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Menjelajah dalam dunia pendidikan, setiap langkah yang diambil dan setiap helaian kata yang tertoreh memiliki arti dan makna yang mendalam. Sebuah perjalanan panjang di perantauan terbentang di hadapan kita, di Kota Malang, diwarnai oleh keberanian untuk menggali wawasan dan merangkai pemikiran dalam kerangka yang lebih luas. Di tengah persimpangan antara perspektif global dan kemajuan teknologi di Indonesia, kami penulis, mahasiswa S3 Bimbingan dan Konseling yang berkomitmen, dengan rendah hati dan berani menyuguhkan bookchapter ini, dengan judul "Wawasan Pendidikan: Dalam Perspektif Global dan Kemajuan Teknologi Indonesia". Karya Bookchapter ini adalah buah kolaborasi dari semangat kebersamaan yang mengilhami setiap langkah kami. Dari berbagai daerah dan instansi berkumpul, menghasilkan kekuatan yang lebih besar daripada jumlah individu yang terlibat. Dalam setiap tinta yang tergores dan setiap kata yang terucap, terdapat cerita perjuangan dan tekad yang membentuk landasan pilar bagi Bookchapter ini.
Bimbingan konseling pertama kali muncul di Amerika Serikat, dengan Frank Parson sebagai pelopor utamanya. Dia memimpin "gerakan bimbingan" yang bertujuan untuk membantu para veteram perang yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan. Frank Person berupaya memberikan bimbingan karier untuk memastikan para veteran bisa tetap bekerja, apapun kondisi mereka. Seiring waktu, gerakan ini berkembang dari bimbingan vokasional ke bidang lain dan akhirnya menjadi bagian dari pendidikan formal. Bimbingan dan konseling telah berkembang seiring dengan perubahan dalam pemahaman pendidikan dan masyarakat tentang psikologi. Perubahan ini mencerminkan evolusi konsep dari tradisi filosofis ke praktik profesional yang terstandarisasi, memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan individu dalam berbagai konteks dan budaya.
This study discusses the process of military reform in Indonesia after the fall of Suharto?s New Order regime in 1998. The extent of Indonesia?s progress in this area has been the subject of heated debate, both in Indonesia and in Western capitals. Human rights organizations and critical academics, on the one hand, have argued that the reforms implemented so far have been largely superficial, and that Indonesia?s armed forces remain a highly problematic institution. Foreign proponents of military assistance to Indonesia, on the other hand, have asserted that the military has undergone radical change, as evidenced by its complete extraction from political institutions. This study evaluates th...
This book explores the evolving political culture in Indonesia, by discussing the country's dominant political philosophies, then showing how those philosophies affect the working lives of ordinary Indonesian citizens. It focuses in particular on the working lives of news journalists, a group that occupies a strategic social and political position.
This book focuses on constitutional reform in Indonesia (1999-2002) from the perspective of shari'a. The study reveals one possible picture of how Islam and constitutionalism can co-exist in the same vision, not without risk of tension, but with the possibility of success.
The essays in this collection were first presented at an October 1991 conference on comparative constitutionalism under the auspices of the Jacob Burns Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, and the Cardozo-New School Project on Constitutionalism. Essays are organized in sections on the rebirth of constitutionalism, the legitimation of constitution making, the identity of the constitutional subject, the struggle between identity and difference, and the role of property rights. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
An examination of how the constitutional frameworks for autonomies around the world really work.
Providing the basis for critical engagement with the pessimism of the contemporary age, The Degradation of the International Legal Order? argues passionately for a rehabilitation of the honour of historic events and processes, and of their role in generating legal concepts. Drawing primarily from the Marxian tradition, but also engaging with a range of contemporary work in critical theory and critical legal and human rights scholarship, this book analyses historical and recent international events and processes in order to challenge their orthodox interpretation. What is thus proposed is a new evaluation of international legal principles and human rights norms, the revolutionary content of which, it is argued, turns them from mere rhetoric into powerful weapons of struggle. Accessibly written, but theoretically sophisticated, this original and timely book is intended for critical teachers and students of international law, human rights, and international relations, as well as legal and political activists.
The dissertation aims at reducing this gap in the literature on Islamic cultures, and provides its readers with ways of approaching and understanding Ramadan - and various different Islamic phenomena - in Indonesia and in other parts of the Muslim world. It is argued that we preferably may approach Islam from three different angles, that is, to discuss it from the normative, the written, and the lived perspectives respectively. In this study, thorough attention is thus directed not only to the classical and normative Islamic texts and the lived reality in Java, but also to the popular and contemporary Indonesian literature on Ramadan.
Perhelatan pemilu presiden dan wakil presiden di Indonesia telah usai beberapa bulan lalu dan akhirnya melahirkan sosok presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Sedangkan perhelatan serupa di lingkungan Pengurus Wilayah Nahdlatul Ulama Jawa Timur yang digelar pada 3 Agustus 2024 bertempat di Ponpes Tebuireng Jombang juga telah memperoleh pemimpin baru, dimana Rais Syuriah diisi oleh KH Anwar Manshur dan Ketua Tanfidziyah KH. Abdul Hakim Mahfudz (Gus Kikin). Di era kepemimpinan yang baru ini, tentunya banyak tantangan yang akan dihadapi, dan menjalankan sesuai amanah yang diembannya. Tentunya sebagai warga nahdliyin, semua berharap dan berdoa, semoga a...