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Could European bodies thrive in the Indies? Would Indians turn into Spaniards if they ate Spanish food? This fascinating history of food, colonisation and race shows that attitudes about food were fundamental to European colonialism and understandings of physical difference in the Age of Discovery.
This monograph presents the state of art of the geologic knowledge about the Spanish coast obtained through scientific research in the last 30 years.From a general point of view, coasts are the most quickly changing systems of the Earth. This is critical, since many human resources, such as the main part of economic and social activities, are located in the coastal areas. Especially in the case of Spain these coasts include cities, wide industrial areas (including harbor complexes), important ecologic systems, and our main economic resource: tourism. Understanding the dynamic functioning of each element of this coast is vital for correct future coastal management, so as to solve problems derived from bad plans developed in the last decades of the twentieth century. This is a valuable text for advanced graduate students and coastal researchers, which connects the specific dynamic functioning of the main Spanish coastal environments and their relationships with human activities.
Percepciones Originales Tiene la buena intención de hacer entender el origen de la vida corpórea-energética a través de retrospectivos viajes mentales de rastreo en el tiempo, ingresando hasta en los inicios del florecer de la vida, en los momentos cuando se está engendrando un nuevo ser, el que embrionariamente comienza a brotar y a desarrollarse, cargándose energéticamente. Alcides G. Vidal La obra induce realizar voluntarias y misteriosas aventuras mentales, en cortos y rápidos recorridos hasta el interior de un longevo pasado, para poder revivir esas fantásticas épocas. Igualmente contiene complejos casos de una natural e ingenua comunicación telepática y de percepción. Como...
Esbós biogràfic d’uns mataronins que a les darreries del segle XVIII i primera meitat del XIX, varen portar la saba de la nostra terra a l’Amèrica del Sud, concretament al Río de la Plata, on deixaren el segell peculiar de les seves virtuts i els seus mèrits.
A deeply affecting–and infuriating–portrait of the life and death of a courageous indigenous leader The first time Honduran indigenous leader Berta Cáceres met the journalist Nina Lakhani, Cáceres said, ‘The army has an assassination list with my name at the top. I want to live, but in this country there is total impunity. When they want to kill me, they will do it.’ In 2015, Cáceres won the Goldman Prize, the world’s most prestigious environmental award, for leading a campaign to stop construction of an internationally funded hydroelectric dam on a river sacred to her Lenca people. Less than a year later she was dead. Lakhani tracked Cáceres remarkable career, in which the def...
La Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado fue suprimida por Real Decreto 139/2020, de 28 de enero, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica básica de los departamentos ministeriales (artículo 2.2), siendo el órgano directivo que asume sus funciones la Dirección General de Seguridad Jurídica y Fe Pública. El Anuario del año 2021, que ahora se publica, presenta una división más racional para facilitar el uso y la consulta de sus contenidos y al mismo tiempo aprovechar las ventajas que nos ofrece la tecnología. La obra recoge las resoluciones dictadas por la Dirección General organizadas con arreglo a dos índices, cronológico y sistemático, para facilitar su co...