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Mucho antes de que los hombres inventasen la escritura, y por supuesto mucho antes aún de la modernización de la imprenta, los relatos y las canciones de tradición oral alimentaban esa necesidad tan humana que llamamos cultura y que tan bien logra satisfacer la literatura. Aquella literatura de tradición oral ha tenido desde siempre en la niñez a uno de sus principales aliados, ya fuese como emisores, como receptores, o simplemente porque estaban por allí, a los pies de sus mayores… Esa voz infantil de la memoria de los pueblos ha sido el tema de investigación y encuentro de unas jornadas iberoamericanas que nacieron en 2007 en el seno de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, de la ...
The history of modern architecture as constructed by historians and key texts. Writing, according to Panayotis Tournikiotis, has always exerted a powerful influence on architecture. Indeed, the study of modern architecture cannot be separated from a fascination with the texts that have tried to explain the idea of a new architecture in a new society. During the last forty years, the question of the relationship of architecture to its history—of buildings to books—has been one of the most important themes in debates about the course of modern architecture. Tournikiotis argues that the history of modern architecture tends to be written from the present, projecting back onto the past our cu...
Escrito por professores e profissionais da área de Alimentação Coletiva, o livro aborda os desafios enfrentados por nutricionistas no dia a dia. Na obra, ressalta-se a importância da aplicação de conceitos teóricos à realidade prática de uma Unidade Produtora de Refeições, termo aplicado a serviços de alimentação externos ao domicílio. Levando em conta a crescente demanda por esse tipo de serviço no País, Administração de Unidades Produtoras de Refeições: Desafios e Perspectivas discorre sobre alguns aspectos da área, como a aplicação de novas tecnologias no setor e a importância da ergonomia para a saúde do manipulador de alimentos. Abrange, ainda, temas relacionados com administração e planejamento dessas unidades, aplicação da técnica dietética, gastronomia, ergonomia e segurança no trabalho, gestão de resíduos, controle de custos, treinamentos e consultoria na área de alimentação coletiva. Assim, esta publicação traz novas contribuições para acadêmicos e profissionais ao aliar conteúdos teórico-práticos formulados por colaboradores com vivência na área.
The purpose of this Handbook is to highlight both theory and applications of weighted automata. Weighted finite automata are classical nondeterministic finite automata in which the transitions carry weights. These weights may model, e. g. , the cost involved when executing a transition, the amount of resources or time needed for this,or the probability or reliability of its successful execution. The behavior of weighted finite automata can then be considered as the function (suitably defined) associating with each word the weight of its execution. Clearly, weights can also be added to classical automata with infinite state sets like pushdown automata; this extension constitutes the general c...
Site investigations, Construction operations, Soils, Soil surveys, Soil sampling, Soil testing, Ground water, Rocks, Safety measures, Occupational safety, Field testing, Excavations, Soil drilling
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th Biennial Meeting on Mathematics in Language, MOL 12, held in Nara, Japan, in September 2011. Presented in this volume are 12 carefully selected papers, as well as the paper of the invited speaker Andreas Maletti. The papers cover such diverse topics as formal languages (string and tree transducers, grammar-independent syntactic structures, probabilistic and weighted context-free grammars, formalization of minimalist syntax), parsing and unification, lexical and compositional semantics, statistical language models, and theories of truth.
Brasch defends the accuracy of Harris's literary depiction of both American Black English and Reconstruction Georgia. Brasch also examines the nature of fame and places a variety of other social and political issues in the context of this major American writer.