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Find Your 9others
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202

Find Your 9others

If you could sit down to dinner with some of the world's most ambitious startup entrepreneurs, what would you ask them? Since 2011, 9others has hosted over 5,000 entrepreneurs at 500 events in over 45 cities around the world and asked one simple question: what's keeping you up at night? We’ve heard the challenges that entrepreneurs all around the world have faced; their thinking and the behavioural traits that helped them overcome those challenges. In this book, 9others founders Katie Lewis and Matthew Stafford will help you discover the questions you should be asking yourself as you start and scale your own start up, and why you should go on your own journey to find your 9others.

Eromanga Sensei Volume 1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 204

Eromanga Sensei Volume 1

New manga series from the creator of Oreimo! Writing light novels isn't all that easy, especially when you're in high school...and you have to do the cooking and the chores for your shut-in stepsister who's hardly come out of her room the past year! In the light novel business, it's crucial to have the right person illustrating your books to help them sell--and maybe get made into manga and anime! But in a world of online pen names, the author and the illustrator may still not even know each other...until one day they realize they've been living in the same house all along! Now the home life of confident writer Masamune Izumi and his reclusive sister Sagiri--aka the artist "Eromanga Sensei"--will be a drama to compare with their rising careers, their restive fan base, and their rivals in the industry!

Focus On: 100 Most Popular Light Novels
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 992

Focus On: 100 Most Popular Light Novels


Otakuzine Anime Magazine #112
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 76

Otakuzine Anime Magazine #112

Psicom Publishing Inc

에로망가 선생 5
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 343

에로망가 선생 5

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-01-31
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  • Publisher: 노블엔진

12월, 학교에서 사기리와 같은 반인 진노 메구미의 제안으로 크리스마스 파티를 연 이즈미 마사무네. 메구미와 야마다 엘프, 그리고 타카사고 토모에의 첫 만남과 엘프가 숨겨둔 ‘비장의 카드’, 사기리의 깜찍한 꿍꿍이 등등 파란이 예고된 크리스마스. 1월, 마사무네는 동료 작가 시도 쿠니미츠, 미소녀 일러스트레이터 아루미와 셋이서 ‘밸런타인데이 대책회의’를 열었다. 모두가 마음에 두고 있는 여자에게 초콜릿을 받기 위해 격론을 나누는데……!

情色漫畫老師 (5)
  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 89

情色漫畫老師 (5)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-01-11
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  • Publisher: 台灣角川

★《我的妹妹哪有這麼可愛!》圖文搭檔獻給大家的新作品。 ★全新的兄妹情誼即將引爆,並預定於2017年動畫化。 十二月,和泉征宗在紗霧的同班同學神野惠們的提案下,決定舉辦聖誕節派對。 惠與山田妖精還有高砂智惠的初次見面、 妖精珍藏的「祕密王牌」還有紗霧的可愛企圖, 都將在聖誕節引發大騷動。 一月,征宗和作家夥伴獅童國光、美少女插畫家愛爾咪三個人進行了「情人節對策會議」。 所有人都為了從意中的女孩子那邊拿到巧克力,展開激烈的辯論,然而……! 三月,輕小說作家們的動畫化對決分出勝負, 和泉家成為輸家與贏家兩派的同業者的聚集地。 這時候,兄妹兩人的監護人回來了…… 為了兄妹分居危機而奮鬥的,竟是意想不到的人物?

Eromanga Sensei Volume 3
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 204

Eromanga Sensei Volume 3

From the creator of Oreimo! Elf Yamada seeks political asylum--from her editor--at the Izumi residence, offering in return to spill the secrets of how to turn one's light novel into an anime TV series, an offer certainly of great appeal to the much-less selling Masamune! Meanwhile, Megumi's vow to make friends with the one girl in her class she hasn't yet, Sagiri, leads her into an embarrassing yet artistically insightful gesture with Eromanga Sensei...

情色漫畫老師 (6)
  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 98

情色漫畫老師 (6)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-01-18
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  • Publisher: 台灣角川

★《我的妹妹哪有這麼可愛!》圖文搭檔獻給大家的新作品。 ★全新的兄妹情誼即將引爆,並預定於2017年動畫化。 情色漫畫老師禁忌的初次露面! 一張「冰雪公主」年輕時穿著水手服的照片,保護紗霧不被責任編輯計畫的陰謀所害。 本集將描繪兄妹的監護人京香與他們之間的全新關係。 另一方面,和泉征宗因為「應該跟山田妖精結婚的十個理由」這個話題, 讓本人對他發表了熱烈的演說! 妖精用來攻略對妹妹無比專情的征宗的祕技到底是什麼! 接下來一下子要跟惠她們聯誼,一下子又要到村征家訪問來揭曉她的祕密。 征宗真的有辦法承受住女主角們的猛烈攻勢嗎! 征宗他們的小說《世界上最可愛的妹妹》也有了新的發展──!

에로망가 선생 2
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 316

에로망가 선생 2

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-12-04
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  • Publisher: 노블엔진

개막! 상대는 누적 발행부수 1450만 부의 대인기 작가!? ‘남매의 꿈’을 이루기 위해 ‘여동생 소설(가칭)’을 내기로 한 이즈미 마사무네(나)와 에로망가 선생=이즈미 사기리(여동생)──. 우리는 담당 편집자를 설득하기 위해 기획서를 썼지만── 담당(K편집자): 「발매일은 내년이에요~」 ──사실상 1년간 백수가 된 마사무네. 사정이 있어 어떻게든 올해 안에 신작을 발표하고 싶은 마사무네는 우승자의 책을 출판해 주겠다는 에 도전한다! 그러나 그 자리에 레이블 최강의 숙적이 참전하는데……! 전투력 22만 vs 1450만! 불가능에 도전하라!