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How does automation affect us, our environment, and our imaginations? What actions should we take in response to automation? Beyond grand narratives and technology-driven visions of the future, what more can automation offer? With these questions in mind, The De Gruyter Handbook of Automated Futures provides a framework for thinking about and implementing automation differently. It consolidates automated futures as an inter- and transdisciplinary research field, embedding the imaginaries, interactions, and impacts of automation technology within their social, historical, societal, cultural, and political contexts. Promoting a critical yet constructive and engaging agenda, the handbook invite...
This book advances the practice and theory of design ethnography. It presents a methodologically adventurous and conceptually robust approach to interventional and ethical research design, practice and engagement. The authors, specialising in design ethnography across the fields of anthropology, sociology, human geography, pedagogy and design research, draw on their extensive international experience of collaborating with engineers, designers, creative practitioners and specialists from other fields. They call for, and demonstrate the benefits of, ethnographic and conceptual attention to design as part of our personal and public everyday lives, society, institutions and activism. Design Ethnography is essential reading for researchers, scholars and students seeking to reshape the way we research, live and design ethically and responsibly into yet unknown futures.
This book examines emerging automated technologies and systems and the increasingly prominent roles that each plays in our lives and our imagined futures. It asks how technological futures are being constituted and the roles anthropologists can play in their making; how anthropologists engage with emerging technologies within their fieldwork contexts in research which seeks to influence future design; how to create critical and interventional approaches to technology design and innovation; and how a critical anthropology of the way that emerging technologies are experienced in everyday life circumstances offers new insights for future-making practices. In pursuing these questions, this book ...
Due to globalization processes, foreign language skills, knowledge about other countries and intercultural competences have increasingly become important for societies and people’s social positions. Previous research on social inequality, however, has dominantly focused on the reproduction of class structures within the boundaries of a particular nation-state without considering the importance of these specific skills and competences. Within Social Class and Transnational Human Capital authors Gerhards, Hans and Carlson refer to these skills as ‘transnational human capital’ and ask to what extent access to this increasingly sought-after resource depends on social class. Based on Pierre...
This Open Access book brings the experiences of automation as part of quotidian life into focus. It asks how, where and when automated technologies and systems are emerging in everyday life across different global regions? What are their likely impacts in the present and future? How do engineers, policy makers, industry stakeholders and designers envisage artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) as solutions to individual and societal problems? How do these future visions compare with the everyday realities, power relations and social inequalities in which AI and ADM are experienced? What do people know about automation and what are their experiences of engaging with ‘actually existing’ AI and ADM technologies? An international team of leading scholars bring together research developed across anthropology, sociology, media and communication studies and ethnology, which shows how by rehumanising automation, we can gain deeper understandings of its societal impacts. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license
This book provides a wide-ranging theoretical and empirical overview of the disparate achievements and shortcomings of global communication. This exceptionally ambitious and systematic project takes a critical perspective on the globalization of communication. Uniquely, it sets media globalization alongside a plethora of other globalized forms of communication, ranging from the individual to groups, civil society groupings, commercial enterprises and political formations. The result is a sophisticated and impressive overview of globalized communication across various facets, assessing the phenomena for the extent to which they live up to the much-hyped claims of globalization’s potential t...
Les 18 et 19 octobre 2012 s'est déroulé aux Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis - entretemps rebaptisées Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles - un colloque international en hommage à Luc Van Campenhoudt, à l'occasion de son accession à l'éméritat. Cet ouvrage rassemble presque l'intégralité des communications présentées lors de ce colloque, l'ensemble étant en outre augmenté de quelques contributions proposées "en bonus". Connu et reconnu pour ses livres, rédigés seul ou en collaboration, qui ont contribué à former plusieurs générations d'étudiants (cf. le Manuel de recherche en sciences sociales, l'Introduction à l'analyse des phénomènes sociaux, etc.), Luc Van Campenhoudt a par ailleurs déployé une intense et féconde activité de chercheur, en privilégiant le travail en équipe et en multipliant les champs d'étude empiriques, notamment en tant que directeur du Centre d'études sociologiques (CES) ou comme promoteur de la méthode d'analyse en groupe (MAG).
Le système éducatif français a intégré récemment la mobilité dans ses objectifs prioritaires. De nouveaux programmes teintés d'espoir tentent à leur manière de corriger l’immobilisme en enseignant les façons d’aller à l’école, en encourageant la réussite par le changement d’établissement ou les études à l’étranger. Cette « mobilité apprenante »...
Transnationales Humankapital, beispielsweise in Form von Fremdsprachenkenntnissen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen, ist eine Ressource, die im Rahmen von Globalisierungsprozessen immer bedeutsamer wird und zu neuen sozialen Ungleichheiten führt. Der Band beschäftigt sich im ersten Teil mit den veränderten Makrokontexten und Ideologien, die transnationales Humankapital zu einer bedeutsamen Ressource werden lassen, sowie mit den Institutionen, die dessen Vermittlung – insbesondere im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter – dienen. Im zweiten Teil liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den sozial ungleich verteilten Zugangschancen zu transnationalem Humankapital. Im dritten Teil geht es um die möglichen Renditen transnationalen Humankapitals und die dadurch entstehenden Ungleichheiten. Die einzelnen Beiträge nutzen unterschiedlichste qualitative und quantitative Vorgehensweisen und bieten Einsichten aus einer Vielzahl europäischer und nichteuropäischer Länder.
Grounded in scholarly analysis and personal reflection, and drawing on a multi-sited and multi-method research design, Momentous Mobilities disentangles the meanings attached to temporary travels and stays abroad and offers empirical evidence as well as novel theoretical arguments to develop an anthropology of mobility. Both focusing specifically on how various societies and cultures imagine and value boundary-crossing mobilities “elsewhere” and drawing heavily on his own European lifeworld, the author examines momentous travels abroad in the context of education, work, and spiritual quests and the search for a better quality of life.