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Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia (ESDM) merupakan cabang ilmu ekonomi yang memfokuskan pada analisis peran dan kontribusi sumber daya manusia terhadap produksi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara atau wilayah. Salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan dalam bidang ekonomi adalah sumber daya manusia. Rendahnya kualitas SDM akan berdampak pada rendahnya tingkat produktivitas dan tingkat partisipasi dalam dunia kerja dan dalam proses produksi. Semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang terlibat dalam dunia kerja akan menyebabkan barang dan jasa yang diproduksi dalam masyarakat terus bertambah. Peningkatan kualitas SDM perlu segera dilakukan untuk mendorong peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi da...
Menuju Karya Ilmiah Unggulan: Jurus Jitu Penulisan Penelitian” adalah panduan komprehensif yang membimbing penulis menuju kesuksesan dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Dengan pendekatan yang mendalam, buku ini tidak hanya memberikan petunjuk teknis, tetapi juga menggali aspek psikologis dan kreatif dalam penulisan penelitian. Penulis dengan cermat memandu pembaca merancang dan mengeksekusi penelitian yang mendalam serta menarik, sambil membuka wawasan baru. Buku ini bukan hanya membahas aspek teoretis, tetapi juga memberikan wawasan tentang perkembangan terkini dalam metode penelitian dan teknologi. Dengan integrasi pendekatan tradisional dan inovatif, “Menuju Karya Ilmiah Unggulan: Jurus Jitu Penulisan Penelitian” menjadi panduan praktis dan sumber inspirasi untuk pengembangan penelitian yang relevan dan berdaya saing.
Pengelolaan bisnis ritel merupakan sebuah tantangan yang terus berkembang di era dinamis ini. Buku ini hadir sebagai panduan komprehensif untuk membantu para pengusaha dan manajer ritel memahami dan menghadapi perubahan yang terus-menerus dalam dunia ritel. Melalui pemahaman mendalam tentang strategi dan praktik manajemen bisnis ritel, diharapkan para pembaca dapat mengoptimalkan operasi mereka dan meraih keberhasilan dalam persaingan pasar yang sengit. Di era perkembangan ekonomi yang makin cepat dan ketatnya persaingan global dewasa ini, bisnis ritel menjadi salah satu penggerak sektor ekonomi yang sangat signifikan di Indonesia. Bahkan bisnis ritel menjadi salah satu pilihan yang cukup me...
Decision making is the process of selecting a possible course of action from all the available alternatives. In almost all such problems the multiplicity of criteria for judging the alternatives is pervasive. That is, for many such problems, the decision maker (OM) wants to attain more than one objective or goal in selecting the course of action while satisfying the constraints dictated by environment, processes, and resources. Another characteristic of these problems is that the objectives are apparently non commensurable. Mathematically, these problems can be represented as: (1. 1 ) subject to: gi(~) ~ 0, ,', . . . ,. ! where ~ is an n dimensional decision variable vector. The problem cons...
This 1889 book is an edition of the Syriac version of a text on the life of Alexander the Great.
This dictionary is an english-language resource for terminology used in all types of libraries. With more than 4,000 terms and cross-references, the dictionary's content has been carefully selected and includes terms from publishing, printing, literature, and computer science.
This open access book applies for the first time emerging concepts of socioeconomics to analyse an economic sector, namely agriculture. It considers the rational choices of all actors in the system (just as agricultural economists do) and their cultural preferences and constraints (just as rural sociologists do). Socioeconomic concepts are subsequently used to structure agricultural issues with regard to the three governance mechanisms (hierarchy, markets, and cooperation), and different agricultural systems are presented and compared. The book will be of interest to social scientists with various backgrounds, and seeks to break down the barriers of single-disciplinary thinking.
This volume aims at analysing the main tools, frameworks and issues concerning sustainability disclosure. Particular emphasis is given to the Integrated Reporting, with the aim to identify its antecedents, use within companies, as well as its implementation issues, strengths and weaknesses.
This book addresses critical questions about how legal development works in practice and is a timely reference for practitioners of institutional reform, providing a thought-provoking interdisciplinary collection of essays in an area of renewed scholarly interest. The contributors are a distinguished, international group of scholars and practitioners of law, development, social sciences and religion, with extensive experience in the developing world.
An Introduction to Cybercultures provides an accessible guide to the major forms, practices and meanings of this rapidly-growing field. From the evolution of hardware and software to the emergence of cyberpunk film and fiction, David Bell introduces readers to the key aspects of cyberculture, including email, the internet, digital imaging technologies, computer games and digital special effects. Each chapter contains `hot links' to key articles in its companion volume, The Cybercultures Reader, suggestions for further reading, and details of relevant websites. Individual chapters examine: · Cybercultures: an introduction · Storying cyberspace · Cultural Studies in cyberspace · Community and cyberculture · Identities in cyberculture · Bodies in cyberculture · Cybersubcultures · Researching cybercultures