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Excerpta botanica
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 604

Excerpta botanica

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1995
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Medicinal and Aromatic Plants VII
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 491

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants VII

27 chapters cover the distribution, economic importance, conventional propagation, micropropagation, tissue culture studies, and in vitro production of important medicinal and other pharmaceutical compounds in various species of Anchusa, Brucea, Catharanthus, Chrysanthemum, Coleus, Corydalis, Coreopsis, Emilia, Ginkgo, Gloriosa, Hypericum, Inonotus, Leucosceptrum, Lilium, Linum, Mosses, Nandina, Penstemon, Prunus, Pteridium, Quassia, Ribes, Senecio, Taraxacum, Thermopsis, Vanilla, and Vitiveria. Like the previous five volumes on medicinal and aromatic plants (Volumes 4, 7, 15, 21, and 24), this book contains a wealth of useful information for advanced students and researchers in the field of plant biotechnology and chemical engineering, pharmacy, botany and tissue culture.

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 301

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products

The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister" after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series' inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to biologists, technologists, and chemists alike, the series can be used by the expert as a source of information and literature citations and by the non-expert as a means of orientation in a rapidly developing discipline.

Chinese Materia Medica
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 716

Chinese Materia Medica

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-15
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Chinese Materia Medica - Chemistry, Pharmacology and Applications provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the chemistry and pharmacology of commonly-used Chinese herbs. It gives an in-depth profile of the traditional experience of Chinese materia medica with modern scientific explanations. It also features the theories and concepts of Chinese materia medica from the Western medical perspectives, and the sources, production and quality control of Chinese materia medica. This book can be used both as a reference book and a textbook for specialized university and on-the-job training courses. It is essential reading for all students and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. It should also be of interest to those in education and research in natural products, pharmaceutical sciences and medicine.

Canadian Medicinal Crops
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Canadian Medicinal Crops

The introduction to this work reviews topics of general interest, including the history of plants in medicine, medicinal chemicals found in plants, the popularity of herbal medication, neutraceuticals, drugs from plants, and the economic importance of medicinal plants. The main section contains detailed species accounts of such plants as ginseng, yew, kelp, cohosh, witch hazel, and cranberry. Information provided includes scientific & common names, description & classification, agricultural & commercial aspects, medicinal & non-medicinal uses, toxicity, chemistry, and human interest information. Additional chapters address such topics as the medicinal plant business, the regulatory & legal framework for medicinal plant production & marketing, hazards associated with medicinal plants, and medicinal plant research in Canada. Includes glossary.

Lead Compounds from Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Cancer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 429

Lead Compounds from Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Cancer

Lead Compounds from Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Cancer is the first volume in the series, Pharmaceutical Leads from Medicinal Plants. The plant species described in this reference have been carefully selected based on pharmacological evidence and represent today's most promising sources of natural products for the discovery of anti-cancer drugs. Containing references to primary source material, over a hundred botanical illustrations, a table of chemical structures and much more, this book is an essential starting point for cancer researchers and those involved in anti-cancer drug discovery helping you identify the best novel lead molecules for further anti-cancer drug development. ...

Güzide (Siyer Yayınları)
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 206

Güzide (Siyer Yayınları)

Ne yapacağını, ne söyleyeceğini bilemedi Hafız Hasan. Öylesine bitkin, öylesine bezgin, öylesine perişandı ki... Ben sizden daha üzgün, daha kızgınım ama elden ne gelir? diyemedi, yalnızca Emir geldi, bundan sonra ezanı böyle okumak zorundayız. Sözleri döküldü dudaklarından. Kendi sesini kendisi bile tanıyamadı. Çevresindeki her şey dönüyordu âdeta. Ah kendimi bir evime atabilsem. diye düşündü.

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products

Saponins are complex molecules made up of sugars linked to a triterpenoid or a steroid or a steroidal alkaloid. These natural products are attracting much attention in recent years because of the host of biological activities they exhibit. The diversity of structural features, the challenges of isolation because of their occurrence as complex mixtures, the pharmacological and biological activities still to be discovered, and the prospect of commercialization - these all are driving the study of saponins. Triterpenoid saponins are dominating constituents of this class and occur widely throughout the plant kingdom including some human foods e. g. beans, spinach, tomatoes, and potatoes, and ani...

Mutluluk Avı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 152

Mutluluk Avı

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-10-19
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  • Publisher: Siyer Çocuk

Bir köy düşünün ki orada kuş için evler yapılıyor, evlerin tepesinden uçurtmalar uçuruluyor, ormanına gizemli bir alet bırakılıyor, ‘neşe’ köy sahiplerinin soy isimlerine konuyor. Bu köyün yaşı küçük ama fikirleri büyük dört maceraperesti var. Hareketli, komik, işbirlikçi, icat çıkaran, üşengeç, obur, meraklı, üretken mi üretken, doğayı da oldukça seven bu maceracılar içimizden ve bizden. Olağanüstü güçleri yok belki ama beyinlerini çözüm peşinde koşturacak istekleri var. Ha bir de tumturaklı meşguliyetlerini söylemeden geçmeyelim değil mi? Kök boyasıyla resim yapmak, aromatik kokularla uğraşmak, çiçek koleksiyonculuğu, okç...

Dictionary of Terpenoids
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 930

Dictionary of Terpenoids

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1991-12-12
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This "Dictionary of Terpenoids" is a useful reference for all those working in these fields The structures, bibliographies and physical properties of over 20,000 terpenoids are presented in 9,000 entries - represent the vast majority of all known natural terpenoids together with the most important semisynthetic terpenoids.