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Hadirnya virus Corona/Covid-19 yang telah menyebar di seluruh dunia membawa perubahan di berbagai sektor, tak terkecuali di bidang pendidikan. Sebagai pencegahan virus Covid-19 semua aktivitas dibatasi, termasuk aktivitas dunia pendidikan. Sistem pembelajaran berubah menjadi daring (dalam jaringan) atau online. Pembelajaran daring yang dilaksanakan selama masa pandemi dampaknya sangat berpengaruh terhadap karakter peserta didik di semua tingkat pendidikan, baik pendidikan dasar, menengah, maupun pendidikan tinggi. Karakter merupakan seperangkat sifat yang menjadi tanda kabaikan dan kebajikan dalam kematangan moral setiap individu manusia, perubahan dan pertumbuhan kedewasaan karakter menjadi perhatian penting dalam dunia pendidikan untuk mengantarkan manusia yang bermartabat dalam berbangsa dan bernegara. Meskipun kebijakan sistem pembelajaran berubah akan tetapi perubahan dan pertumbuhan karakter harus sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan. Mengingat pentingnya karakter bagi generasi penerus bangsa, maka buku ini akan menyajikan konsep baik dari sudut pandang teoritis maupun empiris terkait inovasi pembelajaran dan karakter.
This book is the translation of Volume 7 of the Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir of Ibn Sa?d which deals with the Companions, Tabi?un and the subsequent generations of the people of knowledge in Basra, Baghdad, Khurasan, Syria and Egypt. This book is of particular interest because its pages demonstrate the attitude and action of the Companions and the Tabi?un when confronted by the most dangerous of trials ? fitna, or civil war. This is extremely important in the modern age, in which fitna is commonplace, for we can learn a great deal from how the early Muslims dealt with it.
Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) akhir-akhir ini semakin memprihatinkan dan dirasakan kurang dapat menarik semangat belajar peserta didik, kemudian keadaan ini diperparah dengan proses pembelajaran serta materi ajar yang terlalu mengedepankan paham eksklusif daripada paham dan praktik inklusif. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan semakin merosotnya sikap menerima dan menghargai perbedaan di kalangan masyarakat khususnya di kalangan peserta didik di sekolah. The learning of Islamic Education (PAI) is increasingly concerned and perceived less attraction of the spirit of student learning lately. Then the condition is worsened with the learning process and teaching materials which set out mo...
Kumpulan ini berisi karya-karya terpilih Setia dari 2008-2015. Menjadi penanda proses kepenyairaanya hingga 2016. Beberapa puisi ini pernah dimuat di media cetak seperti Suara Merdeka, Solopos, Pikiran Rakyat, Jawa Pos dan Media Indonesia. Penerbit Garudhawaca
Kajian yang dihadirkan dalam buku ini mencoba melihat politik Islam dengan cara yang empiris tersebut.
This volume and its companion, John Renard's 1996 book, SEVEN DOORS TO ISLAM, together integrate a wide range of Islamic literary and visual forms, offering a superb introduction to the primary religious sources, as well as a general understanding, of Islamic spirituality and culture. 66 illustrations. 1 map.
This anthology is a collective endeavor of scholars from India and Pakistan devoted to Sufi mystics, literature and shrines with a detailed introduction. The essays explore the methods adopted by the Punjab Sufis to popularize the mystic ideology and praxis in the medieval socio-cultural milieu. These writings also delve into the different genres of Sufi literature, both in the elite and vernacular languages, intending to appreciate the nuances of Punjab Sufism. Apart from the architectural features of the Sufi shrines, the anthology attempts to illumine the organic linkages between these institutions and the Punjabis and, thus, underscore the Sufi non-communitarian devotion as a primary ingredient of the Punjabi cultural fusion. This title is co-published with Aakar Books. Print editions not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)
Sharia-compliance is the raison d’etre of Islamic banks. All of their instruments and activities should be based on sharia principles, which unfortunately exposes them to greater risks than their conventional counterparts, regulated under the dual banking system in Indonesia. These include inconsistencies between fatwas, unique reputational risks, and inefficiencies in the regulatory framework governing Islamic banks. This book critically examines the less-studied issue of developing an Islamic banking regulatory and supervisory framework that considers the risk pressures faced by Islamic banks’ operations in an Indonesian financial sector dominated by conventional banks. The book assess...
Hukum waris Islam sangat berbeda dengan berbagai sistem hukum waris lainnya, misalnya hukum waris berdasarkan hukum adat dan hukum waris berdasarkan Burgelijk Wetboek (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata). Menurut hukum waris Islam ada tiga golongan ahli waris, yaitu (1) ahli waris dzawil faraid atau dzul faraid, (2) ahli waris asabah, dan (3) ahli waris dzawil arham. Penggolongan ahli waris seperti hukum waris Islam tersebut tidak dijumpai di dalam sistem hukum waris lainnya. Burgelijk Wetboek mengenal pembagian ahli waris, tetapi konsekuensinya berbeda dengan pembagian ahli waris menurut hukum Islam. Konsep ahli waris dzawil faraid tidak dikenal dalam sistem hukum waris apa pun. Ahli waris dzawil faraid adalah ahli waris yang bagiannya atas harta warisan telah ditentukan, baik oleh Alquran, Sunnah, maupun Ijtihad.
The book consists of transcriptions and summary translations of two texts in, mostly, Ottoman Turkish, the first of which is the recently discovered second volume of the diary of the German orientalist Karl Süssheim, covering the years 1903-08 which he mostly spent in Istanbul. The second text is a printed memoir of a Young Turk officer called İsma’il Hakkı, in which the latter discusses his life, political engagement and the resulting problems. Süssheim met İsma’il Hakkı in Cairo in 1908 and kept in contact with him later. The texts offer a lively picture of Istanbul and Cairo in the early years of the 20th century, the repressive regime of Sultan Abdulhamid II and the heady days of the Young Turk revolution of July 1908.