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This present volume is the Proceedings of the 18th International C- ference on Nearrings and Near?elds held in Hamburg at the Universit ̈ at derBundeswehrHamburgfromJuly27toAugust03,2003. ThisConf- ence was organized by Momme Johs Thomsen and Gerhard Saad from the Universit ̈ at der Bundeswehr Hamburg and by Alexander Kreuzer, Hubert Kiechle and Wen-Ling Huang from the Universit ̈ a ̈t Hamburg. It was already the second Conference on Nearrings and Near?elds in Hamburg after the Conference on Nearrings and Near?elds at the same venue from July 30 to August 06, 1995. TheConferencewasattendedby57mathematiciansandmanyacc- panying persons who represented 16 countries from all ?ve continents. ...
This present volume is the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Near rings and Nearfields held in Hamburg at the Universitiit der Bundeswehr Hamburg, from July 30 to August 06, 1995. This Conference was attended by 70 mathematicians and many accompanying persons who represented 22 different countries from all five continents. Thus it was the largest conference devoted entirely to nearrings and nearfields. The first of these conferences took place in 1968 at the Mathematische For schungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. This was also the site of the conferences in 1972, 1976, 1980 and 1989. The other eight conferences held before the Hamburg Conference took place in eight differen...
"I cannot define coincidence [in mathematics]. But 1 shall argue that coincidence can always be elevated or organized into a superstructure which perfonns a unification along the coincidental elements. The existence of a coincidence is strong evidence for the existence of a covering theory. " -Philip 1. Davis [Dav81] Alluding to the Thomas gyration, this book presents the Theory of gy rogroups and gyrovector spaces, taking the reader to the immensity of hyper bolic geometry that lies beyond the Einstein special theory of relativity. Soon after its introduction by Einstein in 1905 [Ein05], special relativity theory (as named by Einstein ten years later) became overshadowed by the ap pearance ...
Near-Rings and Near-Fields opens with three invited lectures on different aspects of the history of near-ring theory. These are followed by 26 papers reflecting the diversity of the subject in regard to geometry, topological groups, automata, coding theory and probability, as well as the purely algebraic structure theory of near-rings. Audience: Graduate students of mathematics and algebraists interested in near-ring theory.
Combinatorics '81