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Gender Relations in an Indonesian Society offers a comprehensive ethnography of Bugis marriage through an exploration of gender identity and sexuality in this bilateral, highly competitive, hierarchical society. Nurul Ilmi Idrus considers the fundamental concept of siriq (honour; shame) in relation to gender socialization, courtship, sex within marriage, the regulation of sexuality between genders, the importance of kinship and status in marriage, and the dynamics of marriage, divorce, and reconciliation. This analysis considers the practical combination of Islamic tenets with local adat (custom; customary law) and the effect of contemporary Indonesia’s national ideology on cultural practices specific to Bugis society.
The developmental status of any country is based on its intellectual property (IP). In recent years, intellectual property rights (IPR) have expanded far beyond what was previously imagined. The main purpose of IP law is to encourage the creation of a wide variety of intellectual goods. Intellectual Property - Global Perspective Advances and Challenges discusses issues, recent developments, and solutions in IP. Written by researchers from all over the world, chapters address such topics as copyright, traditional cultural expressions, plagiarism, the role of IP in culture and gender diversity, IP and Blockchain, and much more.
Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. The position of Indonesia and most countries in IMF calculations, facing the same challenges. Each country requires the legal instruments of a good and reliable system of Government to guards against the worst possible economic turmoil. Good governance is an insistence of the constitution in the economic Article 33 paragraph (5), subsequently published Constitution Number: 30 Year of 2014 on Government Administration, contains 17 principles of a good governance. One of the important points of the principle is a government without corruption and manipulation of policy concepts in order to provide access to consolidation in politics and economy. Th...
This is an open access book.The advancement of science is an important basic for the country’s development. It should be supported by the analysis which could provide solutions of various problems and phenomena happened in society. One of the problems amidst the problems around the world is how to resolve the economics and social problem as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The complex problems due to pandemic are not merely believed to be bias if it is solved by a science so that it needs collaboration of other social sciences. Due to these issues of social science, we are conducting the 1st Brawijaya International Conference on Business and Law (BICoBL) 2022 on the 27th of October, 2022 in Bogor. The theme of the conference entitles “Collaboration of Business and Law After Pandemic to Enhance Sustainable Development”. We are looking forward to having you in our conference.
Indonesia has a growing population of almost 300 million people, it is increasingly involved in world affairs, and has a booming economy. The need to better understand its unique, complex, and often obscure legal system, has become pressing. This is true across a wide range of sectors including, but not limited to, trade and investment, crime and terrorism, and human rights. Indonesia's democratization after the fall of Soeharto in 1998 triggered massive social and political changes that opened up this diverse, and formerly tightly-controlled, society. Law reform was a key driver of Indonesia's transformation and its full effect remains to be seen. This book offers clear and detailed explana...
Keberadaan organisasi masyarakat atau ormas sebagai wujud kebebasan berserikat merupakan salah satu nilai penting HAM yang tertuang dalam konstitusi. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan fakta sejarah, sejumlah ormas di Indonesia pernah dibubarkan pemerintah. Namun, pembubaran ormas tidak boleh dilakukan secara semena-mena tanpa proses hukum yang adil. Sejak masa Orde Lama hingga Reformasi, kecenderungan pengaturan dan praktik pembubaran ormas yang terjadi lebih ditujukan untuk menghadapi kelompok-kelompok yang berseberangan dengan pemerintah. Padahal, di dalam negara hukum, pembubaran yang sewenang-wenang berdampak pada pelanggaran konstitusi. Fokus buku ini adalah telaah kritis mengenai pembubaran org...
Buku ini mengkaji dan menganalisis tiga permasalahan pokok. Pertama, mengenai ratio legis pengaturan batas waktu penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial pada pengadilan hubungan industrial. Kedua, akibat hukum apabila pengadilan hubungan industrial memutus perselisihan melebihi batas waktu 50 hari kerja sejak sidang pertama. Ketiga, rekonstruksi pengaturan batas waktu bagi hakim dalam memutus perselisihan hubungan industrial yang berkepastian hukum dan berkeadilan. Permasalahan tersebut ditelaah secara filosofis dan dibedah dengan teori-teori yang digunakan sebagai pisau analisis.
Semua negara di dunia menyatakan dirinya sebagai negara demokrasi, yaitu negara yang menerapkan prinsip kedaulatan rakyat dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahannya, mulai dari pelembagaan sampai kepada sistem pemerintahan yang digunakan. Demokrasi pada umumnya mempunyai 2 macam pengertian, yaitu: dalam arti formal dan dalam arti material. Sebagai realisasi dari demokrasi dalam arti formal biasanya negara-negara menganut apa yang dinamakan indirect democracy; suatu demokrasi di mana pelaksanaan kedaulatan rakyat tidak dilaksanakan oleh rakyat secara langsung melainkan melalui lembaga perwakilan rakyat. Oleh karena itu, dalam negara demokrasi selalu ada lembaga perwakilan rakyat yang diatur di dalam Konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasarnya.