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This book explores the multiple ways in which doctoral programs are traversed by students, supervisors and administrators. Rather than proposing a single, homogeneous approach as the most effective form of doctoral education, the editors and contributors focus on the diversity of global approaches to the doctorate, including doctoral experiences from Australia, Finland, Chile, New Zealand and Spain. The doctorate emerges from this analysis as a highly complex, heterogeneous and situated phenomenon that resists easy solutions. Strategies that are successful in traversing the doctorate are found to be grounded in contexts that cannot necessarily be generalised to other situations: in doing so, the authors emphasise the importance of presenting a diverse array of experiences and stories. The separate and shared perspectives of doctoral students, supervisors and administrations are mapped and analysed in ways that bring their voices compellingly to life: this book will be of interest and value to students and scholars of the doctoral journey, as well as of international and comparative education.
La obra plantea los problemas expresados en el título poniéndolos en relación con los educandos actuales, acostumbrados a medios educativos y comunicativos muy diferentes a los existentes hasta hace dos décadas.
Delta Theory establishes the foundation for a true scientific applied psychology, a theory of how human influence induces change in others. Delta Theory is unified and universal, applying to all cultures, historical periods and goals for change. It integrates concepts and research from psychology, sociology, anthropology, evolution theory, philosophy, psychoneurology, cognitive science and cultural-historical-activity theory. Yet Delta Theory is clear, economical and elegant, with a full exposition of tactics for its practices. Rich examples are drawn from professional practices, but also from the creation and operations of criminals, healing ceremonies of indigenous peoples, and cross-species comparisons. This book ultimately seeks to describe how influence works, how it could be improved and how it can be resisted.
Completing a thesis is a crucial final stage in many bachelor’s and master’s programmes across Europe and beyond. However, the process of thesis writing, how it is experienced by the writers, and how those experiences impact on writing remain underexplored. This book examines the student experience of thesis writing through an interdisciplinary perspective drawing on theories of learning, emotions, and genre and narrative/discursive analysis. As a result of this approach, the thesis is reconceptualised as a multilayered experience from the point of view of student writers. The chapters, which arose out of a collaborative research project across 10 European countries, employ an innovative combination of methods including the use of journey plots to provide a complex picture of the thesis writing process, which will be of interest to readers involved in academic writing at all levels.
La práctica psicopedagógica en educación no formal toma como foco un tipo de prácticas educativas muy diversas, que incluye a educadores con formaciones muy diferentes y procedencias variadas. Este libro es el segundo volumen de nuestra aproximación de la práctica psicopedagógica en la educación. El primer volumen publicado trataba la educación formal y este segundo, la educación no formal.Este libro analiza la actividad educativa para el ocio y la cultura, para la salud y la mejora de la calidad de vida, para la inserción social, para la actualización laboral y para la elaboración de recursos educativos.
With a wide range of international contributors, this book surveys how the main doctoral awarding countries across the globe define criteria for the eligibility of supervisors. It compares and contrasts their approaches, comments upon their robustness, and identifies examples of good practice. The quality of supervision has been shown to be a major factor in determining the learning experiences of doctoral scholars and their chances of success. However, relatively little is known about the ways in which doctoral supervisors are selected for their roles, supported to perform them, and recognised for their efforts. This book looks at these matters in 21 major doctoral awarding countries, colle...
The 21st century and its many challenges (invasion of digital technology, climate change, health crises, political crises, etc.) alert us that we need new educational responses, led by new education professionals. Research has shown that for these professionals to change in a substantial and profound way, they must change their identity, that is, the way in which they give meaning and meaning to their professional work. This book exposes, based on one of the most current and advanced theories for analyzing identity change -the theory of the dialogical self-, what changes should take place and how to promote them in eleven fundamental professional profiles in current education (teachers of student-teachers, primary & secondary teachers, inclusive teachers, inquiring teachers, mentors, school principals, university teachers, academic advisors, technologic/hybrid teachers, Learning specialists & educational researchers).
El llibre recull les aportacions dels grups de recerca de la xarxa LLERA sobre l'Educació Lingüística i Literària en Entorns Plurilingües. Aquesta xarxa reuneix setze equips de recerca procedents de set universitats catalanes que han investigat d ́una manera continuada sobre l ́ensenyament i l ́aprenentatge de les llengües i de la literatura a Catalunya, des de visions compartides i complementàries.
El libro "La práctica psicopedagógica en educación formal" y "La práctica psicopedagógica en educación no formal" son dos volúmenes de la misma obra que tiene la finalidad de ofrecer una visión de conjunto y coherente de la dimensión práctica de la intervención psicopedagógica, prestando atención a los factores, las variables y las condiciones que la caracterizan. Esta obra se dirige especialmente a los estudiantes del Practicum de Psicopedagogía, así como también a los profesionales de la intervención psicopedagógica. Al mismo tiempo, también puede ser de gran interés y utilidad para todos aquellos estudiantes y profesionales cuya actividad esté relacionada con la consecución del incremento de la calidad educativa de los contextos educativos mediante la intervención psicopedagógica.