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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 116


Did you drink a glass of matter today? Do you carry your matter to school with you? What kind of matter do you like on your pizza? You probably don't think twice about the items you use on a regular basis, but all the stuff in the universe - from a tiny speck of dust on the floor to the stars far, far away in our galaxy - is made of matter. Well-known science writers Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn explain what is inside matter, how it forms different states, how it is defined with the elements of the modern periodic table, and how chemical reactions take place. The authors also reveal current research on matter, showing how scientists are finding ways to use substances - even garbage - to create brand new resources and substitutes for items with limited supplies.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 138


Without chemistry, bread would not rise, cleaners would not clean, and life itself would not exist. Chemistry is the study of matter and the chemical changes that matter undergoes. The discovery of the atom and how atoms interact with one another has transformed the world. In this illuminating volume, readers learn about the history of chemistry and the concepts they might encounter in an introductory chemistry course, including chemical and volumetric analysis, atomic theory, gravitation, elements and the periodic table, chemical reactions and formulas, and organic and inorganic compounds and bonds. Sidebars highlight key chemists and scientific principles.

영어고전035 레프 톨스토이의 전쟁과 평화(English Classics035 War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2688

영어고전035 레프 톨스토이의 전쟁과 평화(English Classics035 War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy)

전쟁과 평화(Война и мир, War and Peace)(1869) : 당대 최고의 육군, 프랑스군을 지휘한 나폴레옹 보나파르트(Napoléon Bonaparte)! 톨스토이를 작가에서 대문호로 격상시킨 최초의 작품 전쟁과 평화(Война и мир, War and Peace)(1869)는 나폴레옹이 참전한 체코 동부의 아우스터리츠 전투(Bitva u Slavkova)(1805)와 러시아 원정(French invasion of Russia)(1812)를 배경으로 수많은 인간군상이 어우러지는 대작입니다. 톨스토이는 스스로가 숱한 전쟁에 참전한 군경험자이지만, 보다 실감나는 묘사를 위해 전투가 벌어진 격전지를 직접 답사하고, 참전 군...

The Basics of Atoms and Molecules
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 98

The Basics of Atoms and Molecules

Discusses the basic concepts of atoms and molecules.

The Chemistry of Alchemy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

The Chemistry of Alchemy

A unique approach to the history of science using do-it-yourself experiments along with brief historical profiles to demonstrate how the ancient alchemists stumbled upon the science of chemistry. Be the alchemist! Explore the legend of alchemy with the science of chemistry. Enjoy over twenty hands-on demonstrations of alchemical reactions. In this exploration of the ancient art of alchemy, three veteran chemists show that the alchemists' quest involved real science and they recount fascinating stories of the sages who performed these strange experiments. Why waste more words on this weird deviation in the evolution of chemistry? As the authors show, the writings of medieval alchemists may se...

Acids and Bases
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 131

Acids and Bases

Learn about acids and bases, chemical components of the natural world that play key roles in medicine and industry.

Creations of Fire
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 475

Creations of Fire

he history of chemistry is a story of human endeavor-and as er T ratic as human nature itself. Progress has been made in fits and starts, and it has come from all parts of the globe. Because the scope of this history is considerable (some 100,000 years), it is necessary to impose some order, and we have organized the text around three dis cemible-albeit gross--divisions of time: Part 1 (Chaps. 1-7) covers 100,000 BeE (Before Common Era) to the late 1700s and presents the background of the Chemical Revolution; Part 2 (Chaps. 8-14) covers the late 1700s to World War land presents the Chemical Revolution and its consequences; Part 3 (Chaps. 15-20) covers World War I to 1950 and presents the Qua...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 113


Most of the elements found in the periodic table are classified as metals. Common characteristics that help us identify metals include conductivity, reactivity, and their ability to be pounded into sheets and stretched into wires. Metals are found everywh

영어고전1,064 러디어드 키플링의 인력거 유령과 다른 유령 이야기들 1888(English Classics1,064 The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Ghost Stories by Rudyard Kipling)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 960

영어고전1,064 러디어드 키플링의 인력거 유령과 다른 유령 이야기들 1888(English Classics1,064 The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Ghost Stories by Rudyard Kipling)

▶ 영어고전1,064 러디어드 키플링의 인력거 유령과 다른 유령 이야기들 1888(English Classics1,064 The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Ghost Stories by Rudyard Kipling)은 19세기 영국의 소설가 겸 시인 러디어드 키플링(Rudyard Kipling, 1865~1936)의 단편 소설 모음집(The Collection of Short Stories)입니다. 인도 철도 도서관 시리즈(Indian Railway Library Series) 제5호(No. 5) 인력거 유령과 다른 유령 이야기들(The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and Other Ghost Stories by Rudyard Kipling)로 최초로 출간되었습니다. 표제작 인력거 유령(The Phantom ‘Rickshaw)부터 “세상에서 가장 멋진 이야기”(“The Finest St...

Literatures of Alchemy in Medieval and Early Modern England
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

Literatures of Alchemy in Medieval and Early Modern England

Explores the myriad ways in which alchemy was conceptualised by adepts and sceptics alike, from those with recourse to a fully functioning laboratory to those who did not know their pelican from their athanor!