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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 322


Puji syukur selalu kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah Swt. yang telah memberikan semua nikmat-Nya sehingga penulis berhasil menyelesaikan buku yang berjudul Dinamika Kejahatan dan Pencegahannya: Potret Beberapa Kasus Kejahatan di Provinsi Riau ini dengan tepat waktu tanpa adanya kendala yang berarti. Keberhasilan penyusunan buku ini tentunya bukan atas usaha penulis saja, tetapi ada banyak pihak yang turut membantu dan memberikan dukungan untuk suksesnya penulisan buku ini. Untuk itu, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan, baik secara morel ataupun materiel sehingga buku ini berhasil disusun. Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini tentu tidak luput dari kekurangan. Selalu ada celah untuk perbaikan. Oleh karena itu, kritik, saran, serta masukan dari pembaca sangat kami harapan. Untuk itu, kami sangat terbuka supaya buku ini semakin sempurna dan lengkap.

Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes - E-Book
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 952

Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes - E-Book

For more than 50 years, Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes has been recognized internationally as the go-to clinical reference on lupus and other connective tissue diseases. From basic scientific principles to practical points of clinical management, the 10th edition provides extensive, authoritative coverage of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and its related diseases in a logical, clearly written, user-friendly manner. It's an ideal resource for rheumatologists and internal medicine practitioners who need a comprehensive clinical reference on all aspects of SLE, connective tissue diseases, and the antiphospholipid syndromes. - Provides complete clinical coverage of every a...

Buku Kreativitas
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 34

Buku Kreativitas

Buku Kreativitas untuk Anak-Anak Buddhis Penyusun & Ilustrator: Neti Arbie Hak Cipta: Yayasan Dhammavihari Rukan Sedayu Square Blok N 15-19 Cengkareng, jakarta Barat 11730 www.dhammavihari.or.id Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang. Buku ini dipublikasikan hanya untuk dibagikan secara GRATIS dan TIDAK UNTUK DIJUAL.Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi penerbit. Untuk donasi penerbitan buku-buku DHAMMAVIHĀRĪ BUDDHIST STUDIES, dapat dilakukan melalui transfer ke rekening: Yayasan Dhammavihari Bank BCA: 6275 19 19 18 dengan menambahkan angka 3 dari nilai yang ditransfer. Contoh Rp 200.003,- Dana Anda berapa pun besarnya, akan bermanfaat bagi penyebaran Dhamma. Buddhasāsanaṃ Ciraṃ Tiṭṭhatu Semoga Ajaran Buddha Bertahan Lama Sādhu ... sādhu... sādhu

Cerita Seri Dhammapada
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 99

Cerita Seri Dhammapada

Cerita Seri Dhammapada Puppa Vagga (Stanza tentang Puspa) Adaptasi Cerita: Dhammapada Stories - Bhikkhu Gambhiro Treasury of Truth - Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero Penerjemah: Lisa Laksana, Suwendah Su Editor: Feronica Laksana Ilustrator: Natasha, Neti Arbie, Vanesha Nathalia Ignacia, Sadha Tiosara Shanty Penerbit Asal: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre Hak Cipta Terjemahan Indonesia: Yayasan Dhammavihari Rukan Sedayu Square Blok N 15-19 Jl. Outer Ring Road, Lingkar Luar Jakarta Barat 11730 www.dhammavihari.or.id propagasi.dbs@dhammavihari.or.id 0813-8700-3600 Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang. Buku ini dipublikasikan hanya untuk dibagikan secara GRATIS dan TIDAK UNTUK DIJUAL.Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi penerbit. Untuk donasi penerbitan buku-buku DHAMMAVIHĀRĪ BUDDHIST STUDIES, dapat dilakukan melalui transfer ke rekening: Yayasan Dhammavihari Bank BCA: 6275 19 19 18 dengan menambahkan angka 3 dari nilai yang ditransfer. Contoh Rp 200.003,- Dana Anda berapa pun besarnya, akan bermanfaat bagi penyebaran Dhamma. Buddhasāsanaṃ Ciraṃ Tiṭṭhatu Semoga Ajaran Buddha Bertahan Lama Sādhu ... sādhu... sādhu

Debat Raja Milinda
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 298

Debat Raja Milinda

DEBAT RAJA MILINDA The Debate of King Milinda Sebuah Ringkasan dari Milinda Pañha Penerjemah: Rosalina Lin Penyunting: Karuna Adi Sasmita, Natalia Lika Desain Sampul: Neti Penata Letak & Grafik: Ary Wibowo Penerbit Awal: Assocation for Insight Meditation Hak Cipta Terjemahan Indonesia: Yayasan Dhammavihari Sedayu Square Blok N No.15-19 Jl. Outer Ring Road Lingkar Luar, Jakarta Barat 11730 Email: pelayanan.dbs@gmail.com | propagasi@dhammavihari.or.id www.dhammavihari.or.id

Unmet Need in Psychiatry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 464

Unmet Need in Psychiatry

Few countries can provide adequate health services for all the mentally ill, yet none have developed a rational system to decide who should be treated. This innovative book considers ways to resolve this dilemma. The questions are clear: What should the criteria be for deployment of scarce treatment resources? How do we determine and apply such criteria? What are the ethical implications? In this pioneering work, an international team of eminent psychiatrists, epidemiologists, health administrators, economists and health planners examine these questions. This volume is divided into four parts: Part I. Unmet Need: Defining the Problem; Part II. Unmet Need: General Problems and Solutions; Part III. Unmet Need in People with Specific Disorders; and Part IV. Unmet Need: Specific Issues.

Bangkit dan bergeraklah!
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 480

Bangkit dan bergeraklah!

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Role and position of Indonesian Catholics in social work, politics and government, education, health services, etc. in Indonesia; documentary on the 2005 assembly of Catholic churches in Indonesia.

2019 International Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology Conference (IBITeC)
  • Language: en

2019 International Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology Conference (IBITeC)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-23
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This conference objective is to open the new and the latest knowledge about research in the biomedical engineering field The focus of this conference as a forum to share knowledge and current research in the biomedical engineering field This conference is open to various fields such as medical signal processing, instrumentation, and other technologies that can be useful to be applied in assisting the diagnosis process and improving the quality of human life

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Language: en

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

This book presents a collection of papers written by educators and researchers. The topics include the analysis of social science textbooks, the teacher image in newspapers, the relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive level and the role of organizational silence on the loneliness of academics in work life.

American Standard for Nursery Stock
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 46

American Standard for Nursery Stock

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1986
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  • Publisher: Unknown

"Provide buyers and sellers with a common terminology in order to facilitate transactions involving nursery stock. The standard defines terms and numerical relationships among tree parts"--Ufl.edu viewed Feb. 19, 2021