succeeds in giving the reader a clear and comprehensive picture of how the Shi’ite Muslim views his religion.
Memasuki abad ke-20 kajian ilmu keislaman menjadi era dibukanya pemikiran dari berbagai sudut pandang. Hal ini, didukung dari beberapa temuan-temuan baru sains nyata-nyata menantang doktrin dan gagasan-gagasan keagamaan klasik. Sehingga, responsnya pun beraneka rupa. Misalnya, beberapa kalangan mempertahankan doktrindoktrin tradisional, beberapa yang lain meninggalkan tradisi, dan beberapa lagi yang merumuskan kembali konsep keagamaan secara ilmiah. Seorang Ian G Barbour (2000) melalui empat tipologi dialog sains dan agama. Pertama, tipologi konflik, yakni hubungan antara sains dan agama tidak mungkin dipertemukan, bahkan terdapat permusuhan dan pertempuran hidup-mati. Tipologi kedua, indepe...
Islam merupakan agama yang lekat dengan nuansa cinta dan kasih sayang. Ada banyak ayat Allah yang menuntun manusia untuk saling mencinta dan berkasih sayang sehingga menimbulkan kedamaian dan keharmonisan yang hakiki. Sebagai wujud kasih sayangnya Allah kepada hamba-Nya; Allah memberikan syurga bagi mereka yang ber‟amal hasanah ketika di dunia. Selain itu Allah juga memberikan pasangan hidup bagi setiap insan guna memberikan kebahagiaan di dalamnya.
The terms ‘coexistence’, ‘partnership’, ‘citizenship’ and ‘globalization’ all have a profound impact on today’s decision makers and their policy formation, as well as on individuals. While these terms have been widely used all over the world, particularly in the West, in the construction of identity, they have been considered unworthy of a detailed analysis in the context of Muslim identity. Some scholars argue that Muslim-Christian relations are caught between advocates of homogenization, on the one hand, and supporters of self-affirmation on the other. While the former concept favours relativism, the latter is seen to encourage fanaticism. In addition, such scholars claim...