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Today, individuals and societies of the digital age are no longer constrained by conventional contexts, narratives, settings, and status; they are surrounded and guided by digital tools and applications leading to a digital revolution. That digital revolution changed the individual along with living styles and cultural and social relations among people. Moreover, these revolutionary changes and the increasing capabilities of smart devices have brought today's people a new kind of public sphere with questionable freedoms but also restraints in its digital dimensions. Now, it is possible to talk about the digital dimension and equivalence of all the concepts that are both individually and soci...
International advertising is an important discipline in social sciences studies and though many books and articles have been published surrounding international advertising, only a few of them contain information about the advertising industry related to specific international countries and regions. Additional consideration on how advertising is utilized across the world is vital to understand the current best practices, challenges, and opportunities in the marketing field. The Handbook of Research on Global Perspectives on International Advertising considers various perspectives on international advertising through global and local lenses and discusses strategies and tactics of advertising across the globe. Covering topics such as branding, political advertising, cultural features, and tourism advertising, this reference work is ideal for industry professionals, academicians, practitioners, researchers, scholars, instructors, and students.
Dijitalleşme hayatın neredeyse tüm alanlarını kapsarken, insanın deneyimini ve deneyim alanlarını açıkça etki altına alırken toplumu ve toplumsal süreçleri de daha öncesinde hiç olmadığı kadar yeniden şekillendirmektedir. Dijital teknolojiler yaşamın ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak sosyalleşme, alışveriş yapma, enformasyona ulaşma, bilgi sahibi olma, eğlenme ve eğitim alma gibi birçok süreci kapsamaktadır. Zaman içerisinde dijital teknolojilere büyük bir övgüyle ve olumlu bir perspektifle yaklaşan bakış açılarının sayısı artarken, bu teknolojileri eleştirmek, konumlarını tartışmaya açmak ve olumsuz sonuçlarını göstermek makul karşılan...
Marmara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Halkla ilişkiler Anabilim Dalı Kişilerarası İletişim Öğretim Üyeleri, doktora ve tezli yüksek lisans öğrencileri ve diğer üniversitelerden bilim insanlarının katkıları ile hazırlanmış bu eser, artık 21. yüzyıla damgasını vurmuş olan iletişim çalışmaları içinde önemli bir yer kaplayan kişilerarası iletişim ile ilgili temel kavram ve yaklaşımları ele almaktadır. Multidisipliner çalışma alanı olması vesilesiyle kişilerarası iletişim, toplum içinde yalnızlaşan insanın gündelik ve sosyal olaylarına eleştirel bir gözle bakarken, disiplinlerarası yapısı ile sorunlara çözüm arar. Bu doğrultuda...
Lesen- und Schreibenlernen ist endlich wieder Thema geworden. Aufgrund seiner Bedeutung für die individuelle psychische Entwicklung, den Bildungserfolg und die Lebensplanung von Menschen sowie seiner gesellschaftlichen Relevanz wird es derzeit auch öffentlich intensiv diskutiert. Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung belegen die fundamentale Bedeutung des Schrifterwerbs auch für die kognitive Entwicklung. Sprachliches Lernen als kognitives Lernen wird dann unterstützt, wenn die Schrift - und damit auch die Sprache - von Kindern als systematisch und regelhaft wahrgenommen werden kann. Der Unterricht hat daher die Aufgabe, ihnen dieses von Beginn an zu ermöglichen. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes stellen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln die Notwendigkeit und die Möglichkeit einer systematischen Hinführung an die Schrift heraus und weisen auf Konsequenzen einer Schrifterwerbsdidaktik, die auf die Darstellung der Regelhaftigkeit von Schrift und Sprache abzielt, sowohl für die unterrichtliche als auch die außerunterrichtliche Diagnostik, vor allem für die Konzeptbildung des Unterrichts hin. Entsprechende praktische Beispiele beenden den Band.
Blogs, networking sites, and other examples of the social web provide businesses with a largely untapped marketing channel for products and services. But how do you take advantage of them? With The New Community Rules, you'll understand how social web technologies work, and learn the most practical and effective ways to reach people who frequent these sites. Written by an expert in social media and viral marketing, this book cuts through the hype and jargon to give you intelligent advice and strategies for positioning your business on the social web, with case studies that show how other companies have used this approach. The New Community Rules will help you: Explore blogging and microblogg...
This volume explores the economies of countries in Asia, as well as the former Soviet socialist bloc countries of Central Asia and the Balkans. It analyses the region from the perspective of globalization and regional economic integration, economic growth and sustainable development, international trade and finance, money market and banking systems, labor market and external migration, energy and agricultural sectors. This book will appeal to anyone who is interested in economies of this region, their transition process towards a market economy regime, and their integration in the global world, including academicians from any field of social sciences, as well as decision makers, politicians, businessmen and journalists.
This publication focuses on quality issues in early childhood education and care: it aims to define quality and outlines five policy levers that can enhance it.