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This volume offers an introduction to all questions of teaching Religious Education as a school subject and as an academic discipline related to this subject. The chapters cover most of the aspects that religion teachers have to face in their work, as well as the theoretical background necessary for this task. The volume is a textbook for students and teachers of religious education, be it in school or in an academic context, who are looking for reliable information on this field. The book has proven its usefulness in German speaking countries. This volume is the English translation of the German Compendium of Religious Education (edited by Gottfried Adam and Rainer Lachmann). The present En...
»Mission in crisis« – this diagnosis makes immediate sense in view of the rapid decline of European Christian churches. However, there is a great deal of controversy as to what exactly this crisis consists of, what its actual causes are and what dynamics the crisis discourse itself exhibits. The contributions in this volume were held on an international conference that took place from November 25–27, 2022 at the University of Zurich. They pursue these questions from a mission-theological perspective and seek to open up new perspectives for the future of the church in both secular and plural societies. With contributions from: Heike Breitenstein, John G. Flett, Ralph Kunz, Sabrina Müll...
Research in youth ministry has excelled and developed rapidly over the last four decades. Youth ministry is not just a church practice, but has become an emerging academic discipline, with a variety of methodological, theoretical, and contextual approaches. This academic handbook offers an assessment of contemporary youth ministry research to assist students doing bachelor, master, and doctoral research, and youth ministry scholars, in their studies of youth ministry. By examining youth ministry research through the lens of the following five fundamental questions, the reader is challenged to engage with state-of-the-art theory, methods, and findings from current youth ministry research: • Who are the youth in youth ministry? • Where is God in youth ministry? • What is the purpose of youth ministry? • Who is the youth minister in youth ministry? • How to research practices in youth ministry? The academic handbook is a must-read for everyone who is interested in systematic reflection on youth ministry and youth ministry research.
Die Pluralisierung des Religiösen, die ein besonders prägnantes Kennzeichen gegenwärtig stattfindender gesellschaftlicher Wandlungsprozesse ist, stellt eine enorme Herausforderung für viele Akteure in Kirche, Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik dar. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Begriff der religiösen Pluralisierung zu schärfen, indem er am Beispiel konkreter religiöser Phänomene und Praktiken entfaltet wird. Der Band umfasst Beiträge zu zwölf Themenfeldern, die für die praktisch-theologischen Diskurse in Südafrika und in Deutschland prägend und gegenwärtig von hoher Relevanz sind (Armut und Reichtum, Bildung, Schwellenriten und Passagen, Gesundheit, Religiöse Verge...
Der erste Band des neuen Jahrbuchs für Kinder- und Jugendtheologie beschäftigt sich mit der Kommunikation des Evangeliums. Dabei geht es um die zentralen Fragen: Was wird kommuniziert? Wer kommuniziert? Wo wird kommuniziert? Die Beitrage des Bandes untersuchen die Kommunikation des Evangeliums: - als Programmbegriff - in internationalen Perspektiven - unter pluralen Bedingungen - im Kontext kirchlicher Bildung - im Kontext schulischer Bildung - im Vorschul-, Grundschule- und Jugendalter - in der Familie, der Schule oder der Kirche Das Jahrbuch für Kindertheologie sowie das erfolgreich eingeführte Jahrbuch für Jugendtheologie erscheinen ab sofort in einer gemeinsamen Reihe, dem Jahrbuch für Kinder- und Jugendtheologie. Damit wird der Erfahrung Rechnung getragen, dass die beiden Felder sich an vielen Stellen überschneiden und sich die jeweiligen Forschungen und praktischen Umsetzungen produktiv ergänzen.
Questions of eternal life and a revolution of the human condition have been a continuing theme in many religions, notably in the Abrahamic faiths. In one way or another, "deathless hopes" continue to play a prominent role in today's public discourses. To understand the current significance of the issue, a thorough grasp of historical dynamics is required. This volume gives a representative overview of prominent traditions in the Hebrew Bible, Jewish Studies, contemporary ethics, theology, and anthropology, but also evaluates common questions afresh, suggesting new perspectives.
»What Does Theology Do, Actually? Observing Theology and the Transcultural« is to be the first in a series of 5 books, each presented under the same question – »What Does Theology Do, Actually?«, with vols. 2–5 focusing on one of the theological subdisciplines. This first volume proceeds from the observation of a need for a highly inflected »trans-cultural«, and not simply »inter-cultural«, set of perspectives in theological work and training. The revolution brought about across the humanities disciplines through globalization and the recognition of »multiple modernities« has introduced a diversity of overlapping cultural content and multiple cultural and religious belongings not only into academic work in the humanities and social sciences, but into the Christian churches as well.
The author approaches the phenomenon 'religious experience' through a qualitative study in which young, urban people from Europe and the USA are empirically examined. It becomes clear that individuals themselves are constructive agents of experience and theology. Religious experience manifests itself as a transformative perspective of hope in the lives of young people. The study ends with a plea for a theology from below, based on liberation theology and feminist theories, in which contextual perspectives are central to practical theological theorising.
This book directly addresses the social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It does so by focusing on both the immediate effects during the pandemic and the lockdowns, as well as the issues related to the long-term social consequences that are likely to result from the economic crisis in the coming years. To date, most philosophical essays and books have focused on the health aspects of the pandemic, and in particular on the fields of medical ethics and public health ethics. Containing a truly international and interdisciplinary group of scholars, a unique and global perspective is offered on the rarely discussed social and economic consequences of the pandemic. This book is of great interest to academic philosophers, but also to researchers from the social sciences.
Kaum eine religionspädagogische Veröffentlichung kommt heute ohne den Hinweis aus, dass der Religionsunterricht in Schule und Gemeinde erfahrungsbezogen sein soll. Was jedoch genau unter dieser Programmformel zu verstehen ist, hat in der Evangelischen Religionspädagogik zu unterschiedlichen, ja widersprüchlichen Antworten geführt. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass sich die Bedeutung des Wortes im Laufe der Geschichte gewandelt hat, von Fachdisziplin zu Fachdisziplin wechselt und in unterschiedlichen argumentativen Kontexten verwendet wird. David Käbisch macht sich daher zum Ziel, Bedeutungsmöglichkeiten in historischer und systematischer Perspektive zu rekonstruieren. Damit strebt er eine Antwort auf die Frage an, inwieweit der Begriff der Erfahrung geeignet ist, eine Theorie religiöser Bildung zu begründen und den Inhalt, das Ziel und die Methode des Religionsunterrichts zu präzisieren.