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Changing Cultures in Higher Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 544

Changing Cultures in Higher Education

More and more educational scenarios and learning landscapes are developed using blogs, wikis, podcasts and e-portfolios. Web 2.0 tools give learners more control, by allowing them to easily create, share or reuse their own learning materials, and these tools also enable social learning networks that bridge the border between formal and informal learning. However, practices of strategic innovation of universities, faculty development, assessment, evaluation and quality assurance have not fully accommodated these changes in technology and teaching. Ehlers and Schneckenberg present strategic approaches for innovation in universities. The contributions explore new models for developing and engag...

Educating Tomorrow's Knowledge Workers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 469

Educating Tomorrow's Knowledge Workers


Development and Socialization of Academics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Development and Socialization of Academics

This special issue addresses the development and socialization of academics at the early stages of their careers. Through the contributed papers, the reader has the chance to reflect on a multiplicity of aspects affecting entrance into the academic profession: from strategies and methods for introducing academics to institutional values and dynamics, training in the first phases of academic development and agents involved in this process, to the obstacles and challenges socialization implies. The wide variety of topics addressed in this issue demonstrates that the academic profession is complex and that socialization represents an important step in academics’ professional life.

Seguint el fil de l'organització
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 174

Seguint el fil de l'organització

Aquest llibre és fruit d'una llarga tasca de col·laboració entre les autores C. Armengol, M. Feixas i R.M. Pallarès, responsables de l'assignatura Organització del Centre Escolar a la UAB.. Pretén plantejar els temes bàsics de l'organització i la gestió dels centres educatius de nivell no universitari. Creiem que aquesta aportació pot interessar simultàniament alumnes de la Facultat . de Ciències de l'Educació i també professionals que es preparen per incorporar-se a centres educatius o educadors en exercici.

Hacia una docencia de calidad: políticas y experiencias
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 834

Hacia una docencia de calidad: políticas y experiencias

La innovación eduativa y la calidad de la docencia son los objetivos de estas esperiencias prácticas presentadas en la II Jornada de Mejora Educativa de la Universitat Jaume I, cuyas actas esta publicación junto con las del I Congreso de la Red Estatal de Docencia Universitaria

Metacognition, Self-Regulation and Writing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228

Metacognition, Self-Regulation and Writing

Students' difficulties in producing texts that meet the requirements of academic writing are a recurring concern for teaching staff and those responsible for university courses. Various initiatives are currently being taken, mainly at undergraduate level, to help students improve the quality of their writing. Research into metacognitive processes and the self-regulation of learning can be used to support the design of these writing support systems, particularly by providing a better understanding of the students' difficulties. This book reviews the concepts of metacognition and self-regulation in relation to writing processes. It analyses the metacognitive components involved in text production, their links with successful writing and their individual and contextual determinants. It completes this analysis by drawing on the teaching and assessment of writing in higher education. All of these elements are articulated around a multifactorial modeling of the learning and teaching of academic writing.

Learning context effects
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 342

Learning context effects

This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects t...

Reconstruir la universidad a través del cambio cultural
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 170

Reconstruir la universidad a través del cambio cultural

Este libro recoge las principales aportaciones de las investigaciones del equipo de investigación Cambio de Cultura en las Universidades Catalanas. Va dirigido a responsables de la docencia y de la gestión universitaria y estudiosos del cambio y la innovación, así como a profesores y estudiantes de segundo y tercer ciclo que deseen profundizar sobre el presente y el futuro de la universidad.

El pràcticum de pedagogia i educació social.
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 184

El pràcticum de pedagogia i educació social.

L’obra que us presentem troba el seu antecedent en el llibre Les Pràctiques d’Educació Social. Eines per al seu desenvolupament, publicat al 2004 pel Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, en el marc de la diplomatura d’Educació Social de la Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació de la UAB, antecessora dels graus actuals. Una part important de l’equip que el va redactar repeteix autoria en El Pràcticum de Pedagogia i Educació Social. Competències i recursos, que teniu a les mans. Aquest fet evidencia l’interès i el compromís del professorat que s’ha implicat en la important tasca d’organitzar i desenvolupar els pràcticums de les dues titulacions, i que ha volgut anar més e...

Actas octavo Congreso Interuniversitario de Organización de instituciones educativas
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 964

Actas octavo Congreso Interuniversitario de Organización de instituciones educativas

Este libro, además de tratar sobre las instituciones educativas, pretende crear una plataforma con las preocupaciones, quejas y esperanzas de todos los que trabajan por mejorar la enseñanza.