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This book will present information on Pantanal vegetation including an updated checklist of flora, useful plants, ecological aspects and some topics never published for this region, such as lichens. It aims to be a reference for researchers, graduate and undergraduate students as well as stakeholders and decision makers interested in the flora and vegetation of one of the world’s largest tropical wetlands.
A população mundial mais que triplicou entre os anos de 1950 e 2020, a expectativa de vida dos indivíduos aumentou, e o oitavo bilionésimo habitante da Terra deverá nascer em novembro de 2022, segundo a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Atualmente, mais da metade dos habitantes da terra, cerca de 4,4 bilhões de pessoas, residem em áreas urbanas, e o número deve crescer ainda mais, chegando a quase 70% em 2050. Com o crescimento da população nas cidades, cresce também a preocupação com o bem-estar e a saúde dos habitantes. Diante desses números, a Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana (SBAU), através do Anais do XXIV Congresso Brasileiro e III Ibero-Americano de Arborização Urbana, convidou interessados da comunidade acadêmica, e dos setores privado, público e demais interessados, a submeter propostas de trabalho no tema “Floresta Urbana Viva”, discutindo assuntos em cinco diferentes eixos PPGS-UFMG.
"Within the Altai-Sayan region, we identified 103 species of Teloschistaceae from 1193 field records supported by herbarium vouchers. The recorded species belong to the subfamilies Xanthorioideae (46 species in 14 genera) and Caloplacoideae (57 species in 17 genera); Teloschistoideae is absent. We divided the 194 surveyed localities into four categories: arid alpine, arid non-alpine, humid alpine, humid non-alpine. Each category has a specific lichen composition and a typical combination of traits. Humid non-alpine localities are mostly inhabited by broadly distributed boreal-montane species; humid alpine sites by arctic-alpine lichens; arid non-alpine habitats are preferred by xerophilous E...
"Rather than favoring only one approach, Juan J. Morrone proposes a comprehensive treatment of the developments and theories of evolutionary biogeography. Evolutionary biogeography uses distributional, phylogenetic, molecular, and fossil data to assess the historical changes that have produced current biotic patterns. Panbiogeography, parsimony analysis of endemicity, cladistic biogeography, and phylogeography are the four recent and most common approaches. Many conceive of these methods as representing different "schools," but Morrone shows how each addresses different questions in the various steps of an evolutionary biogeographical analysis. Panbiogeography and parsimony analysis of endem...
This work offers a review of contemporary techniques in vegetation mapping and analysis with a snapshot of their applications. It deals with ground, air and space-based techniques applied at a range of spatial scales.
Farm size and land allocation are important factors in explaining lagging agricultural productivity in developing countries. This paper examines the effect of land market imperfections on land allocation across farmers and aggregate agricultural productivity. We develop a theoretical framework to model the optimal size distribution of farms and assess to what extent market imperfections can explain non-optimal land allocation and output in-efficiency. We measure these distortions for the case of Guatemala using agricultural census microdata. We find that due to land market imperfections aggregate output is 19% below its efficient level for both maize and beans and 31% below for coffee, which are three major crops produced nationwide. The regions with higher distortions show a higher dispersion in land prices and less active rental markets. We also find that the degree of land market distortions across locations co-variate with road accessibility and ethnicity and, in a lower extent, with education.
This book provides postgraduate trainees with 50 real clinical cardiology cases. Divided into fourteen sections, several cases are presented under each category covering various disorders of the cardiac system, including congenital heart diseases, aortic valve diseases, pulmonary diseases, ECG abnormalities, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery disease and much more. Beginning with a brief history and findings based on physical examination, each case then includes analytical discussion on bedside investigations and proposals for treatment. Authored by a recognised expert in the field, this practical book is highly illustrated with echocardiographic, radiographic and electrocardiographic data. Key points Presents 50 real clinical cardiology cases Covers numerous disorders of the cardiac system Authored by recognised cardiologist Includes more than 217 images, illustrations and tables
Bioinformatics is an integrative field of computer science, genetics, genomics, proteomics, and statistics, which has undoubtedly revolutionized the study of biology and medicine in past decades. It mainly assists in modeling, predicting and interpreting large multidimensional biological data by utilizing advanced computational methods. Despite its enormous potential, bioinformatics is not widely integrated into the academic curriculum as most life science students and researchers are still not equipped with the necessary knowledge to take advantage of this powerful tool. Hence, the primary purpose of our book is to supplement this unmet need by providing an easily accessible platform for st...
In our modern society, expectations are high, also with respect to our daily diet. In addition to being merely "nutritious", i.e. supplying a variety of essential nutrients, including macro-nutrients such as proteins or micro-nutrients such as minerals and vitamins, it is almost expected that a good diet offers further advantages - especially well-being and health and the prevention of chronic diseases, which are, as we generally tend to grow older and older, becoming a burden to enjoying private life and to the entire society. These additional qualities are often sought in diets rich also in non-nutritive components, such as phytochemicals. In contrast to drugs, which are taken especially t...