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Many teachers have made efforts to make their class interesting by using various methods, techniques, instruments and materials in order to stimulate the students to learn English. In oral English class for example, the students are served with conductive learning activity so they can speak English as well as possible. The first thing a teacher should do is to create the best condition for learning as an instrument to see the learning take place. The teacher is responsible to create a situation that provides opportunities and stimulate the students to communicate English orally. So that, it can develop the students’ self-confidence to be brave in speaking that can improve their speaking skill. This book elaborate how YM can be used as a tool ar medium to improve students’ speaking skill are the program is easy to use and familiar for the students, they already registered at Yahoo email, and they can practice their language skill to chat orally with native or non native speakers of English over the world through all YM facilities.
English for Hospitality and Cruise Ship Program Penulis : Garda Terbit : April 2021 Sinopsis : "English for Hospitality and Cruise ship Program" adalah buku yang di tujukan bagi pemula yang ingin belajar bahasa inggris dan siswa/i pada program Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja (Perhotelan dan Kapal Pesiar) buku ini memuat empat keterampilan bahasa inggris (Listening, Speaking, Reading dan Writing) yang mana pada setiap keterampilan di mulai dari level beginner, intermediate dan hospitality context. Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
Just like the Gutenberg revolution in the fifteenth century, which led to the emergence of non-conventional religious authority in the Christian world, the current information technology revolution, particularly through mediums such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, has triggered the re-construction and decentralization of religious authority in Islam. New santri (pious individuals) and preachers emerged from the non-conventional religious educational system. They not only challenged the traditional authorities, but also redefine and re-conceptualize old religious terminologies, such as hijra and wasatiyya. This book explores the dynamics of religious authority in Indonesia with ...
For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia--through both official and non-governmental channels--has poured billions of dollars into funding and sponsoring religious activities and Islamic causes around the world. The effect has been to propagate Wahhabism, the distinctively rigid and austere form of Islam associated with the Kingdom's religious establishment, within Muslim communities on almost every continent. This volume features essays by leading scholars who explore the origins and evolution of Saudi religious transnationalism, assess ongoing debates about the impact of these influences in various regions and localities around the world, and discuss possible future trends in light of new Saudi leadership. In addition to chapters devoted to the major actors and institutions involved in Saudi global religious propagation, the volume contains a wide range of country case studies that offer in-depth analysis of the nature and impact of Saudi religious influence in nations across multiple world regions.
Buku ini berisi tata bahasa dan ejaan yang disempurnakan, seperti penulisan huruf, penulisan tanda baca, kata baku dan tidak baku, penyerapan istilah, makna kata dan dan pertalian makna, serta gaya bahasa. Selain itu, dilengkapi pula dengan ragam tulisan fiksi dan non fiksi yang disertai tips dan contoh, strategi menembus media, serta motivasi menulis. Hal ini mengingat antara tata bahasa, EYD, dan bidang penulisan adalah hal yang tak bisa dipisahkan. Buku ini diuraikan dengan gaya popular. -Indonesia Tera-
Buku ini mengandungi 12 buah esei yang membincangkan kearifan tempatan orang Melayu di rantau ini. Setiap esei memperlihatkan tiap suatu peristiwa bermula dengan pertuturan lisan yang selanjutnya berkembang menjadi tradisi lisan, dan akhirnya peristiwa-peristiwa itu disuratkan atau diterbitkan dalam bentuk media elektronik, termasuklah juga untuk dijadikan buku ini.Membaca buku ini akan menyebabkan khalayak pembaca dibawa mengembara ke akar sastera rakyat Melayu dengan cerita hantu dan perinya, cerita-cerita lisan yang dituturkan daripada satu generasi kepada generasi berikutnya, kepandaian Melayu dalam seni kraftangan dan seni bela diri, dan akhirnya ketangkasan akal Melayu dalam memperliha...
“Menghadaplah kepada Allah dengan hati luluh. Hindarkan dirimu dari sikap ujub dan angkuh.” —Habiburrahman El Shirazy, dai dan novelis terkemuka di Indonesia. “Fokus pada proses, biarlah Allah yang bereskan hasilnya.” —Candra Malik, dai dan penulis kawakan Indonesia. Setiap orang pasti sepakat bahwa mengalami yang namanya galau itu nggak enak banget. Kalau ditanya satu per satu, setiap orang pasti mengaku ingin menolak galau. Ya tapi apalah daya, galau sudah menjadi salah satu dari warna-warni kehidupan yang mesti dihadapi manusia. Selagi manusia bernapas, ia tidak mungkin bisa menghindari kegalauan. Karena yang bisa dilakukan manusia ialah melalui masa-masa galau itu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Emangnya manusia bisa melalui masa-masa galau dengan sebaik-baiknya ya? Hmm… ya jelas bisa banget lah. Makanya jangan pesimis dulu jadi orang. Mau tahu caranya? Beli dan baca buku ini ya….
The proceedings of the Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes) shares ideas, either research results or literature review, on islam, media and education in the digital era. Some recent issues consists of innovative education in the digital era, new media and journalsm, islamic education, human wellbeing, marketing and fintech in terms of islamic perspective, economic welfare, law and ethics. It is expected that the proceedings will give new insights to the knowledge and practice of social and humanities research. Therefore, such parties involved in social and humanities research as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will acquire benefits from the contents of the proceedings.
This is an open access book. AICoLLiM is the annual conference on the area of language, literature and media. It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the expanding paradigm, latest innovations, results and developments in language, literature and media. The conference provides a forum for lecturers, students, researchers, practitioners and media professionals engaged in research and development to share ideas, interact with others, present their latest works, and strengthen the collaboration among academics, researcher and professionals.