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This book is the first concentrated effort to explore the most recent chapter of East Central European past from the perspective of intellectual history. Post-socialism can be understood both as a period of scarcity and preponderance of ideas, the dramatic eclipsing of the dissident legacy?as well as the older political traditions?and the rise of technocratic and post-political governance. This book, grounded in empirical research sensitive to local contexts, proposes instead a history of adaptations, entanglements, and unintended consequences. In order to enable and invite comparison, the volume is structured around major domains of political thought, some of them generic (liberalism, conservatism, the Left), others (populism and politics of history) deemed typical for post-socialism. However, as shown by the authors, the generic often turns out to be heavily dependent on its immediate setting, and the typical resonates with processes that are anything but vernacular.
This is the second in a series of four volumes, presenting the most important texts that triggered and shaped the processes of nation-building in Central and Southeast Europe. The series aims to integrate the history of these cultures with that of general European civilization. Thus it counteracts the habit whereby European intellectual phenomena and historical movements are generally analyzed where they originated and experienced their earliest and most intensive development, while the peculiar manifestations of these currents in the 'Other Europe' are neglected.
Monografie mapuje populistické politické strany v regionu střední a východní Evropy, resp. v postkomunistických členských zemích Evropské unie. Autoři jednotlivých kapitol vycházejí z typologie populistických stran (exclusively a non-exclusively populist parties) představené v úvodní kapitole knihy. V jednotlivých kapitolách – případových studiích jsou analyzovány vybrané aspekty populistických stran. Přiblížena je jejich historie a vývoj, organizační struktura, ideologická profilace, charakter voličské základy a pozice ve stranickém systému. Publikace navazuje na řadu odborných textů věnovaných populismu nejen ve sledované oblasti, ale i v dalších evropských i neevropských zemích. Jedná se ale o první publikaci systematicky zpracovávající tuto problematiku v daném regionu.
The two-volume set LNCS 10769 and 10770 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st IACR International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, PKC 2018, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2018. The 49 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 186 submissions. They are organized in topical sections such as Key-Dependent-Message and Selective-Opening Security; Searchable and Fully Homomorphic Encryption; Public-Key Encryption; Encryption with Bad Randomness; Subversion Resistance; Cryptanalysis; Composable Security; Oblivious Transfer; Multiparty Computation; Signatures; Structure-Preserving Signatures; Functional Encryption; Foundations; Obfuscation-Based Cryptographic Constructions; Protocols; Blockchain; Zero-Knowledge; Lattices.
DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "The Postage Stamp in War" by Frederick John Melville. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.
Now in it’s fourth edition, Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems continues to be an essential textbook and reference source for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and for the clinician working with patients with cardiac and respiratory problems. It strengths lie in integrating the evidence with clinical practice and in covering the whole patient lifespan - infants, children, adolescents and adults. new chapters on: critical care, surgery, and psychological aspects of care expanded evidence for clinical practice case studies multi-contributed chapters written by internationally recognised experts extensively revised text with new illustrations and photographs comprehensive reference lists which directs the reader to further sources of information Part of the Physiotherapy Essentials series - core textbooks for both students and lecturers Online image bank now available! Log on to and type in your unique pincode for access to over 300 downloadable images
Life history theory seeks to explain the evolution of the major features of life cycles by analyzing the ecological factors that shape age-specific schedules of growth, reproduction, and survival and by investigating the trade-offs that constrain the evolution of these traits. Although life history theory has made enormous progress in explaining the diversity of life history strategies among species, it traditionally ignores the underlying proximate mechanisms. This novel book argues that many fundamental problems in life history evolution, including the nature of trade-offs, can only be fully resolved if we begin to integrate information on developmental, physiological, and genetic mechanis...
In allen ostmitteleuropäischen Ländern traten im Herbst 1989 politische Akteure, die aus dissidentischen Milieus hervorgegangen waren, in den Vordergrund des politischen Geschehens. Ihre Bedeutung für die politischen Umbruchprozesse ist jedoch bis heute umstritten. Die Länderstudien und vergleichenden Analysen aus diesem Band zeigen, dass ungeachtet der oberflächlichen Ähnlichkeiten die Strategiefähigkeit der demokratischen Opposition im Herbst 1989 erheblich zwischen den Ländern variierte und in starkem Maße durch den jeweiligen nationalen Typ kommunistischer Herrschaft, die Vorgeschichte politisch alternativer Bestrebungen sowie den Modus des Regimewechsels beeinflusst war.