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With almost 90% of terrestrial plant material entering the detrital pool, the processing of this significant carbon source is a critical ecosystem function to understand. Riverine ecosystems are estimated to receive, process and transport nearly 1.9 Pg of terrestrial carbon per year globally, highlighting the focus many freshwater ecologists have on the factors that explain decomposition rates of senesced plant material. Since Webster and Benfield offered the first comprehensive review of these factors in 1986, there has been an explosion of research addressing key questions about the ecological interactions at play. Ecologists have developed field and laboratory techniques, as well as created global scale collaborations to disentangle the many drivers involved in the decomposition process. This book encapsulates these 30+ years of research, describing the state of knowledge on the ecology of plant litter decomposition in stream ecosystems in 22 chapters written by internationally renowned experts on the subject.
This book details the experiences gained by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) in a Mediterranean watershed – the Catalan River Basin District – following the launch of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the year 2000. Experts in rivers, reservoirs, lakes, wetlands and estuaries present 13 chapters defining tools for water-status assessment specially adapted to Mediterranean conditions. The content of this and the companion volume Experiences from Ground, Coastal and Transitional Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin District (Part II) are the result of an excellent collaboration between the ACA and several Catalan universities and research centers to cope with new challenges provided by the WFD monitoring requirements. The volume serves as a useful guide for environmental managers and scientists engaged in other European as well as Non-European river basins.
The ‘Aquatic Habitat Conservation in South America’ Symposium occurred during the XXI Brazilian Society of Ichthyology Meeting. The proceedings were published as a special issue in the Journal of Fish Biology (vol. 89, Number 1, June 2016). In this special issue, authors provided an analytical overview of problems faced by the conservation of fishes and aquatic habitats of South America. Habitat loss emerged as the greatest concern for all South American aquatic ecosystems, with a long list of causes related to unsustainable development models. Based on this finding, we would like to extend this topic to other continents, different climates, fauna and flora around the world. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary overview of variables that influence flora and fauna distributions and shape their ecological interactions within aquatic ecosystems
This book discusses decentralized sanitation for wastewater treatment and management in cold environments. It addresses the knowledge gap that exists between the understanding of centralized and decentralized wastewater treatment approaches. Decentralized Sanitation and Water Treatment: Treatment in Cold Environments and Techno-Economic Aspects covers the sustainability principles, various technologies involved, decentralized treatment in cold countries, and the economic and social feasibility of decentralized sanitation. It provides solutions for the conservation of water sources and target-oriented sanitation approaches for wastewater treatment and recycling. Key Features Reviews the curre...
El gran valor que los ríos y arroyos tienen para el ser humano contrasta vivamente con su severa degradación y la escasa protección que se les confiere. Las Reservas Naturales Fluviales (RNF) suponen una gran oportunidad para revertir esta situación en España. Sin embargo, a menudo no está claro cuál es su objetivo ni qué criterios específicos se han empleado para su diseño (por ejemplo, existe una clara sobre-representación de zonas de montaña). El principal propósito de este protocolo e5s establecer unas pautas metodológicas que permitan a las administraciones de las diferentes demarcaciones hidrográficas ampliar y completar su red de RNF, optimizando recursos y contando, as...
El delta del Llobregat és la tercera zona humida de Catalunya després del delta de l’Ebre i dels aiguamolls de l’Empordà, però fins ara no ha comptat amb una obra de referència sobre els seus sistemes naturals. La publicació Els sistemes naturals del delta del Llobregat pretén emplenar aquest buit. Els sistemes naturals del delta del Llobregat reuneix 23 articles de 57 autors i fa una anàlisi del funcionament general i la dinàmica recent del delta, aprofundeix en l’estudi dels principals grups biològics que s’hi troben, fa una avaluació del seu estat de conservació i presenta diverses propostes per millorar-lo, i també inclou una revisió històrica de l’activitat naturalista que hi ha tingut lloc. Aquest treball esdevé especialment útil en un moment en què el creixement urbanístic i les infraestructures amenacen la pervivència del delta del Llobregat i urgeix establir de manera definitiva un model de gestió d’aquest espai respectuós amb els seus valors naturals i amb els serveis ecològics i culturals que pot oferir al conjunt de la societat.
Environmental law is evolving from negotiating and prescribing environmental policies to enforcing time-bound, measurable and achievable goals in order to secure a sustainable future. This pertinent and thought-provoking book analyzes the legal instruments that have been successful in working towards requisite targets for ecological sustainability. Featuring contributions from leading scholars, this insightful book discusses the future challenges and innovative applications of environmental law to assist in achieving sustainability goals in an efficient and timely manner.
Written constitutions are an important attribute of nation states and have become a global phenomenon over the past 200 years. The process began with the revolutions in the Atlantic World, from where it spread to other regions. The present volume looks into the complex of constitutions, the fundamental values conveyed by the constitutional texts, the building and functioning of new constitutional bodies and their symbolic representation. All the authors work on the assumption that in order to fully understand the constitutional order and its history, it is necessary, in addition to studying the legal text, to analyse its special forms of implementation and legitimisation. Therefore, culture ...
"Mujer y agua: una relación natural" es una obra que sitúa a la mujer en diversos roles en los que se exaltan sus conocimientos y capacidades como gestoras, científicas e incluso protectoras en defensa del agua, del ambiente y de las comunidades presentes en el territorio. El texto se divide en tres partes: 1) mujer y acción por el agua, 2) mujer y ciencia y 3) ecofeminismo; en las que se destaca el papel de la mujer como articuladora de procesos y puente de unión entre la ciencia, la academia y la sociedad. Es una invitación colectiva para proveer alternativas integrales a la resolución de problemáticas y conflictos ambientales, donde el agua suele ser un foco de interés. El libro extiende una invitación a asumir retos y emprender acciones de adaptación, en tiempos de cambio.