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Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST) prepares reports to record and document crimes against human dignity, such as torture and ill-treatment, which have become systematic in Turkey. The report in your hand is the second part of the study, which was prepared in order to register those who were involved in this crime, their instigators, those who encouraged the crime by praising it, and those who protected the torturer public officials by abuse of power. The report aims to be a record so that torturers will one day be held to an independent legal account. Hundreds of torture victims apply to human rights organizations in Turkey to fight for their rights every year. Still, many victims are not so...
Businesses are important for economic development of nation and increasing of living standards of people. Also, management is a critical factor for both businesses because it creates utility for businesses. All the success and failure depend upon business functions and management. In this context, this book contains three important factors of business management. In the first part of the book covers strategic management subjects; especially entrepreneurship and human resource management. The second part of the book includes accounting and auditing. The third part of the book is about marketing.
Ünlü gazeteci bu kitabında, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Silahlı Kuvetleri'nin bilgi ve belgelerinden yararlanarak, Ordunun islâm ve islâmi hareketler üzerine görüşlerini yansıtıyor
Çorum Yozgat Kırıkkale Kırşehir Çankırı Nevşehir Tokat Ankara Aksaray Kayseri Konya Niğde Sivas Malatya Kahramanmaraş Adıyaman Adana İçel Osmaniye Hatay Gaziantep Kilis Yöresi. Tarihte Danişmendli Selçuklu Eretna Karamanoğlu Dulkadirli Ramazanoğlu Memluklu ve Osmanlı Devleti siyasi hâkimiyetlerinde bulunmuş Çorum Yozgat Kırıkkale Çankırı Nevşehir Kırşehir Ankara Aksaray Kayseri Niğde Sivas Kahramanmaraş Osmaniye Malatya Adıyaman yöresi başta olmak üzere komşu illerden Adana Hatay Gaziantep Kilis Konya Tokat yöresi konu edilmiştir. Tarih içerisinde tehcir sürgün gibi nedenlerle bölgeden ayrılan aşiret oymak taifeler konu edilmiş ve bu bağlamda R...
MINGLED VOICES is an anthology of poetry selected from the poems which were entered in the inaugural annual international competition for the Proverse Poetry Prize (single poems) in 2016. The Prize was founded by Dr Gillian Bickley and Dr Verner Bickley MBE, in association with the annual international Proverse Prize for unpublished book-length fiction, non-fiction or poetry, submitted in English, which they also founded in 2008. Poems could be submitted on any subject or topic chosen by each poet or on the subject chosen for 2016 by the Administrators, "The Environment." There was a free choice of form and style. Included in the anthology are the poems that won the first, second, and third ...
Bu kitap, zirveden manzarayı izleyen bir adamın öyküsü değil, zirveyi aklına ve kalbine inançla yerleştirmiş bir kişinin yolculuk hikâyesidir. Hayat, önümüze engeller çıkaran, pek çok defa kayboluşlar yaşatarak yoran, arayışların ve acının hiç bitmediği kötü kurgulanmış bir oyun değil, bilakis, engelleri aştıkça haz veren, terlettikçe güçlendiren, öğreten bir yol. Ona söverek, kaderci ve karamsar bir dünya kurarak, ondan vazgeçerek nefes almaya devam etmek, kendimize yapabileceğimiz en büyük kötülük. Yaşamın varmak değil, gitmek, ilerlemek, kendi yolunda yürümek, düşünce kalkmak cesareti olduğunu biliyoruz artık. O halde sıra toparl...