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Anthology of Turkish Science Fiction Stories
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 361

Anthology of Turkish Science Fiction Stories

Turkish science fiction dates back to the early years of the twentieth century and serious development has been seen ever since. The writers, who escaped from the darkness of the First World War and took refuge in utopian science fiction, added the excitement created by science and technology to their texts over time. Turkish writers, who followed the science fiction works from the West and made efforts for the development of this genre, produced very qualified works that could compete with their contemporaries at some points. However, due to some historical, social, and economic problems, it was not possible for these works to meet readers in the West. In this anthology, the works of Turkis...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 91


“EN KUSURSUZ CİNAYET ÇARESİZ BİRİNE SIRT ÇEVİRMEKLE İŞLENİR.” Halktan gelen tüm itirazlara rağmen ülkenin en güzel arazileri dünyanın en hızlı büyüyen şirketlerinden biri olan KRAYONİK’e satılmıştı. Ne kendisini ağaçlara zincirleyen aktivistler ne de ruhunu henüz şeytana satmamış siyasetçiler 10 futbol sahası büyüklüğünde dünyanın en büyük yeraltı deposunun kurulmasını engelleyebildi. Yerin üstünde, İstanbul’un en büyük gökdelenine sahip olan KRAYONİK, artık yerin altına da hâkim olmak istiyordu. KRAYONİK, zamanı durdurup kendini geleceğe aktarmak isteyen “zengin züppelerin” hayallerini gerçekleştirme aracı olduğu kadar, dermansız hastalıklarla boğuşan insanların da son sığınağıydı. En azından parası yetenlerin... Fakat umudu zamanın sırtına yükleyenler, yıllar sonra hiç beklemedikleri bir sonla karşı karşıya kalacaklarından bihaberdi: Belki de zaman her şeyin ilacı değildi.

Patients Beyond Borders Turkey Edition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 227

Patients Beyond Borders Turkey Edition

Turkey's superior healthcare infrastructure and relatively short flying times from Europe, the Middle East, and North America attract an estimated 200,000 medical tourists each year. Patients Beyond Borders Turkey Edition helps international patients plan a successful medical trip to the country. Written by the world's leading spokesperson on international health travel, it covers everything medical travelers need to know, from working with travel agents to an overview of Turkey’s leading American-accredited hospitals to advice on budgeting for and planning a medical journey. Detailed descriptions and contact information of fully accredited Turkish hospitals that cater to the international patient, along with specialties and Centers of Excellence, enable travelers to make educated decisions about their care. Also included is visitor and sightseeing information on Turkey and the region, with maps, illustrations, and 24 pages of color inserts showcasing Turkey’s world-class facilities and attractions.

I. Uluslararası Oğuzlardan Osmanlıya Diyarbakır sempozyumu, 20-22 Mayıs 2004, Diyarbakır
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 880
Distopik Romanlarda Kaygı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 564

Distopik Romanlarda Kaygı

Distopik romanlar son zamanlarda ilgiyle okunan roman türleri arasında yer almaktadır. Şüphesiz yaşadığımız pandemi süreci, bozulan ekolojik dengeler, çöken ekonomik sistemler, artan işsizlik, göçler, despotizm, ormansızlaşma, çevre kirliği, tükenen enerji kaynakları, yıkıcı teknoloji ve yozlaşan değerler bu tür romanlara olan ilgiyi arttırmaktadır. Romanlardaki öngörüler gerçek hayatla örtüştükçe bu tür romanlar okuru şaşırtmakta gelecek adına kaygılandırmaktadır. Burada okura düşen görev romanları içerdikleri mesajlar yönüyle doğru analiz etmek ve yazarların uyarılarını dikkate almaktır. Türk ve dünya edebiyatının seçkin distopik roman örneklerini içeren bu kitapta farklı zamanlarda ve mekânlarda yaşamış üstelik farklı ırklara mensup yazarların ortak kaygılarını okuyacaksınız. Dili, dini ve ırkı birbirlerinden çok farklı yazarların insan hayatı ve insan hakları odağında nasıl birleştiklerini göreceksiniz. Kitap distopya okurlarının eleştirel düşünme becerisini geliştirmeyi ve insanlık adına yapılan her türlü yayın faaliyetine katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.

Leadership and Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 163

Leadership and Communication

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-05-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book deals with the concepts of leadership and communication in business organizations, initially on a general level and then in detail through an analysis of specific cases. First the book provides a contextual framework to explain the role and importance of the topic. The foundation is provided by selected behavioural and situational theories. Then 15 different leadership models and their respective communication strategies are specified. The interaction of leadership and communication is examined explaining organizational communication and its tools. In the third part the book looks in detail at the glass, textile and confection industries. It examines the relationship between socio-demographic variables of employees, leadership types and communication styles and systems of managers in these sectors. The results of this study provide researchers and professionals with a number of suggestions for more effective organizational communication and better leadership practice.

Über den Wolken und andere Geschichten
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 161

Über den Wolken und andere Geschichten

Die erste deutschsprachige Science-Fiction-Anthologie mit acht zeitgenössischen Autor*innen aus der Türkei: intergalaktische Kämpfe, Oktopoden aus anderen Dimensionen, leidenschaftliche Gefühle für eine androidische Sexarbeiterin ... was versteckt sich eigentlich jenseits der Wolken? Und immer wieder dystopische Visionen, die eine aus dem Gleis geratene soziale Ordnung, politische Unterdrückung und Umweltzerstörung anprangern. Abgerundet wird das Buch durch einen Artikel über die Geschichte der türkischen Phantastik vom Osmanischen Reich bis zur Gegenwart – eine ideale Einführung in bislang unbekannte literarische Gefilde.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 174


In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of linguistic studies on space in Turkish. Considering that such a fundamental semantic category is ripe for further research and acknowledging that such processes may be challenging, any shortcomings in this book can be more comfortably evaluated within scientific tolerance. Whether this book, which is neither the first nor the last research on space in Turkish, is of high quality will be determined over time; however, it can be said with humility and ease of mind that it is a modest start in its field. A research book should be original, and the researcher should discover something others have yet to say (Eco, 2018). From a dialecti...