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Buku Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan ini hadir sebagai panduan komprehensif dalam memahami, menginternalisasi, dan mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai Pancasila serta prinsip kewarganegaraan di era digital. Melalui pembahasan yang sistematis, buku ini menguraikan hakikat Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, sejarah serta perumusan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara, hingga implementasinya dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Selain itu, buku ini juga menyoroti dinamika perubahan konstitusi, prinsip negara hukum, serta sistem pemerintahan Indonesia dalam perspektif demokrasi. Di samping aspek hukum dan pemerintahan, buku ini juga membahas isu-isu krusial seperti hak asasi manusia, k...
Now in its third edition, this title teaches an often intimidating and difficult subject in a way that is informative, personable, and clear.
"This is a book about what the science of perception can tell us about visualization. There is a gold mine of information about how we see to be found in more than a century of work by vision researchers. The purpose of this book is to extract from that large body of research literature those design principles that apply to displaying information effectively"--
Buku ini mengkaji sebuah konsep berpikir tentang kependidikan yang berlandaskan ajaran agama Islam: filsafat pendidikan Islam. Sebagaimana kita tahu, mempelajari filsafat pendidikan Islam berarti memasuki sebuah konsep pemikiran yang mendasar, sistematik, logis, dan universal tentang pendidikan yang berlandaskan ajaran agama Islam yang tertuang dalam Alquran dan hadis. Pembahasan dalam buku ini meliputi: Konsep Dasar Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, Hakikat Manusia Dalam Pendidikan Islam Konsep Filosofis Pendidikan Islam, Landasan Pendidikan Islam, Komponen Pendidikan Islam, Materi Pendidikan Islam , Lingkungan Pendidikan Islam, Konsep Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Imam Al-Ghazali, Konsep Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Ibnu Khaldun, Etika Keilmuan Persfektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam.
STATISTICAL METHODS FOR PSYCHOLOGY, 8E, International Edition surveys the statistical techniques commonly used in the behavioral and social sciences, particularly psychology and education. To help students gain a better understanding of the specific statistical hypothesis tests that are covered throughout the text, author David Howell emphasizes conceptual understanding. This Eighth Edition continues to focus students on two key themes that are the cornerstones of this book's success: the importance of looking at the data before beginning a hypothesis test, and the importance of knowing the relationship between the statistical test in use and the theoretical questions being asked by the experiment. New and expanded topics—reflecting the evolving realm of statistical methods—include effect size, meta-analysis, and treatment of missing data.
Updated to reflect the new features of Stata 11, A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Third Edition continues to help new Stata users become proficient in Stata. After reading this introductory text, you will be able to enter, build, and manage a data set as well as perform fundamental statistical analyses. New to the Third Edition A new chapter on the analysis of missing data and the use of multiple-imputation methods Extensive revision of the chapter on ANOVA Additional material on the application of power analysis The book covers data management; good work habits, including the use of basic do-files; basic exploratory statistics, including graphical displays; and analyses using the standard array of basic statistical tools, such as correlation, linear and logistic regression, and parametric and nonparametric tests of location and dispersion. Rather than splitting these topics by their Stata implementation, the material on graphics and postestimation are woven into the text in a natural fashion. The author teaches Stata commands by using the menus and dialog boxes while still stressing the value of do-files. Each chapter includes exercises and real data sets are used throughout.
This book contains suggestions for and reflections on the teaching, learning and assessing of mathematical modelling and applications in a rapidly changing world, including teaching and learning environments. It addresses all levels of education from universities and technical colleges to secondary and primary schools. Sponsored by the International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA), it reflects recent ideas and methods contributed by specialists from 30 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. Inspired by contributions to the Fourteenth Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA14) in Hamburg, 200...
"This book focuses on the practical aspects of modern and robust statistical methods. The increased accuracy and power of modern methods, versus conventional approaches to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression, is remarkable. Through a combination of theoretical developments, improved and more flexible statistical methods, and the power of the computer, it is now possible to address problems with standard methods that seemed insurmountable only a few years ago"--
This reference guide provides an overview of the purposes and uses of curriculum-based measurement (CBM), a standardized approach to assessing student performance in order to inform educational and instructional decision making. This guide is designed for teachers, administrators, and other educators who are considering using CBM, want an introduction to CBM, or need a quick and easy reference. It is also useful for educators to use with parents and students as an introduction to CBM. Written by two of the authors of the national bestseller, The ABCs of CBM: A Practical Guide to Curriculum-Based Measurement.
This Handbook is a much needed international reference work, written by leading writers in the field of global citizenship and education. It is based on the most recent research and practice from across the world, with the 'Geographically-Based Overviews' section providing summaries of global citizenship and education provided for Southern Africa, Australasia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, Latin America, and East and South East Asia. The Handbook discusses, in the 'Key Ideologies' section, the philosophies that influence the meaning of global citizenship and education, including neo-liberalism and global capitalism; nationalism and internationalism; and issues of post-colonialism, ...