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The importance of subnational regions to politics, governance, and economic development in Western Europe has long been recognized. However, far less is known about recent steps to introduce a regional level of politics in East Central Europe. Reforms there are part of the larger process of crafting democracy; that is, regional reforms are linked to the economic and political transition away from communism and toward “Europe,” specifically the European Union. Crafting Democracy offers an important comparative analysis of the process and outcomes of region-building in the four Visegrád countries. Jennifer A. Yoder investigates why some but not other post-communist countries chose to intr...
Recent confrontations between constitutional courts and parliamentary majorities in several European countries have attracted international interest in the relationship between the judiciary and the legislature. Some political actors have argued that courts have assumed too much power and politics has been extremely judicialized. This volume accurately and systematically examines the extent to which this aggregation of power may have constrained the dominant political actors’ room for manoeuvre. To explore the diversity and measure the strength of judicial decisions, the contributors to this work have elaborated a methodology to give a more nuanced picture of the practice of constitutional...
The volume documents the development of economics, political science and sociology in Central and Eastern Europe EU accession countries from 1989 to 2001, with a special emphasis on research. Additionally, the recent situation of anthropology, demography, and legal studies is reviewed, though not in the same detail as the three disciplines mentioned first. The book is dedicated to the enhancement of worldwide information and communication on Central and Eastern European social sciences, the improvement of options for cooperation in comparative research involving CEE countries, and the spread of information on and access to capable CEE social science research institutions. A CD-ROM enclosed in the handbook presents an overview on Central and Eastern European institutions in the respective countries relevant for economics, political sciences, and sociology (about 700 institutions).
This book offers interpretations of different forms of political opposition in political theory and also in the contemporary development of politics and government in Central Europe. The problem is analyzed through a comparative approach. The first part of the book targets the question of definitions and typologies of political opposition, above all, in democratic, but partly also in non-democratic regimes. The second part deals with the question of models of political opposition in Central Europe after the fall of communism in the late twentieth century and in the present.
Die Beiträge in dem vorliegenden Band diskutieren das Verhältnis zwischen Demokratie und monarchischer bzw. republikanischer Staatsordnung in der Tschechoslowakei und (Deutsch)Österreich in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Analysiert wird dabei nicht nur das "Nachwirken" politischer und demokratischer Strukturen der Habsburgermonarchie in ihren Nachfolgestaaten, sondern auch der in Prag wie Wien im Laufe der 1920er und 1930er Jahre schrittweise vollzogene Übergang von einer liberalen Demokratie zur einer zunehmend autoritäre Züge aufweisenden, nur noch vordergründig demokratischen Staatsform.
The book will survey the recent development and current “state of the art” of political science in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. It will comprise (a) three comparative overviews: Political Science and Regime Change in East-Central Europe from the 20th to the 21st Century; Analytical and Normative Elements in Political Science Approaches: Is there a Specific Central-East European Pattern?; Political Science Associations in East-Central Europe: How Important, how much International Cooperation?; (b) 20 detailed and comparable country reports: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, ...
Analýza stranicko-politických systémů. Politické strany jsou jedním ze základních prostředků k zajištění demokratické vlády. Umožňují formování názorů občanů, jejich agregaci a vyjadřování ve volbách. V jejich fungování nebo naopak dysfunkci se projevuje kvalita celých politických systémů. Stávají se proto privilegovaným předmětem studia politologie. Na základě klasických typologií (G. Sartoriho, J. Blondela) popisují autoři systémy politických stran v rozšířené Evropské unii a ostatních státech západní Evropy. Věnují se jejich současnému stavu, jednotlivým významným stranám, konfliktním liniím, vývoji, proměnám a významu pro politiku v jednotlivých zemích. Publikace je určena všem zájemcům o politiku a politické strany v Evropě, především studentům politologie a příbuzných oborů i odborníkům v těchto oblastech.