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The current discussion on the rule of law, especially in the EU, seems to be developing because the terms that express the idea of the rule of law in different European languages do not convey the same content. The rule of law, der Rechtsstaat, l'état de droit, to name just three language versions, were coined in different historical contexts and within different traditions of political thought. The question then becomes, to what extent is diversity in the understanding of the rule of law still legitimate today? The answer is sought in the book we have edited, whose authors are academically recognized individuals representing these different traditions of legal and political thinking. The p...
Every active lawyer nowadays must be a constitutionalist, that is, an expert in constitutional law. This thought also applies to civil law specialists. The constitutionalization of private law and the Europeanization of private law are among the most fascinating phenomena of contemporary civil law science. A comprehensive comparison of the two phenomena has not yet been made. Even more so, it was not done from the perspective of the new EU member states. This gap is filled by this edited volume.
This volume is the first comprehensive study of the Polish history of law and Christianity written in English for a global audience. It examines the lives of twenty-one central figures in Polish law with a focus on how their Christian faith was a factor in molding the evolution of law in their country and the region. The individuals selected for study exhibit wide-ranging areas of expertise, from private law and codification, through national public law and constitutional law, to international developments that left their mark on Poland and the world. The chapters discuss the jurists within their historical, intellectual, and political context. The editors selected jurists after extensive consultation with legal historians looking at the jurists’ particular merits, contributions to law in general, religious perspective, and period under consideration. The collection will appeal to scholars, lawyers, and students interested in the interplay between law and religion. Political, social, legal, and religious historians, among other readers, will find, for the first time in English, authoritative treatments of essential Polish legal thinkers and authors.
The book represents original research in a field of study rarely pursued while analysing the intellectual dimensions of disputes over ethically sensitive issues that occur in European Union politics. These disputes are generally analysed at ideological, ethical, economic and interstate levels. However, these references do not suffice in understanding the issue, which is related to a divergent perception of the essence of humanity and thus the subject matter of anthropology. The main research objective of the monograph is therefore to reconstruct the sources and the specific European Union way of thinking about the human being. Methodologically, the book expands the understanding of political...
Niniejsze opracowanie koncentruje się na początkowym okresie życia człowieka, ukazując aktualność wskazanych problemów i potrzebę wzmocnienia gwarancji prawnej ochrony życia zwłaszcza najsłabszych, zdanych na łaskę innych. Podkreśla wartość życia człowieka od poczęcia oraz znaczenie prawa naturalnego, które pozwala wypełnić treścią aksjologiczną pustkę wynikającą z prawa pozytywnego. Zasadniczą ideą tego opracowania jest podkreślenie wartości życia w kontekście aksjologii konstytucyjnej, zakorzenionej głęboko w prawie naturalnym, niezależnym od ludzkich ocen i zmieniających się trendów. Wynikający stąd szacunek należny człowiekowi na każdym etapie jego życia stanowi afirmację kultury życia, którą powinny kierować się władze publiczne w trosce o byt i przyszłość naszej Ojczyzny.
This book looks at Poland at the time of the war in Ukraine with an emphasis on the pertinent political philosophical reflection of its public scholars regarding the problem of the country’s moral rearmament—a major axiological challenge for the West and its member states in dangerous times. After initially looking at the sociopolitical context of the question in Poland, that is, the country’s response to the early phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as presenting the aggressive Russian empire together with the European Union as a normative empire, the main question is examined in the context of the Polish national community. Thus Poland is studied from several aspects of cultural and political philosophy, augmented by political theology, which provide potentially relevant resources to confront the challenge. From this perspective reflection on existing historical memory in Poland is presented that explains the survival of a tragic sensibility and can act as a counter to the historical amnesia that has been determined as a deterrent of the axiological task of moral rearmament, and plays an important part in a deeper reflection of the present dangerous times.
The monographs ‘European Integration: Conditions, Essence and Consequences’ and its follow-up ‘The Future of the European Union’ were compiled in the course of the project ‘Quo vadis Unio? a racja stanu Polski’ under the DIALOG research programme between 2019 and 2023. They are the result of contributions by Europeanists, political scientists, lawyers, economists, cultural scholars and historians who study the issues of European integration. The content presented in both publications reflects the research outcomes and views of the individual authors. The first monograph was designed as an attempt to summarise the integration process within the European Union to date and its legal...
Polska jest dziś jak książka szyfrem pisana: kto potrafi postawić jej rozumne pytanie, temu także rozumnie odpisał w 1985 roku bliski przyjaciel Jana Pawła II ksiądz Józef Tischner. Wydaje się, że prawda zawarta w tych słowach była aktualna nie tylko wtedy, w epoce transformacji i nieustannych zmian, ale także i dziś - nie tylko w odniesieniu do Polski, ale również Europy i świata. Niniejszy zbiór artykułów, które mieliśmy przyjemność zaprezentować czytelnikowi, zdaje się przekonywać także i o tym, że Jan Paweł II był człowiekiem, który potrafił postawić zarówno Polakom, jak i Europejczykom oraz społecznościom o innej tożsamości kulturowej ważne pyta...
Relationships between peace, politics and religion are often controversial, and sometimes problematic. Religion is a core source of identity for billions of people around the world and it is hardly surprising that sometimes it becomes involved in conflicts. At the same time, we can see religion involved not only in conflict. It is also central to conflict resolution, peace-making and peacebuilding. Religious involvement is often necessary to try to end hatred and differences, frequently central to political conflicts especially, but not only, in the Global South. Evidence shows that religious leaders and faith-based organisations can play constructive roles in helping to end violence, and in some cases, build peace via early warnings of conflict, good offices once conflict has erupted, as well as advocacy, mediation and reconciliation. The chapters of this book highlight that religion can encourage both conflict and peace, through the activities of people individually and collectively imbued with religious ideas and ideals.
The role of religious identity in social communities has gained importance in the past few years, as many questions about individual and collective identity have been brought up in the fields of science and everyday life. Religion, despite the process of secularisation, remains an important component of human identity. Increasingly, religion is also becoming an object of political influence. This volume argues that religion actually determinates various phenomena in the political sphere today.