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This open access book presents the state-of-the-art environmental governance research and practices in Indonesia. It offers a wide scope, covering different sectors (e.g., forestry, mining) and geographical landscapes (e.g., inland and coastal areas). This book engages with existing theories and frameworks, including Earth System Governance, Adaptive and Interactive Governance, among others to trigger a debate regarding the operationalization of such concepts, which are mostly developed for the Global North context. It is also our ambition to incorporate more empirical knowledge from local contexts to indicate research gaps and future directions for environmental governance research agenda t...
Indigenous knowledge that embraces ornithology takes in whole social dimensions that are inter-linked with environmental ethos, conservation and management for sustainability. In contrast, western approaches have tended to reduce knowledge to elemental and material references. This book looks at the significance of indigenous knowledge of birds and their cultural significance, and how these can assist in framing research methods of western scientists working in related areas. As well as its knowledge base, this book provides practical advice for professionals in conservation and anthropology by demonstrating the relationship between mutual respect, local participation and the building of par...
Beginning in December 2019, the coronavirus swept quickly through all regions of the world. COVID 19 has wreaked social, political and economic havoc everywhere and has shown few signs of entirely abating. The recent development and approval of new vaccines against the virus, however, now provides some hope that we may be coming to the beginning of the end of the pandemic. This volume collects papers from a conference titled Economic Dimensions of COVID 19 in Indonesia: Responding to the Crisis, organised by the Australian National University’s Indonesia Project and held online 7–10 September 2020. Collectively, the chapters in this volume focus for the most part on the economic elements of COVID 19 in Indonesia. The volume considers both macro- and micro-economic effects across a variety of dimensions, and short- and long-term impacts as well. It constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of Indonesia’s initial response to the crisis from an economic perspective.
This book extends the framework of the climate-energy-land nexus to elucidate political, economic, social, and institutional factors and causal mechanisms that stringent climate targets bring about, rather than mitigate a disproportional heavy burden on the forest sector in Indonesia. Assessing climate, energy, agricultural, forest, and transmigration policies, and REDD+ and biochar solutions through a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from biological, agricultural, technological, economic, and institutional lenses, the book identifies the political-economic and socio-technical regimes that cause the crosssectoral transfer of responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions to palm-oil-based bi...
The National Park of Indonesia is a book that we must read when we want to explore the 55 national parks that cover an area of more than 16 million hectares, its history of gazettement, geographic setting, beauty, uniqueness of ecosystems, habitat of flora and fauna, and abundance of ecotourism sites. The book was written by Indonesia’s living legend in biological conservation, Prof Jatna Supriatna (Universitas Indonesia) and Prof Chris Margules (James Cook University). This book is a comprehensive guidebook showing to the readers and the world how the magnificence of Indonesia’s archipelagos as a center of mega biodiversity combined by the richness in culture of local communities and th...
Posthuman Southeast Asia: Ecocritical Entanglements Across Species Boundaries explores the posthuman in Southeast Asia from various ecocritical perspectives and encourages further and deeper entanglements between ecocritics and the bountiful, but also threatened, multispecies ecologies of this region. Southeast Asia is an area where humans and nonhumans have always been deeply entangled, from the indigenous and ancient traditions of animism to the variegated and blooming creativity of contemporary literature, art, music, drama, film, and other media. This book expands and enriches Southeast Asian ecocritical scholarship by incorporating posthumanist and new materialist perspectives. Across twelve chapters, this volume explicitly engages with Southeast Asian texts, cultural practices, and environmental issues from the broadly conceived theoretical framework of posthuman ecocriticism. They provide a uniquely inflected perspective on the literary, multimedia, and artistic dimensions of contemporary nature-cultures in Southeast Asia, as part of a concerted effort to disclose the complex entanglements of humans and nonhumans across the region.
This book confronts issues relating to climate change and sustainable development innovations in Asia, with attention to key issues and applications in terms of advocacy, governance, citizen science, tradition, faith, leadership, and education. With contributions by 31 leading thinkers from countries in Asia, the book presents issues and poses potential solutions for sustainable development, responding to questions relating to problems prioritized by non-state actors for civic engagement. It also puts forward key strategies and methods used for civic engagement. Drawing from diverse sets of practical and scholarly experience and expertise in geographical and social arenas, authors draw from ...
Puja dan puji syukur penulis panjatkan atas rahmat dan hidayah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa karena berkat kuasa-Nyalah penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ajar berjudul Praktis Belajar Biologi untuk Mahasiswa Kesehatan ini dengan lancar, tanpa satu halangan berarti. Buku ajar ini dikhususkan untuk siswa agar dapat membantu memahami materi yang diajarkan guru. Kesuksesan belajar ditunjang dari kemauan dan dari sarana dan prasarananya. Sarana dalam hal ini salah satunya adalah buku ajar. Buku ajar ini berisi materi-materi yang akan dibahas pada tahun ajar ini secara lengkap dan terperinci sehingga tercapai ketuntasan pembelajaran Biologi dengan baik. Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak terkait atas bantuan dan dukungannya yang diberikan sehingga terbitlah buku ajar berjudul Praktis Belajar Biologi untuk Mahasiswa Kesehatan ini. Penulis menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam penyusunan buku ajar ini. Maka dari itu, penulis mengharap kritik, saran, dan masukan yang membangun dari para pembaca sekalian agar penulis dapat memperbaiki kesalahan pada penyusunan buku ajar selanjutnya.
The Banggai cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, is a fascinating species that possesses a series of remarkable biological characteristics making it unique among coral reef fishes. It has been the focus of studies in reproduction, ecology, population genetics and evolution. In addition, since its rediscovery in the late 1990s, it has become tremendously popular in the international ornamental fish trade, and indiscriminate collecting has led to its inclusion in the 2007 IUCN Red List as an endangered species. This book is divided into three main parts: a general introduction to the fish, including a historical synopsis with an overview of the Banggai Archipelago; a comprehensive treatment of t...