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Design & Democracy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

Design & Democracy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-04-19
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

Design affects all social contexts and is therefore intensively instrumentalized both by the politically powerful and their critics. Both functions of design, and their inevitable combination, are presented in this book in precise detail. Authors from various countries present previously unknown and innovative examples of democratic activities conducted through design. This publication is therefore aimed not only at design professionals but also at the general public of all countries.

NERD - New Experimental Research in Design 2
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 192

NERD - New Experimental Research in Design 2

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-06-08
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

Design is inextricably interwoven with all aspects of life and has even produced its own astonishing genre of research. Design research opens up new perspectives of interdisciplinary empiricism, joining with economics, sociology, technology, and philosophy to produce analyses and syntheses that get to the heart of daily life. The twelve contributions from international authors that comprise this book vividly make this case. They cover the relationship between subject and object, animation, all forms of representation, design activism, and many other themes. This book is intended to inspire discussion. Its target reader is anyone seeking to expand their understanding of design, to fundamentally improve their praxis, and to more deeply appreciate life in all of its aspects.

Willkommen in Amberland
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 109

Willkommen in Amberland

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-08-06
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  • Publisher: epubli

Seit Tagen herrscht winterliches Chaos in Amberland. Doch die dichte Schneedecke hat nicht nur Carlshaven und seine Wälder unter sich begraben, sondern auch die Leiche eines afghanischen Flüchtlings. Die Ermittlungen führen Kommissar Handerson und sein Team in diesem spannenden Fall zu einer Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung für Asylbewerber. Wer wollte diesem jungen Mann bloß schaden? Die Hälfte des Autorenhonorars aus dem Verkauf dieses Buches kommt Amnesty International zugute.

Kommissar Handerson - Sammelband
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 302

Kommissar Handerson - Sammelband

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-26
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  • Publisher: epubli

Dieses Buch vereint erstmals alle drei bislang erschienen Bände der beliebten Menschenrechtskrimireihe um Kommissar Handerson und sein Team in einer überarbeiteten und korrigierten Form. Unbekannt verstorben: Eine junge Frau springt von einer Brücke vor einen Güterzug — an sich ein Routinefall für die Carlshavener Mordkommission, doch was für Björn Handerson und sein Team zunächst wie der simple Selbstmord einer jungen Afrikanerin aussieht, entpuppt sich als diplomatischer Skandal und als Reise in die Abgründe der menschlichen Natur. Willkommen in Amberland: Seit Tagen herrscht winterliches Chaos in Amberland. Die dichte Schneedecke hat jedoch nicht nur Carlshaven und seine Wälder unter sich begraben, sondern auch die Leiche eines afghanischen Flüchtlings. Wer wollte diesem couragierten jungen Mann bloß schaden? Endstation Containerhafen: Eine Journalistin recherchiert undercover, aber die Story nimmt einen tödlichen Ausgang und stellt die Carlshavener Mordkommission vor ein Rätsel. Zu welchem Thema hatte Monique van Leeuwen zuletzt Nachforschungen angestellt und was hatte sie Brisantes herausgefunden?

Design (&) Activism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 521

Design (&) Activism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-12-05T00:00:00+01:00
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  • Publisher: Mimesis

This is a book about how the worlds of design and activism (could) inspire each other. As Design and its conceptual, functional, aesthetic, speculative and interventional concepts inevitably affect our lives, it often actively interferes in common defi nitions, understandings and opinion making, which offers opportunities for ideological engagement (in a good or in a bad sense). The book focuses on theories and practices related to the role of Design in terms of addressing, provoking and creating political discourse. Starting from traditional forms of protest, visual languages of resistance, to new forms of digital participation, this will help us to better understand the rituals, structures and meanings of design activism in history and the present, clarifying that design is intrinsically social and supremely political. And it shall help us to derive arguments and examples for the transformative potential of future design (and) activism.

Stummes Wissen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 344

Stummes Wissen

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-08-22
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

Die unbewusste Botschaft von Gestaltung Unzählige Interaktionen mit Dingen prägen unseren Alltag: Schnürsenkel binden, Anrufe tätigen, Fahrradfahren – das Repertoire an Handlungs- und Orientierungswissen, das dabei tagtäglich nötig ist, lässt sich schwer in Worte fassen. Unbewusst nehmen wir wahr, welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten die Dinge bieten. Doch wie kann die wortlose Kommunikation zwischen Dingen und NutzerInnen gelingen? Die Autorin zeigt, wie diese implizite Vermittlung designt wird und wodurch Menschen fähig sind, ihre Interaktionsmöglichkeiten wahrzunehmen, zu nutzen, und sie sogar mitzugestalten. Die Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse sind für das Design, die Designforschung sowie wie für die Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung von hoher Relevanz. Implizite Wissensformen, die im Interaktionsdesign eine unentbehrliche Rolle spielen Erstaunliches Wissensrepertoire in Alltagsinteraktionen Eine geschriebene Ausstellung als Form, die selbst im Text implizit Verborgenes sichtbar werden lässt Stefanie Egger, The Invisible Lab, Graz

Architectures of Emergency in Turkey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 241

Architectures of Emergency in Turkey

Challenging existing political analyses of the state of emergency in Turkey, this volume argues that such states are not merely predetermined by policy and legislation but are produced, regulated, distributed and contested through the built environment in both embodied and symbolic ways. Contributors use empirical critical-spatial research carried out in Turkey over the past decade, exploring heritage, displacement and catastrophes. Contributing to the broader literature on the related concepts of exception, risk, crisis and uncertainty, the book discusses the ways in which these phenomena shape and are shaped by the built environment, and provides context-specific empirical substance to it by focusing on contemporary Turkey. In so doing, it offers nuanced insight into the debate around emergency as well as into recent urban-architectural affairs in Turkey.

Ethics in Design and Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 269

Ethics in Design and Communication

This timely collection brings together critical, analytic, historical, and practical studies to address what ethics means in the practice of design. Designers face the same challenges as everyone else in the complex conditions of contemporary cultural life-choices about consumption, waste, exploitation, ecological damage, and political problems built into the supply chains on which the global systems of inequity currently balance precariously. But designers face the additional dilemma that their paid work is often entangled with promoting the same systems such critical approaches seek to redress: how to reconcile this contradiction, among others, in seeking to chart an ethical course of acti...

The Routledge Companion to Design Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 681

The Routledge Companion to Design Research

This new edition of The Routledge Companion to Design Research offers an updated, comprehensive examination of design research, celebrating a plurality of voices and range of conceptual, methodological, technological and theoretical approaches evident in contemporary design research. This volume comprises thirty-eight original and high-quality design research chapters from contributors around the world, with offerings from the vast array of disciplines in and around modern design praxis, including areas such as industrial and product design, visual communication, interaction design, fashion design, service design, engineering and architecture. The Companion is divided into four distinct sect...

Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 878

Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1993
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  • Publisher: Unknown
