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Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease documents antioxidant actions of polyphenols in protection of cells and cell organelles, critical for understanding their health-promoting actions to help the dietary supplement industry. The book begins by describing the fundamentals of absorption, metabolism and bioavailability of polyphenols, as well as the effect of microbes on polyphenol structure and function and toxicity. It then examines the role of polyphenols in the treatment of chronic disease, including vascular and cardiac health, obesity and diabetes therapy, cancer treatment and prevention, and more. - Explores neuronal protection by polyphenol metabolites and their application to medical care - Defines modulation of enzyme actions to help researchers see and study polyphenols' mechanisms of action, leading to clinical applications - Includes insights on polyphenols in brain and neurological functions to apply them to the wide range of aging diseases
This book presents a compilation of selected papers from the 2nd International Conference on Healthcare Science and Engineering (Healthcare 2018). The work focuses on novel computing, networking, and data analytics techniques for various issues in healthcare. The book is a valuable resource for academic researchers and practitioners working in the field.
Examines the benefits of tea and its components, ranging from the anti-microbial to the anti-oxidant. Components such as catechins, theaflavins, polysaccharides, and others have been isolated and may have putative protective effects and modulate the biochemistry of a variety of cell types. 128 chapters explore improvements in the cardiovascular system, the brain, and other organs, and looks at possible applications in other disease areas --
“인생을 좀먹는 만성통증도 완화시키고, 멈출 수 있다!” ★ 2022년 노틸러스 북 어워드 건강 부문 은상 수상 ★ 2022년 포워드 인디스 올해의 책 건강 부문 3위 ★ 물리의학 및 재활과 통증 관리 분야의 이중 자격증 취득 ★ 요가와 명상 전문가이자, 통합의학 전문의 ★ 근골격계 통증의 비수술적 치료 전문의 이미 전 세계 30%가 만성 통증으로 고통받고 있으며, 이제 2019년 이미 세계보건기구에서는 만성 통증을 질병으로 인정할 정도로 국가적인 차원에서 지원이 필요하다. 우리나라 역시 성인 10명 중 1명은 만성 통증으로 고통받...
Matcha is a Japanese green tea powder that is fondly referred to by teapigs as ‘a superhero among teas’, thanks to its natural antioxidant qualities. It is widely consumed in both food and drink in Japan, but is becoming increasingly popular around the world as its health benefits and unique taste are embraced globally. Louise Cheadle and Nick Kilby uncover the history behind this phenomenal green powder, looking at how matcha is specially grown, graded and ground. They also examine the health benefits of this super tea, which has been used for centuries by Buddhist monks to keep them focused during meditation, and how it is used today to flavour everything from Kit Kats to Oreos, bread to ice cream. Matcha shots were served at New York Fashion Week in 2015, reflecting the growing popularity of this fascinating beverage, and many are predicting matcha will replace kale as the next big ‘superfood’. Detailing the history of matcha, how it’s produced, its immense health benefits and its varied culinary uses, The Book of Matcha also features over 40 recipes that show you how to use this versatile and antioxidant ingredient at home.
Fii gata să arăți și să te simți mai tânără! Este bine cunoscută zicala care spune că „vârsta e doar un număr". Acum, Roxy Dillon, considerată un adevărat „guru al tinereții", o demonstrează cu ajutorul științei. Ridurile de sub ochi nu sunt pur și simplu o parte inevitabilă a procesului de îmbătrânire. De fapt, acele surprize neplăcute din oglindă sunt rezultatul unui declin al funcțiilor celulare și hormonale. Știința ne arată că, după treizeci de ani, activitatea hormonală scade rapid, ceea ce duce la o varietate de schimbări în corp, cum ar fi pierderea părului, piele lăsată și apariția nedorită a părului facial. Vestea bună este că toate ...