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Hosted by the Economic and Business Faculty of UPN “Veteran” East Java, International Conference on Economics, Business, and Government Challenges (ICEBGC) provide as a creative event for academicians and practitioners whose interest Economic, Business and Government studies to get interconnected with other academicians and other fields of study. It is also intended to be an annual event for scholars from various backgrounds to connect and initiate collaborative and interdisciplinary studies. The papers presented at the ICEBGC provide research findings and recommendations that are both directly and indirectly beneficial for society needs, especially policy makers and practitioners in the...
Basis data adalah bidang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan pengelolaan data dalam jumlah besar secara efisien dan efektif. Buku ajar ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai berbagai aspek basis data, mulai dari konsep dasar, sistem basis data, basis data relasional, hingga teknik perancangan dan implementasi basis data. Isi buku ajar ini mencakup: Konsep Basis Data, Konsep Sistem Basis Data, Basis Data Relasional, Perancangan Basis Data, Implementasi Basis Data, Normalisasi dan Denormalisasi, Bahasa Query Relasional, Structured Query Language (SQL), Basis Data dengan SQL Server, Trend Teknologi Basis Data.
Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, Internet of Things (IoT) menjadi bagian integral dari transformasi teknologi. Buku ini, berjudul "Pembelajaran Internet of Things dengan Modul Trainer ESP-32," membuka pintu bagi para pembaca untuk memahami konsep dan praktik penerapan IoT menggunakan modul pelatihan ESP-32 yang inovatif. Buku ini dirancang sebagai panduan komprehensif yang menyajikan langkah-langkah praktis untuk memahami dasar-dasar IoT dan membangun proyek-proyek yang menarik dengan menggunakan modul ESP-32. Para penulisnya, yang ahli di bidangnya, menggabungkan teori dan praktik secara harmonis, memastikan pembaca dapat memahami konsep secara mendalam dan sekaligus merasakan penga...
Akuntansi forensik melibatkan penerapan keterampilan khusus seperti akuntansi, prosedur audit, keuangan, metode kuantitatif, penelitian, dan investigasi. Ini juga melibatkan pengetahuan tentang bidang hukum tertentu. Pengetahuan ini dikombinasikan dengan keterampilan ini memungkinkan akuntan forensik untuk mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi materi bukti dan untuk menafsirkan dan mengkomunikasikan temuan. Buku ini kami susun dari berbagai sumber yang relevan, yang terdiri dari 14 Bab dan pada setiap akhir bab diberi pertanyaan Essay yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari
The abstracts in this book cover a wide range of topics, including algebra, analysis, logic, computer architecture, algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer network, netcentric computing and many more. The work presented here is both theoretical and practical, and has the potential to impact many areas of society, from finance and healthcare to education and security.
Aslam and Gunaratna bring together a broad analysis of the responses of states in Asia to the threats presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in its early phase. While the impact of the pandemic has undoubtedly been disastrous, it has also taught many lessons about social, political, economic, and security norms in modern civilization. The contributors to this book look at how these lessons have been learned—often the hard way—by a range of states including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, and Jordan, as well as by international organizations including ASEAN. They look at a range of issues, going beyond the most apparent healthcare concerns to also look at challenges such as the gig economy, terrorism, extremism, religious identity, and cybersecurity. Using these country-based case studies, this book establishes a framework for understanding these challenges and establishing best practice and scalable solutions for addressing them. A valuable resource for scholars and practitioners trying to understand how the world will and won’t be changed by the impact of COVID-19, especially in the realms of security, society, and economy.
Financial Risk Forecasting is a complete introduction to practical quantitative risk management, with a focus on market risk. Derived from the authors teaching notes and years spent training practitioners in risk management techniques, it brings together the three key disciplines of finance, statistics and modeling (programming), to provide a thorough grounding in risk management techniques. Written by renowned risk expert Jon Danielsson, the book begins with an introduction to financial markets and market prices, volatility clusters, fat tails and nonlinear dependence. It then goes on to present volatility forecasting with both univatiate and multivatiate methods, discussing the various met...
This class-tested undergraduate textbook covers the entire syllabus for Exam C of the Society of Actuaries (SOA).