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Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L.
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 544

Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L.

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-12-12
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  • Publisher: Springer

With more than 500 species distributed all around the Northern Hemisphere, the genus Quercus L. is a dominant element of a wide variety of habitats including temperate, tropical, subtropical and mediterranean forests and woodlands. As the fossil record reflects, oaks were usual from the Oligocene onwards, showing the high ability of the genus to colonize new and different habitats. Such diversity and ecological amplitude makes genus Quercus an excellent framework for comparative ecophysiological studies, allowing the analysis of many mechanisms that are found in different oaks at different level (leaf or stem). The combination of several morphological and physiological attributes defines the existence of different functional types within the genus, which are characteristic of specific phytoclimates. From a landscape perspective, oak forests and woodlands are threatened by many factors that can compromise their future: a limited regeneration, massive decline processes, mostly triggered by adverse climatic events or the competence with other broad-leaved trees and conifer species. The knowledge of all these facts can allow for a better management of the oak forests in the future.

Cat‡logo flor’stico de Navarra
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

Cat‡logo flor’stico de Navarra

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-11-30
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

Primera obra moderna sobre las plantas vasculares de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. NO ES UNA GUÍA FOTOGRÁFICA Viene estructurado por orden alfabético de familias. Se enumeran un total de 3073 taxones, de los que 2796 se son propios de la flora navarra actual. De cada uno se da su estatus de presencia; origen y ecología; hábitats de importancia comunitaria en los que se puede encontrar -cuando se trata de un taxon característico-; distribución general, en comarcas geográficas y biogeográficas (regiones Alpina, Atlántica y Mediterránea), en este último caso asignando un índice de frecuencia/abundancia; estatus legal de conservación cuando existe; observaciones de índole taxonómica o nomenclatural, errores de citas, localidades relevantes, presencia en el Catálogo español de especies exóticas invasoras, etc. Tiene un capítulo sintético sobre diversos aspectos de la flora navarra, sus grupos corológicos, endemismos, grado de abundancia/rareza por sectores corológicos y las plantas protegidas o catalogadas.

Genomics and Breeding for Climate-Resilient Crops
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 556

Genomics and Breeding for Climate-Resilient Crops

Climate change is expected to have a drastic impact on agronomic conditions including temperature, precipitation, soil nutrients, and the incidence of disease pests, to name a few. To face this looming threat, significant progress in developing new breeding strategies has been made over the last few decades. The first volume of Genomics and Breeding for Climate-Resilient Crops presents the basic concepts and strategies for developing climate-resilient crop varieties. Topics covered include: conservation, evaluation and utilization of biodiversity; identification of traits, genes and crops of the future; genomic and molecular tools; genetic engineering; participatory and evolutionary breeding; bioinformatics tools to support breeding; funding and networking support; and intellectual property, regulatory issues, social and political dimensions. ​

Osmolytes and Plants Acclimation to Changing Environment: Emerging Omics Technologies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 178

Osmolytes and Plants Acclimation to Changing Environment: Emerging Omics Technologies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-12-16
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  • Publisher: Springer

The continual change in climatic conditions induces a series of adaptations in plants to suit the unfavorable conditions for sustainable agriculture. For sustainable agriculture, it is important to unravel the precise mechanism(s) that disturb the homeostatic equilibrium at cellular and molecular level and also to enhance understanding to build strategies for the tolerance of plants. Osmolytes have long been identified as pivotal abiotic stress busters because of their role in plants in overcoming extremely harsh environmental conditions. This edited compilation attempts to put forth the scattered knowledge on osmolytes and their role in abiotic stress tolerance together and disseminate as a package to deal with the problems of lower productivity under stressful environment. It will enhance the understanding on osmolytes function and bioengineering of plants for abiotic stress tolerance. The book covers very interesting topics dealing with various osmolytes and the mechanistic approach for abiotic stress tolerance to pave the path of agricultural scientists, breeders for developing high yielding sustainable transgenic crops.

