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Nature, Tourism and Ethnicity as Drivers of (De)Marginalization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 345

Nature, Tourism and Ethnicity as Drivers of (De)Marginalization

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-01
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book considers de-marginalization attesting that marginal regions have the potential for de-marginalization and are anchored in developmental terms on the following core themes: nature; tourism; ethnicity and general factors including migration. Adding to the discussion on marginality and sustainability this book contributes a number of case studies on a diverse selection of topics and regions in which these crucial issues connect. It delivers a reflection of (de)marginalizing processes in today’s globalized world where an increasing number of people, groups, societies and regions are marginalized and vulnerable not only from social and economic factors, but also from natural causes s...

Sustainability in Tourism and Regional Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 223

Sustainability in Tourism and Regional Development

The economic and sociocultural significance of tourism today cannot be overstated. With the rapid growth of travel and tourism, more and more research is being undertaken in this field, with particular attention paid to the concept of sustainability. This book broadens the reach of such studies by providing comprehensive and rigorous examinations of many issues and concepts related to sustainable tourism, with particular attention paid to Slovenia. It considers the area broadly, and presents in-depth discussions on many relevant and important tourism issues, covering topics from the sustainable use of cultural heritage in tourism and the development of sustainable jobs and professionalism in the tourism sector to the aspects of systemic management and logistic planning for tourist destinations, as well as the contributions that local governments make towards sustainable development and use of local resources. The collection provides a unique and balanced view of both theoretical issues and practical cases and is a valuable reading for students, researchers and professionals in the field of tourism and sustainability.

Language and Culture in the Intercultural World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 462

Language and Culture in the Intercultural World

The intensification of contacts between cultures and languages has a major impact on all social spheres today. Multiculturalism and multilingualism are important elements of the local, regional, national and global community. Much of the world’s conflict stems from the contrast between globalization and nationalism, fuelled by religions, racial divisions, traditions and other cultural particularities. Focusing mainly on the situation in Central and South-eastern Europe, this book addresses how cultural identities develop through tourism, education, literature and other social fields, and how language and literature teaching should be planned in this context. It consists of the following sections: Language, Culture and Tourism; Interculturalism, Multilingualism and Approaches to Language Learning; and Culture in Literature and Translation. The volume will be of interest to teachers and researchers of cultural and tourism studies, linguistics and language learning, literary studies and translation, while also addressing wider readers interested in contemporary intercultural society.

The Changing World Religion Map
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 3858

The Changing World Religion Map

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-02-03
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  • Publisher: Springer

This extensive work explores the changing world of religions, faiths and practices. It discusses a broad range of issues and phenomena that are related to religion, including nature, ethics, secularization, gender and identity. Broadening the context, it studies the interrelation between religion and other fields, including education, business, economics and law. The book presents a vast array of examples to illustrate the changes that have taken place and have led to a new world map of religions. Beginning with an introduction of the concept of the “changing world religion map”, the book first focuses on nature, ethics and the environment. It examines humankind’s eternal search for th...

Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe

This book discusses the merits of the theory of agonistic memory in relation to the memory of war. After explaining the theory in detail it provides two case studies, one on war museums in contemporary Europe and one on mass graves exhumations, which both focus on analyzing to what extent these memory sites produce different regimes of memory. Furthermore, the book provides insights into the making of an agonistic exhibition at the Ruhr Museum in Essen, Germany. It also analyses audience reaction to a theatre play scripted and performed by the Spanish theatre company Micomicion that was supposed to put agonism on stage. There is also an analysis of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) designed and delivered on the theory of agonistic memory and its impact on the memory of war. Finally, the book provides a personal review of the history, problems and accomplishments of the theory of agonistic memory by the two editors of the volume.

Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 246

Raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-06-15
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Zametki znanstvenega preucevanja slovenskega izseljevanja segajo v cas pred prvo svetovno vojno, ko je pojav dosegel svoj zgodovinski višek. V tridesetih letih 20. stoletja je preucevanje izseljenske tematike dobilo akademsko podlago in teoreticno utemeljitev v okviru ljubljanske univerze. Sistematicno raziskovanje slovenskega izseljenstva se je intenzivneje razvijalo od šestdesetih let dalje, se tematsko razvejalo in postalo podrocje sodelovanja raznih znanstvenih disciplin. V tem procesu je v osemdesetih letih zaživel tudi današnji Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije ZRC SAZU. K sodelovanju pri knjigi, ki prihaja med bralce ob jubileju Inštituta, so bili poleg njegovih clanov povabljeni še nekateri drugi raziskovalci migracij, posebno pripadniki mlajših generacij, ki poglabljajo in razširjajo tradicionalne raziskovalne vsebine, jih obravnavajo z novih zornih kotov in pri tem preizkušajo nove raziskovalne pristope. Publikacija tako prinaša pregled dosedanjega dela Inštituta na podrocju raziskovanja slovenskega izseljenstva ter izbor prispevkov o nekaterih tematikah in vprašanjih, ki so danes v ospredju zanimanj preucevalcev slovenskih migracij.

Koledar Mohorjeve Družbe v Celovcu za navadno leto ...
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 216

Koledar Mohorjeve Družbe v Celovcu za navadno leto ...

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1897
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Guide to Programs of Geography in the United States and Canada
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 700

Guide to Programs of Geography in the United States and Canada

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Routledge Handbook of Second Home Tourism and Mobilities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

The Routledge Handbook of Second Home Tourism and Mobilities

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-04-17
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Second homes have become an increasingly important component of both tourism and housing studies. They can directly and indirectly contribute a significant number of domestic and international visitors to destinations and may be part of longer-term retirement, lifestyle and amenity migration that can have significant economic and social effects on communities and destination development. This volume offers an overview of different disciplinary and methodological approaches to second homes while simultaneously providing a broad geographical reach. Divided into four parts exploring governance, development, community and mobile second homes, the book provides a contemporary account of the major issues in an area of growing international interest. This timely handbook covers a wide range of dimensions – from planning to the role of second homes in development and the management of their impact. The international and cross-disciplinary nature of the contributions will be of interest to numerous academic fields in the social sciences, as well as urban and regional planners.

Nadzor migracij na Slovenskem od liberalizma do socializma
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 338

Nadzor migracij na Slovenskem od liberalizma do socializma

So selitve in nadzor nad migranti res samo vprašanje globalizacije in eden izmed velikih izzivov naše ere? Prav gotovo ne. Mobilni ljudje so od nekdaj predmet posebne pozornosti, saj so selitveni pojavi rezultat in hkrati dejavnik družbenih in relacijskih dinamik, viri integracijskih procesov in konfliktov. Zato je bil odnos do izseljencev in priseljencev v zgodovini vselej aktualen in je našel mesto v politično-administrativnih sistemih in praksah. Slovenski prostor je z vidika nadzora migracij posebno zanimiv, saj zaradi geopolitičnih sprememb in sistemskih družbeno-političnih prehodov omogoča privilegirano opazovanje prelomov in kontinuitet v odnosih med državo in migracijami. Pričujoči zbornik ponuja nekaj uvidov v migracijske režime, politike in nadzorne prakse v treh zgodovinskih fazah, ki so zaznamovale problematiko migracij v 19. in 20. stoletju, in sicer v dobi liberalizma do prve svetovne vojne, v času izrazitih nacionalizmov med svetovnima vojnama ter v času po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je prek slovenskega ozemlja potekala delitev med socialističnim in kapitalističnim svetom.