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Is art a form of communication? If so, what does art express or represent? How should we interpret the meaning of works created by more than one artist? Is art an adaptation, via natural selection? In what ways is art similar to—and different from—language? Art as Communication: Aesthetics, Evolution, and Signaling employs information theory, the theory of evolution, and the newly developed sender-receiver model of communication to reason about art, aesthetic behavior, and its communicative nature. Shawn Simpson considers whether art, from a biological point of view, is the province of only humans or whether animals might reasonably be said to create art. Examining the work of evolutionary biologists, art theorists, linguists, and philosophers—including Charles Darwin, Stephen Davies, H. Paul Grice, and others—he addresses how well different theories of communication explain meaning and expression in art and argues that art is much more continuous with other forms of communication than previously thought.
U.S. forward military posture can both deter and provoke armed conflict, and a similar logic pertains below the level of armed conflict. The authors of this report identify how forward posture could deter hostile measures in the competition space below the level of armed conflict through several mechanisms, particularly focusing on the presence of U.S. ground forces.
This book improves our understanding of battlefield coalitions, providing novel theoretical and empirical insight into their nature and capabilities, as well as the military and political consequences of their combat operations. The volume provides the first dataset of battlefield coalitions, uses primary sources to understand how non-state actors of varying types form such groupings, reports interviews with policymakers illuminating North Atlantic Treaty Organization operations, and uses cases studies of various wars waged throughout the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries to understand how other such collectives have operated. Part I introduces battlefield coalitions as an ob...
Moscow's use of its military abroad in recent years has radically reshaped perceptions of Russia as an international actor. With the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the invasion of eastern Ukraine and sustainment of an insurgency there, and (in particular) the 2015 intervention in Syria, Russia repeatedly surprised U.S. policymakers with its willingness and ability to use its military to achieve its foreign policy objectives. Despite Russia's relatively small global economic footprint, it has engaged in more interventions than any other U.S. competitor since the end of the Cold War. In this report, the authors assess when, where, and why Russia conducts military interventions by analyzing the 25 ...
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has openly expressed his intention to annex Taiwan to mainland China, even threatening the use of force. An invasion or blockade of Taiwan by Chinese forces would be catastrophic, with severe consequences for democracies worldwide. In The Boiling Moat, Matt Pottinger and a team of scholars and distinguished military and political leaders urgently outline practical steps for deterrence. The authors stress that preventing a war is more affordable than waging one and emphasize the importance of learning from recent failures in deterrence, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The book argues that a robust military strategy is essential for countering Beijing's aggressi...
Selected among Foreign Affairs's "Best of Books 2024" From a globally renowned expert on Russian military strategy and national security, The Russian Way of Deterrence investigates Russia's approach to coercion (both deterrence and compellence), comparing and contrasting it with the Western conceptualization of this strategy. Strategic deterrence, or what Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky calls deterrence à la Russe, is one of the main tools of Russian statecraft. Adamsky deftly describes the genealogy of the Russian approach to coercion and highlights the cultural, ideational, and historical factors that have shaped it in the nuclear, conventional, and informational domains. Drawing on extensive resea...
Our understanding of hazards and disasters is rapidly changing, and it is unclear as to whether our existing management systems are adequate to adapt to current and future disasters. Thoroughly updated to include the latest research in the hazards and disasters field, U.S. Emergency Management in the 21st Century continues the tradition of giving readers access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide variety of hazards and applied fields. NEW TO THE SECOND EDITION Discussion on COVID-19 pandemic and the lacking local capacity for preparedness. “Forgotten” hazards (heatwaves and coldwaves) in Phoenix, AZ and Buffalo, N.Y New challenges in hurricane preparedness and response with rapid...
讓1百公里寬的台灣海峽,成為阻絕中國的「護城河」! 美國國家安全顧問、日本海軍中將、澳洲國防官員、丹麥首相及吳怡農等, 全球傑出軍事和政治領導者,聯手為台灣提供威懾中國進犯的緊急建言及可行良策。 透過這本《沸騰的護城河》,博明成為了台灣的保羅.里維爾(Paul Revere,美國獨立戰爭期間的報信人)。他和共同作者們為我們提供了一份清晰、內容豐富且引人入勝的清單,其中列出了最不受歡迎的場景──習近平將選擇「統一祖國」以實現他的「中國夢」。 —─夏偉 Orville Schell,《富強之路》、《晶三角》...
1851期簡介 【封面故事】台海封鎖戰 解放軍若「只圍不打」 台灣該如何應戰? 為了反制美國眾院議長裴洛西訪台,中國軍方8月初在台灣附近海空域舉行大規模實彈軍演, 模擬「封鎖台灣」作戰。面對共軍抹消海峽中線、武嚇行動更迫近我方領海領空的「新常態」,中國如果真的長期封鎖台灣,我方又該如何應對、補強哪些習焉不察的國安漏洞?《風傳媒》特規劃「台海封鎖戰」系列報導,希望「勿恃敵之不來,恃吾有以待之」。 美國聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)8月初的19個小時訪台行,............... ◎李忠謙 〈完整內容請見新新聞1851期〉
'De Russische afschrikmethode' van Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky is een indrukwekkende studie van hoe Rusland de wereld angst aanjaagt. De Russische inval in Oekraïne en het massaal verspreiden van desinformatie, zoals de kritiek op de Week van de Lentekriebels, zijn voorbeelden van Russische afschrikmethodes waarmee Rusland onrust probeert te creëren. In De Russische afschrikmethode toont Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky, expert op het gebied van militaire strategie en nationale veiligheid, op een toegankelijke wijze Rusland zijn militaire en strategische kundigheid inzet om vriend en vijand af te schrikken en biedt een inkijkje in de historische, culturele en psychologische factoren die deze aanpak zo uniek maken. De Russische afschrikmethode is een must-read voor de lezers van Rob de Wijk, Huib Modderkolk en iedereen met een interesse in geschiedenis die meer te weten wil komen over hoe Rusland zowel vijanden weet af te schrikken als bondgenoten weet te beïnvloeden.