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"Explores the intersections between monarchy, gender, and art through an investigation of the visual and architectural culture of the eighteenth-century Habsburg empress Maria Theresa"--Provided by publisher.
White women who inhabited the West Indies in the eighteenth century fascinated metropolitan observers. In popular prints, novels, and serial publications, these women appeared to stray from "proper" British societal norms. Although many women who lived in the Caribbean island of Jamaica might have fit the model, extant writings from Ann Brodbelt, Sarah Dwarris, Margaret and Mary Cowper, Lady Maria Nugent, and Ann Appleton Storrow show a longing to remain connected with metropolitan society and their loved ones separated by the Atlantic. Sensibility and awareness of metropolitan material culture masked a lack of empathy towards subordinates and opened the white women in these islands to censu...
'A Taste for China' offers an account of how literature of the long eighteenth century generated a model of English selfhood dependent on figures of China. It shows how various genres of writing in this period call upon 'things Chinese' to define the tasteful English subject of modernity. Chinoiserie is no mere exotic curiosity in this culture, but a potent, multivalent sign of England's participation in a cosmopolitan world order.
During the eighteenth century, porcelain held significant cultural and artistic importance. This collection represents one of the first thorough scholarly attempts to explore the diversity of the medium's cultural meanings. Among the volume's purposes is to expose porcelain objects to the analytical and theoretical rigor which is routinely applied to painting, sculpture and architecture, and thereby to reposition eighteenth-century porcelain within new and more fruitful interpretative frameworks. The authors also analyze the aesthetics of porcelain and its physical characteristics, particularly the way its tactile and visual qualities reinforced and challenged the social processes within whi...
The British Embassy in Istanbul was unique among other diplomatic missions in the long eighteenth century in being financed by a private commercial monopoly, the Levant Company. In this detailed study, Michael Talbot shows how the intimate relation between commercial interest and diplomatic practice played out across the period, from the arrival of an ambassador from the restored British crown in 1661 to the sudden evacuation of his successor and the outbreak of the first Ottoman War in 1807. Using a rich variety of sources in English, Ottoman Turkish and Italian, some of them never before examined, including legal documents, financial ledgers and first-hand accounts from participants, he re...
Präsentationsvideo (4. Folge der Reihe 'ÖGE18 Update') Anyone wishing to look beyond the paradigm of Western progress needs to understand how it came into being. In the intellectual culture of the 17th and 18th centuries, the competitive comparison of Ancients and Moderns and their respective relations to civilization and barbarism constituted one of the formative discourses. Yet alternative ideas of time and historicity are encountered not only in cultural contexts outside of Europe but also in the largely forgotten professional knowledge of the Old World: Thomism, Peripatetism, moderate forms of criticism, political theory, and legal practice. This book introduces a broad panorama of such intellectual cultures in Central Europe. It situates theological, historical, and philosophical scholarship in its institutional and epistemological environments: the Church, the Holy Roman Empire, and the emerging Habsburg Monarchy. In doing so, it identifies struggles over competing pasts – Christian, ethnic, legal – as the core of those domains' intellectual development.
Monografija o Mariji Tereziji se pridružuje številnim obeležitvam 300. obletnice rojstva cesarice Marije Terezije, ki so potekale v letu 2017. Vladarica je bila v preteklosti pogosto objekt znanstvenega raziskovanja, a večinoma v tujem zgodovinopisju. Slovensko zgodovinopisje se je do sedaj z njenim življenjem in vladanjem ukvarjalo sorazmerno malo. Pričujoča monografija tako prinaša številne nove ugotovitve in nove poglede na Marijo Terezijo in njeno dobo. Pri monografiji je sodelovalo več kot dvajset priznanih raziskovalcev, večinoma iz Slovenije, nekaj pa tudi iz tujine. Izhodišče prispevkov je slovenski prostor in vplivi cesaričnih reform nanj. Te reforme so bile korenite, temeljite in dolgoročne, kar pomeni, da njihove učinke čutimo še danes, čeprav se tega morda ne zavedamo. Druga rdeča nit monografije pa je ohranjanje spomina na Marijo Terezijo na Slovenskem kot tudi v njenih nekdanjih deželah, ki so danes samostojne države (Avstrija, Madžarska, Hrvaška in Češka). Monografija je napisana pretežno v slovenskem jeziku, medtem ko so prispevki tujih avtorjev v tujem jeziku (nemško, angleško, italijansko in hrvaško) z daljšim slovenskim povzetkom.
Portraits of Anna Amalia, Duchess of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach chart a shift in perceptions of her public identity and of the gender dynamics that shaped that identity. This manuscript is more than just a patronage study or a biography; it is concerned with how a powerful woman used art to shape her identity, how that identity changed over time, and how people around her shaped it, too. This study sheds real light on the power of portraiture in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Europe.
Sissi's World offers a transdisciplinary approach to the study of the Habsburg Empress Elisabeth of Austria. It investigates the myths, legends, and representations across literature, art, film, and other media of one of the most popular, revered, and misunderstood female figures in European cultural history. Sissi's World explores the cultural foundations for the endurance of the Sissi legends and the continuing fascination with the beautiful empress: a Bavarian duchess born in 1837, the longest-serving Austrian empress, and the queen of Hungary who died in 1898 at the hands of a crazed anarchist. Despite the continuing fascination with “the beloved Sissi," the Habsburg empress, her impact, and legacy have received scant attention from scholars. This collection will go beyond the popular biographical accounts, recountings of her mythic beauty, and scattered studies of her well-known eccentricities to offer transdisciplinary cultural perspectives across art, film, fashion, history, literature, and media.
Theatre History Studies (THS) is a peer-reviewed journal of theatre history and scholarship published annually since 1981 by the Mid-America Theatre Conference THEATRE HISTORY STUDIES, VOLUME 38 PART I: Studies in Theatre History ELIZABETH COEN Hanswurst’s Public: Defending the Comic in the Theatres of Eighteenth-Century Vienna BRIDGET MCFARLAND “This Affair of a Theatre”: The Boston Theatre Controversy and the Americanization of the Stage RYAN TVEDT From Moscow to Simferopol: How the Russian Cubo-Futurists Accessed the Provinces DANIELLA VINITSKI MOONEY So Long Ago I Can’t Remember: GAle GAtes et al. and the 1990s Immersive Theatre Part II: The Site-Based Theatre Audience Experience...