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Who Owns the World's Media? moves beyond the rhetoric of free media and free markets to provide a dispassionate and data-driven analysis of global media ownership trends and their drivers. Based on an extensive data collection effort from scholars around the world, the book covers 13 media industries, including television, newspapers, book publishing, film, search engines, ISPs, wireless telecommunication and others, across a 10-25 year period in 30 countries.
«The book Concentration, Diversity of Voices and Competition in the Media Market addresses one of the most important issues in democratic societies: knowledgeable citizens with access to diverse opinions and perspectives are less manipulable and can become also actors of a clear and rigorous way the concentration of media: scans correctly the legal framework and strategies of the leading business groups; and provides relevant indicators to detect and read the abuses of dominant positions in the European communications market». — Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero. Rector de la Universidad de Navarra. «Concentration, Diversity of Voices and Competition in Media Market provides the latest Faustino and colleagues’ study combines case studies and other methods to produce a volume that is a welcome addition to the literature in media management and economics.» — Dr. Alan B. Albarran. University of North Texas. «In the midst of global media disruption, the steady pace of ownership concentration is that and a fascinating portrait of who owns what not as a static portrait, but as a dynamic guide for understanding.» — Everette E. Dennis. Northwestern University in Qatar.
This is the first volume in a book series examining how organizations in the creative industries respond to disruptive change and how they themselves generate business innovations. The aspiration of this book series is to understand some of the common forces behind the disruptions occurring in so many creative industries today and identifying the most promising strategies and responses by organizations to create new value propositions, business models and business practices that can enable these industry participants to cope with and eventually thrive as their industries and sectors are transformed. The chapters included in the volume examine the processes of disruption and transformation due to the technology of the Internet, social forces driven by social media, the development of new portable digital devices with greater capabilities and smaller size, the decreasing costs of new information, and the creation of new business models and forms of intellectual property ownership rights for a digitized industry. One gap that this book series seeks to fill is that between the study of business innovation and disruption by innovation.
The media are at the end of a cycle and at the beginning of a new model that is still unpredictable. For decades, the industry enjoyed solid profits, a certain tranquillity and clear rules. The presence of high barriers to entry hindered the progress of competitors and several key markets were, in fact, oligopolies. This book tells how a stable industry was buffeted by winds that seriously threatened its essential pillars. Free access and Internet development caused a dramatic drop of the value of the contents. The public could often find information and entertainment at no cost, therefore beginning to move away from the media that were poorly differentiated and predictable in terms of subje...
With the rise of Spanish language media around the world, The Handbook of Spanish Language Media provides an overview of the field and its emerging issues. This Handbook will serve as the definitive source for scholars interested in this emerging field of study; not only to provide background knowledge of the various issues and topics relevant to Spanish language media, but also to establish directions for future research in this rapidly growing area. This volume draws on the expertise of authors and collaborators across the globe. The book is an essential reference work for graduate students, scholars, and media practitioners interested in Spanish language media, and is certain to influence the course of future research in this growing and increasingly influential area.
A televisão tradicional enfrenta, desde a entrada na segunda década do século XXI, significativas transformações. A sua completa digitalização não apenas pressupõe uma melhoria na qualidade da imagem e do som, como também abre portas ao pluralismo ideológico e à diversidade cultural. No entanto, a implementação da televisão digital terrestre (TDT) mostra que a definição de um modelo televisivo depende não só da tecnologia, mas também das relações políticas, económicas, socias e culturais - enquanto em alguns casos serviu para aumentar o número de agentes ou para lançar sinais e serviços, noutros casos reforçou o poder dos operadores nacionais num contexto de competição entre os diferentes suportes (satélite, cabo e internet).A obra, coordenada pelos especialistas Albornoz e García Leiva, e na qual participam reputados investigadores do meio televisivo pertencentes a prestigiosas universidades e centros especializados no sector audiovisual, analisa a transição para a TDT e o "apagão analógico" em alguns dos principais países da Europa (Reino Unido, Espanha e França), América (EUA, México, Brasil e Argentina) e Ásia (Japão e China).
Teaching Strategic Management: A Hands-on Guide to Teaching Success provides a wide scope of knowledge and teaching resources on methods and practices for teaching strategic management theories and concepts for a multitude of settings (classroom, online and hybrid), course levels (bachelors, masters, MBA, executive) and student groups.
Imitação e Desejo analisa a trajetória da modernidade enquanto expressão do princípio da individualidade e das estratégias críticas assentes na imitação negativa. Ela é vista através da evolução histórica da moda enquanto manifestação do desejo, partindo de figuras culturais como os dandies, os boémios, a moda inaugurada por Coco Chanel e a sua recusa pela alta-costura contemporânea. O desejo sempre esteve associado às marcas, mostrando-se como a concepção das marcas registadas enquanto indicadoras da origem num certo fabricando foi hoje substituída por um novo tipo de leis, as leis antidiluição, que aceleram a manifestação do desejo. Finalmente, vê-se como as estratégias da imitação negativa usadas por autores como William Wordsworth lançaram as bases da concepção romântica do direito de autor, a qual deve ser contraposta a modalidades da criação cultural assentes na imitação positiva.
Crisis TV addresses the motif of crisis that has come to dominate contemporary Hispanic televisual production since 2008 and the onset of the global financial crisis. In almost unprecedented fashion, the global economy came to a standstill, reshaping both geopolitical organizations and, more importantly, the lives of billions across the globe. The Great Recession, sociopolitical instabilities, the rise of extremist political parties and governments, and a worldwide pandemic have resulted in a mode of crisis that pervades contemporary television fiction. 2008 also marks a revolution in television, as local and global streaming services began to gain market share and even overtake traditional over-the-air transmission. The essays in Crisis TV identify and analyze the narrative tropes and aesthetic qualities of Hispanic television post-2008 to understand how different regions and genres have negotiated these intersecting crises and changing dynamics in production, dissemination, and consumption.
This book, which analyzes the internal and external environment of the media industry, compiles scientific articles, written by 33 authors coming from 13 diverse countries, emphasizing the complex and multifaceted nature of the industry, of the business and of the media economy. The authors got more than 130 detailed definitions of relevant concepts from the business and media technology area, having quoted in their articles more than 720 books, monographs, articles and research papers. This work intends, on one hand, to emphasize the necessity from the companies and the media consumers side, to define strategies that allow to give an answer to the appearing of the new media. On the other hand, it intends to adopt and adapt relevant business frames and concepts for the economic and technological analysis of media markets.