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Cultures of Mediatization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

Cultures of Mediatization

What does it mean that we can be reached on our mobile phones wherever we are and at all times? What are the cultural consequences if we are informed about ‘everything and anything important’ via television? How are our political, religious and ethnic belongings impacted through being increasingly connected by digital media? And what is the significance of all this for our everyday lives? Drawing on Hepp’s fifteen-year research expertise on media change, this book deals with questions like these in a refreshingly straightforward and readable way. ‘Cultures of mediatization’ are described as cultures whose main resources are mediated by technical media. Therefore, everyday life in cultures of mediatization is ‘moulded’ by the media. To understand this challenging media change it is inappropriate to focus on any one single medium like television, the press, mobile phones, the Internet or other forms of digital media. One has to capture the ‘mediatization’ of culture in its entirety. Cultures of Mediatization outlines how this can be done critically. In so doing, it offers a new way of thinking about our present-day media-saturated world.

Digital Spaces of Civic Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 283

Digital Spaces of Civic Communication

This book addresses the socio-technical constitution of civic communication in increasingly digital democracies. Despite problematic phenomena like hate speech in online commenting, it argues that citizens’ potential for resisting technological inscriptions in digital media remains a fundamental democratic right. While producers inscribe anticipations for how people should be discussing political issues into commenting interfaces, citizens still resist these technological inscriptions in their commenting practices. This dialectic interrelation between interfaces and practices highlights the inadequacy of purely technological solutions for undemocratic tendencies in digital media.

The Communicative Construction of Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 236

The Communicative Construction of Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-01-26
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  • Publisher: Springer

Based on a 12-year long project, this book demonstrates the contested character of the communicative construction of Europe. It does so by combining an investigation of journalistic practices with content analysis of print media, an examination of citizens' online interactions and audience studies with European citizens.

Transcultural Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

Transcultural Communication

In Transcultural Communication, Andreas Hepp provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the exciting possibilities and inevitable challenges presented by the proliferation of transcultural communication in our mediatized world. Includes examples of mediatization and transcultural communication from a variety of cultural contexts Covers an array of different types of media, including mass media and digital media Incorporates discussion of transcultural communication in media regulation, media production, media products and platforms, and media appropriation

Greece in Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 481

Greece in Crisis

Since its onset, the Greek crisis has given rise to an abundance of relevant text and talk. This volume offers an insider’s view of the discursive manifestations of the crisis, focusing on discourses in the Greek language and by Greek social actors. The contributions investigate the diverse ways in which the crisis has been communicated to the public by domestic policymakers or debated by elite, non-elite and resistant participants. Crisis discourses are also examined in the light of the rise of neo-nationalism and the extreme Right in both Greece and Cyprus. All contributions seek to meaningfully combine critical discourse and corpus linguistics perspectives for a better understanding of the Greek crisis as a socio-economic episode and as a discourse construct. Discourse-driven quantification and corpus-driven quantification complement each other in the critical examination of textual data as diverse as official government communications, party leader speeches, newspaper articles, public assembly resolutions, song lyrics, social media commentary and terrorist proclamations.

German Crime Dramas from Network Television to Netflix
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 359

German Crime Dramas from Network Television to Netflix

German Crime Dramas from Network Television to Netflix approaches German television crime dramas to uncover the intersections between the genre's media-specific network and post-network formats and how these negotiate with and contribute to concepts of the regional, national, and global. Part I concentrates on the ARD network's long-running flagship series Tatort (Crime Scene 1970-). Because the domestically produced crime drama succeeded in interacting with and competing against dominant U.S. formats during 3 different mediascapes, it offers strategic lessons for post-network television. Situating 9 Tatort episodes in their televisual moment within the Sunday evening flow over 38 years and ...

Hegemonies of Legitimation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 243

Hegemonies of Legitimation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-28
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  • Publisher: Springer

The legitimacy of the European Union is a much studied and highly contested subject. Unlike other works, this book does not engage in another review of the shifts of public opinion and perception regarding the EU. Instead, it offers a different and innovative perspective by focusing on constructions of legitimacy in the European Commission. Starting from the premise that legitimacy is discursively constructed, the book engages in a fine-grained analysis of legitimacy discourses in the European Commission since the early 1970s. Embedded in a poststructuralist theoretical framework, Hegemonies of Legitimation also sheds light on the conditions that made radical shifts of legitimacy discourses possible, and illustrates how these discursive shifts paved the way for different types of legitimation policies. As such, the book maps and reconstructs the historically variable discursive landscape of competing articulations of what legitimacy signifies in the case of the EC/EU, and provides us with a detailed picture of the history of the Commission's struggle for legitimacy.

Leitfaden Freies Lektorat
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 283

Leitfaden Freies Lektorat

Lektorin oder Lektor ist kein Lehrberuf, und doch sind Qualitätsstandards in diesem Arbeitsfeld essenziell. Für Qualität und Fortbildung rund um redigierte Texte steht seit dem Jahr 2000 der Verband der Freien Lektorinnen und Lektoren (VFLL), der heute über 1.200 Mitglieder aufweist. Und damit einen Brainpool an Expertinnen und Experten, deren gesammeltes Wissen sich in diesem Buch findet. Von der Auftragsakquise über Versicherungen bis hin zum Zahlungseingang wirft der Leitfaden einen Rundumblick auf die Anforderungen der Freiberuflichkeit, beleuchtet den Wandel in der Medienbranche und zeigt neue Wege und Arbeitsfelder auf. Änderungen gegenüber der Vorgängerauflage ergeben sich nic...

Teen TV
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 282

Teen TV

Das Teen TV boomt. Aktuelle Jugendserien auf Streaming-Plattformen sind dafür ein klares Indiz, haben in der deutschsprachigen Medienwissenschaft bislang aber kaum Beachtung gefunden. Dieser Sammelband führt grundlegend in das serielle Teen TV ein und nimmt zentrale Fallbeispiele in den Blick, von 13 Reasons Why bis zu DRUCK, der deutschen Adaption des norwegischen Transmedia-Jugenddramas SKAM. Neben den Inhalten und der Ästhetik der seriellen Jugendnarrationen geht es um ihre Rezeption und um Produktionskontexte.

Die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung in einer digitalisierten Welt
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 434

Die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung in einer digitalisierten Welt

Dorothee Christiane Meinzer geht in ihrer qualitativen Studie der Frage nach, wie sich die kommunikative Konstruktion der Arzt-Patient-Beziehung in einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt vollzieht. Im Zuge mehrtägiger Feldaufenthalte in allgemeinmedizinischen Praxen wurde die Kommunikation am Empfang, in Wartebereichen und in Sprechstunden beobachtet. Zudem wurden Interviews mit Hausärzten und Patienten geführt. Anhand der empirisch gewonnenen Daten zeigt die Autorin, wie die Kommunikation zwischen Ärzten und Patienten über Medien vermittelt, durch Medien gestützt und auf Medien bezogen verläuft. Es wird deutlich, dass Medien die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung nicht gleichförmig prägen. So werden fünf Patiententypen identifiziert, die ihre Beziehung auf je spezifische Weise konstruieren.