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'The important point here is that though these stories do not necessarily have to be true beyond doubt, their existence and survival up to this day is interesting in itself. For, they bring out the very thing the different cultural environments of our scholars have, willingly or not, tried to suppress and conceal namely, that spirit of freedom and openness (of democracy, if you like) that was enjoyed by the Muslims of the first generation.' Testimonials: "An in-depth and outstanding survey of the history of Islamic Law and Its implementation in past and present Muslim societies, especially in regard to women and Muslim political thought. Abbas’ reflections challenge traditional interpretations and open up for renewal and change in the context of our present time." (Aminah Tonnsen, author and lecturer, Copenhagen.) "This book removes the mystique often considered part of Islamic law as described by most scholars. This book makes the Sharia friendly to the common person." (Hadayai Majeed, Women’s Rights Advocate, Conley GA.)
The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thoughtreflects the variety of trends, voices, and opinions in thecontemporary Muslim intellectual scene. Challenges Western misconceptions about the modern Muslim worldin general and the Arab world in particular. Consists of 36 important essays written by contemporary Muslimthinkers and scholars. Covers issues such as Islamic tradition, modernity,globalization, feminism, the West, the USA, reform, andsecularism. Helps readers to situate Islamic intellectual history in thecontext of Western intellectual trends.
"Be ware of European Islam!" This warning I have heard so many times during my stay in the East. But the authors of this warning ignore wittingly or unwittingly the fact that one of Islam’s secrets for survival through history has been its ability to adapt to the conditions of the different peoples and territories it reached. Uniform Islam does not exist; Muslims of Arabia understand it in a way that corresponds to their conditions and mentality, so do Muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Morocco, Sub-Saharan Africa, and so on. Accordingly, Muslims living in the Western hemisphere must have the same right to understand it according to their conditions. To me, that is the universality of Islam.
Originally published in 1985. Beginning with the Qur’an, Abdelwahab Bouhdiba confronts the question of male supremacy in Islam, and the strict separation of the masculine and the feminine. He gives an account of purification practices, of Islamic attitudes towards homosexuality, concubinage, legal marriage and of the sexual taboos laid down by the Qur’an. He assesses present-day sexual practice, including eroticism, misogyny and mysticism and concludes that the sexual alienation – and even oppression – of modern Muslim women is the result not of the Islamic vision of sexuality, but of social and economic pressures.
The book originally a thesis which was submitted to the University of Kashmir for the award of Ph.D degree in Islamic studies in the year 2017 deals with one of the important component of Islamic Social Science namely Islamic historiography. It explores the concept of History in Islam, Qur’anic concept of History and the History-consciousness of the prominent Muslim Historians by highlighting their contributions to History writing. The prominent scholars discussed in this book are: Shibli Numani
Zaman digital yang serba cepat dan terhubung ini membawa tantangan sekaligus peluang besar bagi dunia pendidikan. Transformasi pembelajaran yang terjadi membuka berbagai kemungkinan baru dalam mengoptimalkan potensi anak sejak dini, terutama dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran yang menarik dan interaktif
Memanusiakan Manusia dalam Konteks Kemanusiaan PENULIS: Syukron Jazil AFS Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-281-842-2 Terbit : September 2020 Sinopsis: Buku ini terdiri dari empat bab yang mengajak pembaca bagaimana memahami terhadap dirinya sendiri untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dan menjadi manusia yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, substansi yang terkandung di dalamnya meliputi tiga mata rantai filsafat yaitu ontologi, epistimologi dan aksiologi yang tergambar secara sistematis dan komprehensif. Narasi-narasi di dalamnya meliputi refleksi jiwa dalam konteks kemanusiaan, keyakinan yang perlu diluruskan dan generalisasi aktualisasi sebagai eksekutor knowledge. Tiga sub tersebut substansinya menggambarkan tiga mata rantai filsafat yang pembaca baca saat ini untuk menjadi manusia yang memanusiakan manusia dalam konteks kemanusiaan. Email : WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
Islam ideologis dan Islam kultural merupakan “rumah besar” Islam Indonesia era modern. Di dalam dua rumah itu, ternyata kita menemukan varian “label” yang cukup heterogen: tradisionalis, modernis, neo-modernis, post-tradisionalis, liberal, revivalis-puritan, Islamis, modernis-reformis, dan lain-lain. Namun, di dalam buku ini, kita akan melihat bahwa tipologi tersebut sebenarnya cukup longgar sehingga mudah mencair dan meleleh: satu paham atau satu kelompok dapat tercampur bersama-sama dengan paham atau kelompok lain sehingga memunculkan bentuk-bentuk pemahaman dan tipologi keislaman yang baru. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka berjumpa dalam ruang “sejarah”, yang perjumpaan tak jarang m...