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"We translate what American women write, they never translate our texts," wrote Helene Cixous almost two decades ago. Her complaint about the unavailability of French feminist writing in English has long since been rectified, but the situation for feminist writing by German-speaking philosophers remains today what it was then. This pioneering collection takes a giant step forward to overcoming this handicap, revealing the full richness and variety of feminist critique ongoing in this linguistic community. The essays offer fresh readings of thinkers from the Enlightenment to the present, including those often discussed by feminists everywhere--such as Freud, Habermas, Hegel, Kant, and Rousseau--as well as some less subjected to feminist critique such as Benjamin and Weininger. In their Introduction the editors provide the context for understanding both how these essays fit into the larger picture of developing feminist theory and what makes their contribution in some ways distinctive.
This collection of essays by German and American scholars will help familiarize English-speaking readers with the most important results of this recent work and, in conjunction with a companion volume of Horkheimer's essays, Between Philosophy and Social Science, should provide a much fuller and deeper picture of his role in the history of modern social theory. Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), one of the founders of critical theory and a sometime colleague of Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, and Walter Benjamin, has become a subject of renewed attention and appreciation in Germany in the last decade. This collection of essays by German and American scholars will help familiarize English-speaking readers with the most important results of this recent work and, in conjunction with a companion volume of Horkheimer's essays, Between Philosophy and Social Science, should provide a much fuller and deeper picture of his role in the history of modern social theory.
Benjamin Stachursky's book questions the unvarying positive view of transnationalism on domestic forms of activism, arguing for a more nuanced analysis that permits an understanding of the enabling and restricting effects of transnationalism. Looking at the period from the mid-1980s up to present developments such as the Arab Spring, Stachursky analyzes the emergence and development of NGO activism in Egypt and Iran, the social, political, and legal context of NGO activism, and key domestic debates on the impact and legitimacy of the actors operating in women's rights activism.
This collection of essays exposes points of queerness, marginality, and alterity present in the German canon and introduces further deviation from traditional German literature and culture in the form of openly lesbian and gay works. It provides new queer analyses of texts by canonical authors such as Goethe, Schiller. Thomas and Klaus Mann, Ingeborg Bachmann, Christa Reinig, and Elfriede Jelinek, yet discusses works that have seldom received scholarly attention. It also breaks the traditional limitation of Germanistik to the study of literature by including essays on aspects of German culture such as music, film, fine art and art history, and politics and law.
Around the world, women have long been on the frontlines, protesting war and military forces. The essays in this collection, from both scholars and activists, explore the experiences of local women's groups that have developed to fight war, militarization, political domination, and patriarchy throughout the world. The writings in this collection cover a range of genres from memoir and historical accounts to critical essays. What holds the writings together is an urgency to reflect on and analyze women's activism on the frontlines-from Palestine, Sudan, Iran, Kosovo, and rural India to Serbia, Croatia, Okinawa, Israel, U.S. prisons, and the racialized American South.
The ongoing interconnection of the world through modern mass media is generally considered to be one of the major developments underpinning globalization. This important book considers anew the globalization phenomenon in the media sphere. Rather than heralding globalization or warning of its dangers, as in many other books, Kai Hafez analyses the degree to which media globalization is really taking place. Do we have enough evidence to show that there is a linear and accelerated move towards transnationalization in the media? All too often the empirical data presented seems rather more anecdotal than representative. Many transborder media phenomena are overestimated and taken out of the cont...
There has been a growing recognition amongst scholars that labour historians need to look beyond national borders in order to place the history of the working classes into a much broader context than has hitherto been the case. Whilst studies focused on individual countries are essential, it is only by comparing and contrasting the experiences across time and space that a true understanding of the subject can be attempted. Professor Marcel van der Linden, has contributed much to the debate on cross-border processes and comparisons. This volume makes available in English a collection of twelve of his most important essays on the theme of transnational labour history. Previously published in a range of journals and volumes, with two original contributions, Transnational Labour History brings them together in a single convenient collection, together with a new introduction. This work will undoubtedly provide an invaluable resource for all students of European labour history.
Jetzt erst recht! Im Recht spiegeln sich die gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnisse. Doch mit ihm lässt sich auch die Gesellschaft verändern. Was bedeutet das für die Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und die Frauenrechte? Die Frauenbewegungen sind schon immer Motoren gesellschaftlichen Wandels gewesen: Sie haben politische Widersprüche und soziale Ungerechtigkeit benannt und Gerechtigkeit eingeklagt. Dieses Buch setzt sich mit den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Rechts als Mittel politischer Einmischung auseinander, die Geschlechtergerechtigkeit als konkrete Utopie nicht aus den Augen verliert. Den Rechtsgrundsatz der Gleichheit versteht Ute Gerhard dabei nicht als absolutes Prinzip, sondern als dynamisches Konzept. Rechte müssen im jeweiligen Kontext erkämpft, verteidigt und neu verhandelt werden. Sie schildert die Geschichte der Frauenrechte in Europa seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bis heute und zeigt verschiedene Dimensionen feministischer Rechtskritik auf. Die Lebensrealität von Frauen und Männern behält sie dabei fest im Blick.
Gerhard (sociology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany) examines equality as a principle and practice of law in history, and legal theory from a feminist perspective. She reviews the history of the women's movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a focus on Germany, and examines three major legal issues: women's rights in the public sphere, women's legal capacities in private law, and women's human rights. This work was first published in German in 1990 (C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung); this American edition, somewhat revised, was translated by Allison Brown and Belinder Cooper and includes a new foreword. c. Book News Inc.