The Leaf: A Platform for Performing Photosynthesis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 609

The Leaf: A Platform for Performing Photosynthesis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-10-24
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  • Publisher: Springer

The leaf is an organ optimized for capturing sunlight and safely using that energy through the process of photosynthesis to drive the productivity of the plant and, through the position of plants as primary producers, that of Earth’s biosphere. It is an exquisite organ composed of multiple tissues, each with unique functions, working synergistically to: (1) deliver water, nutrients, signals, and sometimes energy-rich carbon compounds throughout the leaf (xylem); (2) deliver energy-rich carbon molecules and signals within the leaf during its development and then from the leaf to the plant once the leaf has matured (phloem); (3) regulate exchange of gasses between the leaf and the atmosphere...

Plant Functional Diversity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 255

Plant Functional Diversity

Biological diversity, the variety of living organisms on Earth, is traditionally viewed as the diversity of taxa, and species in particular. However, other facets of diversity also need to be considered for a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary and ecological processes. This novel book demonstrates the advantages of adopting a functional approach to diversity in order to improve our understanding of the functioning of ecological systems and theircomponents. The focus is on plants, which are major components of these systems, and for which the functional approach has led to major scientific advances over the last 20 years. PlantFunctional Diversity presents the rationale for a trait-b...

New Research on Forest Ecology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 274

New Research on Forest Ecology

Forest ecology includes within its scope the components and functions of forest ecosystems -- a community of organisms interacting with each other and with their physical environment. Forest ecosystems, which consist of bacteria, plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, soil, water and air, differ from other ecosystems in that they are dominated by trees and other woody vegetation. Each of these components plays an important role in the function and health of the forest. This book presents important new research in the field.

Conflicts Between Biodiversity Conservation and Humans
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 201

Conflicts Between Biodiversity Conservation and Humans

This book takes readers on a journey through the history of water in the Coahuila desert. It starts by describing the beauty and mysteries of the landscape, and then explores the rock art of the original desert cultures in Coahuila, offering readers a glimpse of the sacred nature of water in the desert, as well as the rituals surrounding it. Moving on to the colonial times and the post- independence development of the region, it discusses early water management, and explores how water is managed in modern times, as well as the legal complications of the law, and how these faulty laws, designed for less arid regions, have affected a highly diverse wetland, the Cuatro Ciénegas oasis. The book then examines the biological consequences of the water loss for the aquatic plants and animals in Churince – a now extinct system within Cuatro Ciénegas. Further, it addresses how even bacteria can become extinct in this hyper-diverse microbial oasis. Lastly, after this despair and sense of loss, the book provides hope, offering suggestions for how we can transform the future, from a social and educational point of view as well as through good science and changes in policy.

Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains

The mountains of the Mediterranean world are now largely ice free, but many were repeatedly glaciated during the Quaternary ice age. This created spectacular glaciated landscapes with a rich array of glacial deposits and landforms. The glacial and glacio-fluvial records are often very well preserved and our understanding of the timing of Quaternary glaciation has very recently been transformed through the application of dating methods utilizing uranium-series and cosmogenic isotopes. Glacial records from the Mediterranean now boast some of the most robust chronologies for mountain glaciation anywhere in the world – they represent a unique archive of Quaternary environmental change of global significance. The southerly latitude and relatively small size of Mediterranean glaciers rendered them especially sensitive to Pleistocene and Holocene climate changes. This volume brings together the leading researchers and the latest research on Mediterranean glaciation. Several papers also explore glacier behaviour in the Holocene – including those glaciers of southernmost Europe at risk of disappearing this century.

Warm-Temperate Deciduous Forests around the Northern Hemisphere
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

Warm-Temperate Deciduous Forests around the Northern Hemisphere

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-12-29
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  • Publisher: Springer

Warm-temperate deciduous forests are "southern", mainly oak-dominated deciduous forests, as found over the warmer southern parts of the temperate deciduous forest regions of East Asia, Europe and eastern North America. Climatic analysis has shown that these forests extend from typical temperate climates to well into the warm-temperate zone, in areas where winters are a bit too cold for the ‘zonal’ evergreen broad-leaved forests normally expected in that climatic zone. This book is the first to recognize and describe these southern deciduous forests as an alternative to the evergreen forests of the warm-temperate zone. This warm-temperate zone will become more important under global warming, since it represents the contested transition between deciduous and evergreen forests and between tropical and temperate floristic elements. This book is dedicated to the memory of Tatsuō Kira, the imaginative Japanese ecologist who first noticed and described this general zonation exception and who proposed the name warm-temperate deciduous forest.