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Los temas generales en que se divide la obra no podrían ser más atractivos y actuales: 1. Libertad y culpabilidad, 2. Funcionalismo, teoría de sistemas y Derecho Penal, 3. Principio de legalidad. Interpretación y Derecho Penal, y 4. Moral social, bien jurídico y Derecho Penal.La sola mención de sus autores es suficiente garantía del elevado nivel teórico de sus exposiciones. Se trata de 15 profesores que no requieren presentación, pues son ampliamente conocidos en los medios jurídicos colombianos y no pocos de ellos han visitado nuestro país. El conjunto de estos estudios conforma un verdadero curso de Derecho Penal, que permite la actualización en temas centrales de esta discipl...
Sexual assault law has been undergoing significant shifts around the world. Traditional criminal laws against sexual assault had a narrow scope: they targeted rape as coerced sexual intercourse, and they defined coercion as physical violence or threats with physical violence. Modern offense descriptions are tracing a change in the logic and structure of criminal laws against sexual assault from the offenders' violence to the victims' lack of consent as the key feature of criminal wrongdoing. However, there are clear and marked differences regarding the offence descriptions in substantive criminal laws in various jurisdictions. Sexual Assault: Law Reform in a Comparative Perspective provides ...
This book elaborates on the rules governing the prosecution and sentencing of multi-offenders. The term ‘multi-offender’ is used for an offender that has committed a series of offences (either in one single act or in different acts); hence the addition of ‘multi’ in ‘multi-offender’. A crucial element thereto is that the whole series of offences – which make the offender a multi-offender – has been committed before being subject to a final conviction. A comparative EU-study was conducted, focussing on the rules governing multi-offenders within different EU Member States. It reveals that this type of offenders challenge both the legislator and the prosecution and judges: when ...
Esta obra corresponde a la compilación de diversos trabajos de investigación académica que dan cuenta de los debates actuales del Sistema Penal Integral. Se trata de un esfuerzo colectivo de construcción de conocimiento sobre los debates en el campo penal y los problemas emergentes que imponen las sociedades actuales a los saberes tradicionales de la dogmática penal, el proceso penal, la criminología y la política criminal. Se trata de una obra de actualidad que discute los debates que le impone la realidad al saber penal, de los procesos de transformación que se han suscitado en la disciplina como resultado de las dinámicas complejas de una sociedad en metamorfosis permanente. La s...
The book shares the results of project research granted by the Castilla-La Mancha government, which has been composed by philosophers of law and criminal law researchers, whose main conclusions are represented by the manifestations and trends of the current crisis of the constitutional State. The works identify these trends and manifestations in order to develop alternatives and remedies to solve the current negation process that classical liberties are involved, from the point of view of philosophy, policy, and dogmatic.
Following on from the earlier edited collection, Loss of Control and Diminished Responbility, this book is the first volume in the Substantive Issues in Criminal Law series. It serves as a leading point of reference in the area relating to participation in crime and identifies the need for a consistent approach to the doctrinal and theoretical underpinnings of complicity liability. With a section on the UK analysing points of current interest, the book also has a large comparative section dealing with foreign jurisdictions and examines on the basis of a unified research grid how different legal systems treat core issues of participation in the context of criminal law. This book is a valuable reference resource for those in the criminal justice community in the UK and abroad and for academics, the judiciary and policy-makers.
Contenido: Capítulo I. Antecedentes de la casación. Capítulo II. De la casación penal: I. De la noción del instituto. II. De otras definiciones. III. De nuestra visión. IV. De la impugnación extraordinaria. Capítulo III. De los vicios de la sentencia: I. Del concepto de sentencia. II. De nuestra visión. III. De los errores en la sentencia. IV. De nuestra visión de errores. Capítulo IV. Sentencias contra las que procede el amparo constitucional, convencional: I. Generalidades. II. De la casación respecto de sentencias anticipadas. III. Del interés y límites para recurrir las sentencias proferidas en vía de terminación anticipada, y la extensión de aquellos a la casación pena...
This book addresses questions in connection with the international legal regime on demands for secession, which have arisen in various States. More specifically, it examines the unilateral declarations of independence by Kosovo in 2008, and by Crimea and its subsequent annexation by the Russian Federation in 2014. The work investigates the two cases so as to shed light on the international legal regime affecting entities that are smaller than a sovereign State. It analyzes the relevant principles of international law, the intention being to determine their scope and review them in light of the most recent practice and developments in international law. In turn, the book examines and explains...
This book sets out a possible trajectory for the co-development of legal responsibility on the one hand and artificial intelligence and the machines and systems driven by it on the other. As autonomous technologies become more sophisticated it will be harder to attribute harms caused by them to the humans who design or work with them. This will put pressure on legal responsibility and autonomous technologies to co-evolve. Mark Chinen illustrates how these factors strengthen incentives to develop even more advanced systems, which in turn strengthens nascent calls to grant legal and moral status to autonomous machines. This book is a valuable resource for scholars and practitioners of legal doctrine, ethics, and autonomous technologies.
El libro que tiene el lector entre manos pretende rendir sentido tributo a la persona y la obra de Mirentxu Corcoy Bidasolo. El título elegido, Un modelo integral de Derecho penal, refleja el modo en que la profesora Corcoy ha concebido esta disciplina a lo largo de su dilatada y brillante carrera académica. Lejos de contemplarla como una mera yuxtaposición de elementos inconexos, el suyo constituye un modelo integrador de diversas disciplinas estrechamente interconectadas. Así, con apoyo en una comprensión de los principios político-criminales como fundamento y límite de la intervención penal, la profesora Corcoy parte de un profundo dominio de las Teorías del delito y de la pena c...