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Blackman draws on original material and the work of many earlier researchers to paint a verbal picture of the evolution of a remarkable city. In an easy-to-read style, he highlights some of the conditions, key events, and individuals that have led to the development of Australia’s Gold Coast. The story of the City of Gold Coast is more than just any story. It describes the growth of Australia’s sixth-largest city, the nation’s most populous city that is not a state capital. A city of more than 600,000, it has grown at a rate of four per cent yearly since the 1950s. It sustains a growth rate well ahead of its infrastructure and its economy’s capacity to provide full-time employment to the many new arrivals. A city heavily reliant on tourism and construction, it is regularly subjected to the boom and bust of a fickle world economy. But it continues to expand and evolve. And, like so many coastal towns worldwide, this Gold Coast may soon be threatened by the tides. This book is essential for students, researchers, anyone interested in industry and urban development and those seeking to understand the city where they live, work, and play.
British Malta, 1798–1835 explores the incorporation and early administration of Malta as a British protectorate, and later as a Crown colony. Few connections existed between Great Britain and Malta before 1798, but Napoleon’s Mediterranean ambitions forged a link that remained even after the expulsion of the French. Malta’s incorporation into the British Empire encountered numerous and varied challenges: a deadly plague, diplomatic rows, economic rebuilding, continual food supply obstacles, and the unique challenge of governing a long-subjugated population. The Maltese people spent the previous 228 years ruled by an anachronistic crusading order that they were barred from joining. Whil...
This book examines the processes of scientific, cultural, political, technical, colonial and violent appropriation during the 19th century. The 19th century was the century of world travel. The earth was explored, surveyed, described, illustrated, and categorized. Travelogues became world bestsellers. Modern technology accompanied the travelers and adventurers: clocks, a postal and telegraph system, surveying equipment, and cameras. The world grew together faster and faster. Previously unknown places became better known: the highest peaks, the coldest spots, the hottest deserts, and the most remote cities. Knowledge about the white spots of the earth was systematically collected. Those who m...
This book is the first overall survey of the British West Indian press in the early nineteenth century—a critical period in the history of the region. Based on extensive and ground-breaking archival research, this volume provides an in-depth history of early nineteenth-century British West Indian newspapers and potted biographies of the journalists who produced them. The author examines the economics underpinning newspapers, and a political spectrum, unique to the West Indian press, is also posited. Towards one end sat a small group of ‘liberal’ newspapers that outraged white colonists by arguing for civil and political rights to be extended to so-called free coloureds and for the abol...
This book is about the grassroots community revitalization movement in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Lyon, France, between 1980 and 2010, an extension of the post-WWII civil rights campaign that is rarely considered. It tells the story of residents' attempts to improve their communities through social capital or people power. In positive ways, citizens created vibrant, attractive neighborhoods. But their actions also generated unintended consequences, such as high real estate prices and minority displacement that threatened to unravel their hard work. Communities of Resistance and Resilience is an ethnographic survey that relies on oral histories, archival research, on-the-ground site survey...
This book analyzes how new technologies transformed life and thought between two periods, 1880-1920 and 1980-2020, with a focus on temporal experiences of past, present, future and the spatial experiences of form, distance, and direction. The signature contrast is between experiences of time and space transformed by the telephone in the earlier period and the Internet in the later period along with other sharp contrasts: the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 and the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11, World War I and the Gulf Wars, gravity bombs and smart bombs, the pandemics of 1918 and 2020, assembly lines and flexible production, Farmer’s Almanacs and computer-based weather predict...
The late antique and the early medieval periods witnessed the flourishing of bishops in the West as the main articulators of social life. This influential position exposed them to several threats, both political and religious. Researchers have generally addressed violence, rebellions or conflicts to study the dynamics related to secular powers during these periods. They haven’t paid similar attention, however, to those analogous contexts that had bishops as protagonists. This book proposes an approach to bishops as threatened subjects in the late antique and early medieval West. In particular, the volume pursues three main goals. Firstly, it aims to identify the different types of threats ...
Els conceptes que serveixen per titular el llibre —didàctica, història, cooperació i justícia social— reflecteixen la trajectòria del doctor Antoni Gavaldà, en què el compromís per una societat millor va lligat a l’exigència en l’estudi històric i en l’àmbit educatiu. En cadascun dels tres apartats de l’obra (Història, Didàctica de les Ciències Socials i Ciutadà Gavaldà) hi ha un primer capítol dedicat a presentar una síntesi de les seves aportacions, seguit d’altres textos sobre qüestions més específiques que a ell li han interessat.
En aquesta publicació trobareu un seguit de capítols elaborats per professorat de la nostra universitat que reflexionen sobre la presència de les dones a la universitat i l’impacte d’aquesta participació en el coneixement científic generat. Cada capítol està concebut des de la disciplina de coneixement de la seva autora o autor però comparteixen una anàlisi: És necessari eliminar les barreres que dificulten una major participació de les dones en la producció de coneixement i cal, també, assegurar-nos que el coneixement que produïm és sensible a la perspectiva de gènere. Aquest llibre mostra que, per assolir la igualtat entre dones i homes, ens queda per endavant molta feina, però que també són moltes les fites assolides. L’accés de les dones a la universitat és una d’elles.
En aquesta obra, un conjunt d'estudis s'aproxima al món antic a partir de l'estudi dels harems, la prostitució, el suïcidi i la violència de gènere. Des del tractament de figures de gran relleu com Helena de Troia, l'emperadora de Bizanci Teodora, la criptògrafa Assumpta Baldrich, l'escriptora Doris Lessing i l'antropòloga Margaret Mead, ens endinsem en el lideratge, l'aportació, les estratègies de resistència i el món de dones notables. L'univers de les dones també s'aborda des del debat sobre narratives biogràfiques en clau de gènere, la salut femenina i l'educació, el món de les criades a Catalunya al segle XX i de les dones migrades en clau cinematogràfica. Altres articles se centren en el segle XXI nacionals en clau de gènere. Aquest conjunt d’articles en tribut a la professora Liz Russell l'acompanyaran en aquesta etapa de la seva trajectòria i en l'avanç dels estudis de gènere.