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Eğitim Sosyolojisi
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 435

Eğitim Sosyolojisi


Sociological Perspectives on Educating Children in Contemporary Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 343

Sociological Perspectives on Educating Children in Contemporary Society

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-12-27
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Children of the post-industrial society must achieve financial status by their own efforts sustained from early periods life and are supposed to be equipped with various qualities, both in terms of formal and informal education and extracurricular and leisure activities. Contemporary children almost inherently know how to use the devices of information technology, and through these devices, they encounter ideas, languages, etc. that are different from the ones immediately experienced within their social frame. Consequently, students themselves demand new inclusive teaching practices that expose them to global cultures. Sociological Perspectives on Educating Children in Contemporary Society is a collection of innovative research on the methods and applications of how culture influences the way children are educated. While highlighting topics including global economics, multicultural teaching, and education differentiation, this book is ideally designed for teachers, sociologists, school administrators, curriculum designers, course developers, academics, researchers, and students seeking current research on the interrelationship between children, education, and society.

TASKs for democracy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 326

TASKs for democracy

60 activities to learn and assess transversal attitudes, skills and knowledge! TASKs for democracy is a handbook of 60 activities, developed within the Council of Europe Pestalozzi Programme Community of Practice, for practitioners in formal and non-formal educational settings to learn and assess the attitudes, skills, values and knowledge needed to support democratic culture. Democratic culture is more than institutions, laws and procedures. While essential elements of democracy, they do not in themselves make societies democratic: they only work when rooted in what we call “democratic culture” or “a culture of democracy”, the set of attitudes and behaviours required to make democra...

Destandan Güncele Doğudan Batıya KADIN ÜZERİNE TARTIŞMALAR
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 396

Destandan Güncele Doğudan Batıya KADIN ÜZERİNE TARTIŞMALAR

Dünya nüfusunun yarısını oluşturan kadınlar dünyanın her tarafında ataerkil toplum yapısının yansımaları nedeniyle çeşitli sorunlarla karşılaşmaktadırlar. Kadınlar eğitim, sağlık, gelir getirici işlere katılma, karar mekanizmalarından dışlanma, şiddet görme, savaşlarda sistematik tecavüze uğrama, çocuk yaşta evlendirilme, medyada eksik veya yanlış temsil edilme, yoksulluğun ve göçün esas yükünü üstlenme gibi sorunları daha derinden yaşamaktadırlar. Kitapta yer alan yazılar farklı disiplinlerin bakış açısından kadınların “kadın” olmaktan kaynaklanan sorunları üzerine yoğunlaşarak kadınların sorunları konusunda farkındalı...

Tarih Kültür Toplum Ayça Günkut Vurucu Armağanı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 544

Tarih Kültür Toplum Ayça Günkut Vurucu Armağanı

15 Haziran 2015 tarihinde dört yıllık eşim Ayça'yı lösemi hastalığı sonucu ebedi aleme uğurladık. Ayça'mın vefat günü benim Türklerde tarih bilinci sorununu anlamam için bir başlangıç oldu. İlk gün O'nun kişisel eşyaları tamamıyla toplanıp evden çıkarıldı ve başkalarına dağıtıldı. Toplumca zorunlu bir uygulama olarak görülen ve ailesince de uygulamaya sokulan bir karardı bu. Onu hatırlatacak tek bir eşya dahi bırakılmadı kendi ailesinin evinde. Bu elbette sadece kendi ailesinin bir iradesi değildi. Konu-komşu herkes Ayça'nın eşyalarının dağıtılması talebini dillendirdi. Bellek, hatıralarla varoluşunu mümkün kılar. Bireysel düzlem...

TASKs for Democracy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 348

TASKs for Democracy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This publication contains a rationale for the necessity to focus on competences for democracy in all areas of education, an explanation of what transversal attitudes, skills and knowledge mean and why they are important for and should be taken on board by all education professionals.A list of components forms the heart of the publication, describing the core attitudes, skills and knowledge which need to be developed by every individual in order to be able to live in and to contribute to the development and maintenance of democratic societies in their full diversity. The collection of learning and re-learning activities will help practitioners to promote the development of these components in their day-to-day educational practice.

Sociological Perspectives on Educating Children in Contemporary Society
  • Language: en

Sociological Perspectives on Educating Children in Contemporary Society

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-12
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  • Publisher: Unknown

""This book examines under explored aspects of child education and the ways it differs in contemporary society. It also explores the scientific aspects of the interrelationship between child education and society"--Provided by publisher"--

The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 251

The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey

The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey brings together leading international scholars and experts on Turkey and regulatory reform to provide essential information on the recent Turkish experience and its relation to competition policy. After the 1980 liberalization reform, Turkey tried to introduce competition in many industries, but network industries have remained as monopolies. At the end of the 1990s, regulatory reform was initiated and independent regulatory agencies have been established by the government. Comprehensive discussions of these network industries, in particular airlines, electricity, natural gas, telecommunications and environment regulations, are offered. The contr...

Auditing Ecosystem and Strategic Accounting in the Digital Era
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 436

Auditing Ecosystem and Strategic Accounting in the Digital Era

This book examines current topics and trends in strategic auditing, accounting and finance in digital transformation both from a theoretical and practical perspective. It covers areas such as internal control, corporate governance, enterprise risk management, sustainability and competition. The contributors of this volume emphasize how strategic approaches in this area help companies in achieving targets. The contributions illustrate how by providing good governance, reliable financial reporting, and accountability, businesses can win a competitive advantage. It further discusses how new technological developments like artificial intelligence (AI), cybersystems, network technologies, financial mobility and smart applications, will shape the future of accounting and auditing for firms.​

Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 246

Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights

This open access book analyses the interplay of sustainable development and human rights from different perspectives including fight against poverty, health, gender equality, working conditions, climate change and the role of private actors. Each aspect is addressed from a more human rights-focused angle and a development-policy angle. This allows comparisons between the different approaches but also seeks to close gaps which would remain if only one perspective would be at the center of the discussions. Specifically, the book shows the strong connections between human rights and the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Already the preamble of this document explicitly states that "the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ... seek to realise the human rights of all". Moreover, several goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda correspond to already existing individual human rights obligations. The contributions of this volume therefore also address how the implementation of human rights and SDGs can reinforce each other, but also point to critical shortcomings of the different approaches.