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Pada masa reformasi ini, pendidikan di Indonesia tetap membutuhkan perbaikan dan peningkatan mutu. Salah satunya dengan melalukan inovasi-inovasi pendidikan, untuk memajukan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Apalagi pada masa globalisasi yang menuntut kita untuk mampu bersaing di tengah-tengah bangsa lain yang mungkin lebih maju, baik dalam hal pendidikan, maupun ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Sebab, jika kita tidak mampu bersaing dan mengikuti perkembangan jaman, maka generasi muda tidak mampu mengembangkan potensi yang ada dalam bangsa dan negara, baik sumber daya manusia, maupun sumber daya alam untuk kesejahteraan bangsa. Maka dalam hal ini inovasi pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan.
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan membahas berbagai aspek dalam kehidupan, yaitu pembentukan diri yang beragam dari segi agama, sosial kultural, bahasa, usia, dan suku bangsa. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dapat diartikan sebagai wahana untuk mengembangkan dan melestarikan nilai luhur dan moral yang berakar pada budaya bangsa Indonesia yang diharapkan dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk perilaku kehidupan sehari-hari peserta didik sebagai individu, anggota masyarakat dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar dalam kehidupan manusia. Sebagai kebutuhan dasar, pendidikan memberikan pondasi yang kuat bagi perkembangan individu dan masyarakat. Melalui pendidikan, individu dapat mempelajari berbagai disiplin ilmu, membantu dalam pengembangan ketrampilan intelektual, sosial, dan praktis. Sehingga pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan suatu negara.
This book contains the proceedings of the The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education (AISTSSE) and The 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture (ICIESC), where held on 18 October 2018 and 25 September 2018 in same city, Medan, North Sumatera. Both of conferences were organized respectively by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Research Institute, Universitas Negeri Medan. The papers from these conferences collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of 5th AISTSSE. In publishing process, AISTSSE and ICIESC were collaboration conference presents six plenary and invited speakers from Australia, Japan...
This book introduces new concepts and mechanisms regarding the usage of both social media interactions and artifacts for peer education in digital educational games. Digital games in general, and digital educational games in particular, represent an area with a high potential for interdisciplinary innovation, not only from an information technology standpoint, but also from social science, psychological and didactic perspectives. This book presents an interdisciplinary approach to educational games, which is centered on information technology and aims at: (1) improving digital management by focusing on the exchange of learning outcomes and solution assessment in a peer-to-peer network of lea...
The 2nd Annual Conference of Engineering and Implementation on Vocational Education (ACEIVE-2018) is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. This conference was held on November 3, 2018 on the Digital Library of Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The ACEIVE’s theme is Engineering and Aplication for Industry 4.0. The conference was attended by researchers, experts, practitioners, and observers from all around the globe to explore various issues and debates on research and experiences, discuss ideas of empowering engineering and implementation on vocational education for Industry 4.0. This event has been carried out well and produced many benefits to increase the knowledge of conference participants based on research results, particularly the implementation of vocational education for industrial revolution 4.0.
The contributors to this book, many of whom are recognised world experts on cooperative learning, make insightful links between the theories that underpin the study of group dynamics and their practical application to the classroom.
Higher education is dynamic, constantly adapting to meet the requirements of students and industry. Transforming Higher Education Through Digitalization: Insights, Tools, and Techniques provides insights from experienced academicians on the digitalization of education and its appropriateness for enhancing the quality of teaching in institutions of higher education. The book also provides insights on technologies used in digital education, the competencies and skills required by teachers and students, managing quality of education through online modes, MOOCs (Massive, Open, Online Courses), and methods to support teachers and instructors in online education. The book also enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they need in a digital age and enable them to build collaborative learning that will bring them success. Written for educators, students, and policy makers of higher education, this book demonstrates how to transform traditional education to digital education and to continue their activities without the requirement of students and teachers meeting each other on campus.
In this groundbreaking book, nationally recognized leaders in education and psychology examine the relationships between social-emotional education and school success—specifically focusing on interventions that enhance student learning. Offering scientific evidence and practical examples, this volume points out the many benefits of social emotional learning programs, including: building skills linked to cognitive development, encouraging student focus and motivation, improving relationships between students and teachers, creating school-family partnerships to help students achieve, and increasing student confidence and success.